
1.3 KiB

thorn, thornbush, thornbushes, thorns, thistle, thistles


Thorn bushes and thistles are plants that have prickly branches or flowers. These plants do not produce fruit or anything else that is useful.

  • A "thorn" is a hard, sharp growth on the branch or stem of a plant. A "thornbush" is a type of small tree or shrub that has many thorns on its branches.
  • A "thistle" is a plant with prickly stems and leaves. Often the flowers are purple.
  • Thorn and thistle plants multiply quickly and can cause nearby plants or crops to not be able to grow. This is a picture of how sin keeps a person from producing good spiritual fruit.
  • A crown made of twisted thorn branches was placed on Jesus' head before he was crucified.
  • If possible, these terms should be translated by the names of two different plants or bushes that are known in the language area.

(See also: crown, fruit, spirit)

Bible References:

Word Data:##

  • Strong's: H329, H1863, H2312, H2336, H4534, H5285, H5518, H5544, H6791, H6796, H6975, H7063, H7898, G173, G174, G4647, G5146