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Revelation 14 Translation Questions

Q? Who did John see standing before him?

A. John saw the Lamb standing before him on Mount Zion. [14:1]

Q? Who was able to learn the new song being sung before the throne?

A. Only the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth were able to learn the new song. [14:3]

Q? Who was redeemed as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb?

A. The 144,000 who were blameless were redeemed as firsfruits to God and to the Lamb. [14:4-5]

Q? To whom did the angel give the eternal message of good news?

A. The angel gave the eternal message of good news to every nation, tribe, language, and people on the earth. [14:6]

Q? What did the angel tell those who live on the earth to do?

A. The angel told them to fear God and to give him glory. [14:7]

Q? What time did the angel say had come?

A. The angel said the hour of God's judgment had come. [14:7]

Q? What did the second angel announce?

A. The second angel announced that Babylon the great had fallen. [14:8]

Q? What did the third angel say would happen to those who received the mark of the beast?

A. Those who received the mark of the beast would be tormented with fire and sulfur. [14:10]

Q? To what were the saints called?

A. The saints were called to patient endurance. [14:12]

Q? Who did John see seated on the cloud?

A. John saw one like a Son of Man seated on the cloud. [14:14]

Q? What did the one sitting on the cloud do?

A. The one sitting on the cloud swung his sickle to harvest the earth. [14:16]

Q? What did the angel with the sickle do?

A. The angel with the sickle gathered the grape harvest of the earth and threw it into the wine vat of God's wrath. [14:19]

Q? What happened at the winepress of God?

A. The winepress was stomped and blood poured out from it. [14:20]

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