1.5 KiB
1.5 KiB
hypocrite, hypocrites, hypocrisy
The term "hypocrite" refers to a person who does things to appear righteous, but who secretly is acting in evil ways. The term "hypocrisy" refers to the behavior that deceives people into thinking a person is righteous.
- Hypocrites want to be seen doing good things so that people will think that they are good people.
- Often a hypocrite will criticize other people for doing the same sinful things that they themselves do.
- Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because although they acted religiously like wearing certain clothes and eating certain foods, they were not kind or fair to people.
- A hypocrite points out faults in other people, but doesn't admit his own faults.
Translation Suggestions:
- Some languages have an expression like "two-faced" that refers to a hypocrite or a hypocrite's actions.
- Other ways to translate "hypocrite" could include "fraud" or "pretender" or "arrogant, deceitful person."
- The term "hypocrisy" could be translated by, "deception" or "fake actions" or "pretending."
Bible References:
- Galatians 02:13-14
- Luke 06:41-42
- Luke 12:54-56
- Luke 13:15-16
- Mark 07:6-7
- Matthew 06:1-2
- Romans 12:9-10
Word Data:##
- Strong's: H120, H2611, H2612, G505, G5272, G5273