
2.5 KiB

new covenant


The term "new covenant" refers to the commitment or agreement God made with his people through the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus.

  • God's "new covenant" is explained in the part of the Bible called the "New Testament."
  • This new covenant is in contrast to the "old" or "former" covenant that God had made with the Israelites in Old Testament times.
  • The new covenant is better than the old one because it is based on the sacrifice of Jesus, which completely atoned for people's sins forever. The sacrifices made under the old covenant did not do this.
  • God writes the new covenant on the hearts of believers in Jesus. This causes them to want to obey God and they begin to live holy lives.
  • The new covenant will be completely fulfilled in the end times when God establishes his reign on earth. Everything will once again be very good, like it was when God first created the world.

Translation Suggestions:

  • The term "new covenant" could be translated as "new formal agreement" or "new pact" or "new contract."
  • The word "new" in these expressions has the meaning of "fresh" or "new kind of" or "another."

(See also: ../kt/atonement.md, ../kt/covenant.md, ../other/israel.md, ../kt/jesus.md, ../other/moses.md, ../kt/sonofgod.md)

Bible References:

Examples from the Bible stories:

  • 21:05 Through the prophet Jeremiah, God promised that he would make a New Covenant, but not like the covenant God made with Israel at Sinai. In the New Covenant, God would write his law on the people's hearts, the people would know God personally, they would be his people, and God would forgive their sins. The Messiah would start the New Covenant.
  • 21:14 Through the Messiah's death and resurrection, God would accomplish his plan to save sinners and start the New Covenant.
  • 38:05 Then Jesus took a cup and said, "Drink this. It is my blood of the New Covenant that is poured out for the forgiveness of sins. Do this to remember me every time you drink it."
  • 48:11 But God has now made a New Covenant that is available to everyone. Because of this New Covenant, anyone from any people group can become part of God's people by believing in Jesus.