forked from WA-Catalog/en_tn
825 B
825 B
- I have come as a light - Jesus again contrasts himself as the light with the darkness of the world. (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_simile)
- remain in the darkness - "continue in a state of spiritual blindness" (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
- If anyone hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I have come, not to judge the world, but to save the world. - AT: "If anyone hears my teaching and rejects it, I have no need to condemn him. My teaching, which he has rejected, has condemned him. As for me, I have come not to condemn but to save those who believe in me." (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_ellipsis)