2.4 KiB
2.4 KiB
The term "king" refers to a man who is the supreme ruler of a city, state, or country.
- A king was usually chosen to rule because of his family relation to previous kings.
- When a king died, it was usually his oldest son who became the next king.
- In ancient times, the king had absolute authority over the people in his kingdom.
- Rarely the term "king" was used to refer to someone who was not a true king, such as "King Herod" in the New Testament.
- In the Bible, God is often referred to as a king who rules over his people.
- The "kingdom of God" refers to God's rule over his people.
- Jesus was called "king of the Jews," "king of Israel," and "king of kings."
- When Jesus comes back, he will rule as king over the world.
- This term could also be translated as "supreme chief" or "absolute leader" or "sovereign ruler."
- The phrase "king of kings" could be translated as "king who rules over all other kings" or "supreme ruler who has authority over all other rulers."
(See also: authority, Herod Antipas, kingdom, kingdom of God)
Bible References:
- 1 Timothy 06:15-16
- 2 Kings 05:17-19
- 2 Samuel 05:3-5
- Acts 07:9-10
- Acts 13:21-22
- John 01:49-51
- Luke 01:5-7
- Luke 22:24-25
- Matthew 05:33-35
- Matthew 14:8-9
Examples from the Bible stories:
*08:06 One night, the Pharaoh, which is what the Egyptians called their kings, had two dreams that disturbed him greatly. *16:01 The Israelites had no king, so everyone did what they thought was right for them. *16:18 Finally, the people asked God for a king like all the other nations had. *17:05 Eventually, Saul died in battle, and David became king of Israel. He was a good king, and the people loved him. *21:06 God's prophets also said that the Messiah would be a prophet, a priest, and a king. *48:14 David was the king of Israel, but Jesus is the king of the entire universe!
Word Data:##
- Strong's: