
17 lines
758 B

## translationWords
* [[en:tw:desert]]
* [[en:tw:filled]]
* [[en:tw:holyspirit]]
* [[en:tw:jesus]]
* [[en:tw:jordanriver]]
* [[en:tw:satan]]
* [[en:tw:tempt]]
## translationNotes
* **Then** - This refers to after John baptized Jesus. It could be translated as "Then after Jesus was baptized."
* **was led by the Spirit** - This could be translated in active voice as "the Spirit led him." (See: [[en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive]])
* **was tempted there by the devil** - This could be translated as "was tempted by the devil to disobey God." It is not clear if he was tempted throughout the time, or at the end of the time. This can also be translated in active voice as "the devil tempted him there."
* **he did not eat** - "He" refers to Jesus.