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# olive #
## Definition: ##
The olive is the small, oval fruit from an olive tree, which is mostly grown in the regions surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
* Olive trees are a type of large evergreen shrub with tiny white flowers. They grow best in hot weather and can survive well with little water.
* The olive tree's fruit starts out green and changes to black as they ripen. Olives were useful for food and for the oil that could be extracted from them.
* Olive oil was used for cooking in lamps and for religious ceremonies.
* In the Bible, olive trees and branches are sometimes used figuratively to refer to people.
(See also: [lamp](../other/lamp.md), [the sea](../other/mediterranean.md), [Mount of Olives](../other/mountofolives.md))
## Bible References: ##
* [1 Chronicles 27:28-29](en/tn/1ch/help/27/28)
* [Deuteronomy 06:10-12](en/tn/deu/help/06/10)
* [Exodus 23:10-11](en/tn/exo/help/23/10)
* [Genesis 08:10-12](en/tn/gen/help/08/10)
* [James 03:11-12](en/tn/jas/help/03/11)
* [Luke 16:5-7](en/tn/luk/help/16/05)
* [Psalms 052:8-9](en/tn/psa/help/52/08)
## Word Data:##
* Strong's: