Paula.Jeremiah15 #993

SusanQuigley merged 4 commits from Paula.Jeremiah15 into master 2021-10-27 20:30:19 +00:00
1 changed files with 197 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -2318,19 +2318,29 @@
\v 11 Concerning the house of the king of Judah, listen to the word of Yahweh.
\v 12 House of David, Yahweh says, 'Bring about justice in the morning.
\q Rescue the one who has been robbed by the hand of the oppressor,
\v 12 House of David, Yahweh says,
\q 'Bring about justice in the morning.
\q2 Rescue the one who has been robbed
\q2 by the hand of the oppressor,
\q or my fury will go out like fire and burn,
\q and there is no one who can quench it, because of the wickedness of your practices.
\q2and there is no one who can quench it,
\q2 because of the wickedness of your practices.
\v 13 See, inhabitant of the valley! I am against you, rock of the plain—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q I am against anyone who is saying, "Who will come down to attack us?" or "Who will enter our houses?"
\v 13 See, inhabitant of the valley!
\q2 I am against you, rock of the plain—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q I am against anyone who is saying,
\q2 "Who will come down to attack us?"
\q2 or "Who will enter our houses?"
\v 14 I have assigned the fruit of your practices to come against you—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q and I will light a fire in the thickets, and it will consume everything around it.'"
\v 14 I have assigned the fruit of your practices
\q2 to come against you—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q and I will light a fire in the thickets,
\q2 and it will consume everything around it.'"
\c 22
@ -2345,11 +2355,16 @@
\v 6 For Yahweh says this concerning the house of the king of Judah,
\q 'You are like Gilead, or like the summit of Lebanon to me. Yet I will turn you into a wilderness,
\q into cities with no inhabitants.
\q 'You are like Gilead,
\q2 or like the summit of Lebanon to me.
\q Yet I will turn you into a wilderness,
\q2 into cities with no inhabitants.
\v 7 For I have appointed destroyers to come against you! Men with their weapons
\q will cut off the best of your cedars and let them fall into the fire.
\v 7 For I have appointed destroyers to come against you!
\q2 Men with their weapons
\q2 will cut off the best of your cedars
\q2 and let them fall into the fire.
@ -2359,8 +2374,11 @@
\v 10 Do not weep for the one who is dead or mourn for him; but weep bitterly for him who is about to go away,
\q because he will never return and see the land of his birth again.'
\v 10 Do not weep for the one who is dead
\q2 or mourn for him;
\q but weep bitterly for him who is about to go away,
\q2 because he will never return
\q2 and see the land of his birth again.'
@ -2369,47 +2387,68 @@
\v 13 Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness, his upper rooms by injustice,
\q who makes his neighbor work for him for nothing, and he does not give him his wages;
\v 13 Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness,
\q2 his upper rooms by injustice,
\q who makes his neighbor work for him for nothing,
\q2 and he does not give him his wages;
\v 14 he says, 'I will build for myself a large house with spacious upper rooms.'
\q So he cuts out large windows for it, and he panels it with cedar, and he paints it red.
\v 14 he says, 'I will build for myself a large house
\q2 with spacious upper rooms.'
\q So he cuts out large windows for it,
\q2 and he panels it with cedar, and he paints it red.
\v 15 Is this what makes you a good king, that you wanted to have boards of cedar?
\q Did not your father also eat and drink, yet do justice and righteousness? Then things went well for him.
\v 16 He judged in favor of the poor and needy. It was good then. Is this not what it means to know me?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 15 Is this what makes you a good king,
\q2 that you wanted to have boards of cedar?
\q Did not your father also eat and drink,
\q2 yet do justice and righteousness?
\q2 Then things went well for him.
\v 16 He judged in favor of the poor and needy.
\q2 It was good then.
\q2 Is this not what it means to know me?
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 17 But there is nothing in your eyes and heart except worry for your unjust profit and for pouring out innocent blood,
\q for producing oppression and crushing of others.
\v 17 But there is nothing in your eyes and heart
\q2 except worry for your unjust profit
\q2 and for pouring out innocent blood,
\q2 for producing oppression and crushing of others.
\v 18 Therefore this is what Yahweh says about Jehoiakim son of Josiah, king of Judah:
\q They will not lament for him, saying,
\q 'Woe, my brother!' or 'Woe, my sister!'
\q2 'Woe, my brother!' or 'Woe, my sister!'
