
3.1 KiB

Genesis 31 Translation Questions

Q? From where did Laban and his sons believe Jacob had gotten all his wealth?

A. Laban and his sons believed that Jacob had gotten all his wealth from Laban's possessions. [31:1-2]

Q? What instructions did Yahweh give Jacob?

A. Yahweh instructed Jacob to return to the land of his fathers and to his relatives. [31:3]

Q? How had God taken away the cattle of Laban and given them to Jacob?

A. God had caused the animals to bear speckled, and striped young which were Jacob's wages. [31:8-9]

Q? What attitude did Rachel and Leah have toward their father Laban?

A. Rachel and Leah said that Laban treated them as foreigners and had devoured their money. [31:14-15]

Q? What did Rachel do before leaving with Jacob?

A. Rachel stole her father's household gods. [31:19]

Q? How did Jacob deceive Laban at this time?

A. Jacob deceived Laban by not telling Laban that he was leaving. [31:20]

Q? What did Laban do when he was told that Jacob had fled?

A. Laban took his relatives with him and pursued Jacob, overtaking him after seven days. [31:22-23]

Q? What did God tell Laban in a dream?

A. God told Laban to speak neither good or bad to Jacob. [31:24]

Q? Why did Jacob say that he had fled from Laban secretly?

A. Jacob said that he fled secretly because he was afraid that Laban would take his daughters from him by force. [31:31]

Q? What did Jacob say when Laban accused him of stealing his household gods?

A. Jacob said that whoever stole Laban's household gods would not continue to live. [31:32]

Q? Why did Laban not find his household gods among Jacob's possessions?

A. Laban did not find his household gods because Rachel sat on them and then said that she could not stand up since she was having her period. [31:34-35]

Q? How long had Jacob worked for Laban, and how many times had Laban changed his wages?

A. Jacob had worked for Laban twenty years, and Laban had changed his wages ten times. [31:41]

Q? How did Laban show that he still thought of Jacob's possessions as his own?

A. Laban said that all that he saw of Jacob's possessions was his. [31:43]

Q? How did Jacob and Laban mark the place of their covenant?

A. Jacob and Laban marked the place of their covenant by making a pile of stones there. [31:46]

Q? What covenant did Jacob and Laban make?

A. Jacob and Laban each agreed to not pass beyond the pile of stones to do the other harm. [31:52]

Q? Who was declared as witness between Jacob and Laban to ensure the covenant would be kept?

A. God was declared as witness between Jacob and Laban to ensure the covenant would be kept. [31:49-50]

Q? What were the pile and the pillar for?

A. The pile and pillar were both witnesses to the covenant which said neither Laban nor Jacob would pass the pile or pillar to do one another harm. [31:51-52]

Q? What did Jacob do to show that he agreed to the covenant?

A. To show that he agreed with Laban about the covenant Jacob swore by God, who his father Isaac feared. [31:53]

Q? What did Laban do the next morning?

A. Laban rose, kissed his grandsons and daughters, blessed them, and returned home. [31:55]
