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The term "walk" is often used in a figurative sense to mean "live."
- "Enoch walked with God" means that Enoch lived in a close relationship with God.
- To "walk by the Spirit" means to be guided by the Holy Spirit so that we do things that please and honor God.
- To "walk in" God's commands or God's ways means to "live in obedience to" his commands, that is, to "obey his commands" or "do his will."
- When God says he will "walk among" his people, it means that he is living among them or closely interacting with them.
- To "walk contrary to" means to live or behave in a way that is against something or someone.
- To "walk after" means to seek or pursue someone or something. It can also mean to act in the same way as someone else.
Translation Suggestions:
- It is best to translate "walk" literally, as long as the correct meaning will be understood.
- Otherwise, figurative uses of"walk" could also be translated by "live" or "act" or "behave."
- The phrase "walk by the Spirit" could be translated by, "live in obedience to the Holy Spirit" or "behave in a way that is pleasing to the Holy Spirit" or "do things that are pleasing to God as the Holy Spirit guides you."
- To "walk in God's commands" could be translated by "live by God's commands" or "obey God's commands."
- The phrase "walked with God" could be translated as, "lived in close relationship with God by obeying and honoring him."
(See also: holyspirit, honor, [[:en:obe:other:obey])