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  • In these verses, the people describe the content of the oath they were making in :en:bible🎶neh:10:28.
  • We promised that we would not give our daughters to the people of the land or take their daughters for our sons - "We made the commitment that we would not allow our daughters and sons to marry the people of the land who do not obey Yahweh"
  • We promised…we would not give…we would not buy…we will let…we will cancel… - The pronoun "we" here includes Nehemiah and the Jewish people, but not the reader of this book. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_exclusive)
  • we will let our fields rest - "we will not plough our fields" or "we will not grow anything in our fields"
  • we will cancel all debts contracted by other Jews - "we will declare that Jewish people will no longer have to pay back what they owe us"