\q They will not lament for him, saying,
\q 'Woe, master!' or 'Woe, majesty!'
\q2 'Woe, master!' or 'Woe, majesty!'
\v 19 He will be buried with a donkey's burial,
\q dragged away and thrown out beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
\q2 dragged away and thrown out
\q2 beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
\v 20 Go up Lebanon's mountains and shout. Lift your voice in Bashan.
\q Shout from the Abarim mountains, for all of your friends will be destroyed.
\v 20 Go up Lebanon's mountains and shout.
\q2 Lift your voice in Bashan.
\q Shout from the Abarim mountains,
\q2 for all of your friends will be destroyed.
\v 21 I spoke to you when you were safe, but you said, 'I will not listen.'
\q This was your custom since your youth, for you have not listened to my voice.
\v 21 I spoke to you when you were safe,
\q2 but you said, 'I will not listen.'
\q This was your custom since your youth,
\q2 for you have not listened to my voice.
\v 22 The wind will shepherd away all your shepherds, and your friends will go into captivity.
\q Then you will certainly be ashamed and humiliated by all of your evil deeds.
\v 22 The wind will shepherd away all your shepherds,
\q2 and your friends will go into captivity.
\q Then you will certainly be ashamed and humiliated
\q2 by all of your evil deeds.
\v 23 You who live in 'Lebanon,' who is nestled in cedar buildings,
\q how you will be pitied when the labor pains come upon you, pain like that of a woman in labor!
\v 23 You who live in 'Lebanon,'
\q2 who is nestled in cedar buildings,
\q how you will be pitied when the labor pains come upon you,
\q2 pain like that of a woman in labor!
@ -2419,17 +2458,25 @@
\v 27 About this land to which they will want to return, they will not come back here.
\v 28 Is this a despised and shattered vessel? Is this man Jehoiachin a pot that pleases no one?
\q Why have they thrown him and his descendants out, and have poured them out into a land that they did not know?
\v 28 Is this a despised and shattered vessel?
\q2 Is this man Jehoiachin a pot that pleases no one?
\q Why have they thrown him and his descendants out,
\q2 and have poured them out into a land that they did not know?
\v 29 Land, Land, Land! Hear the word of Yahweh!
\v 29 Land, Land, Land!
\q2 Hear the word of Yahweh!
\v 30 Yahweh says this, 'Write about this man Jehoiachin: He will be childless.
\q He will not prosper during his days, and no one among his descendants will achieve success
\q or ever again sit on David's throne and rule over Judah.'"
\v 30 Yahweh says this,
\q2 'Write about this man Jehoiachin:
\q2 He will be childless.
\q He will not prosper during his days,
\q2 and no one among his descendants will achieve success
\q or ever again sit on David's throne
\q2 and rule over Judah.'"
\c 23
@ -2443,11 +2490,16 @@
\v 5 See, the days are coming—this is Yahweh's declaration—when I will raise up for David a righteous branch.
\q He will reign as king; he will act wisely and cause justice and righteousness in the land.
\v 5 See, the days are coming
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration
\q2 —when I will raise up for David a righteous branch.
\q He will reign as king;
\q2 he will act wisely and cause justice and righteousness in the land.
\v 6 In his days Judah will be rescued, and Israel will live in security.
\q Then this is the name by which he will be called: Yahweh is our righteousness.
\v 6 In his days Judah will be rescued,
\q2 and Israel will live in security.
\q Then this is the name by which he will be called:
\q2 Yahweh is our righteousness.
@ -2455,67 +2507,105 @@
\v 8 Instead they will say, 'As Yahweh lives, who brought up and who led back the descendants of the house of Israel from the northern land and all the lands where I had driven them.' Then they will live in their own land."
\v 9 Regarding the prophets,
\q my heart is broken in me,
\q2 and all of my bones tremble.
\q I have become like a drunk man,
\q2 like a man whom wine has overpowered,
\q2 because of Yahweh and his holy words.
\v 9 Regarding the prophets, my heart is broken in me, and all of my bones tremble. I have become like a drunk man,
\q like a man whom wine has overpowered, because of Yahweh and his holy words.
\v 10 For the land is full of adulterers. Because of the curse the land mourns.
\q The meadows in the wilderness dry up. These prophets' paths are wicked; their power is not used in a right manner.
\v 10 For the land is full of adulterers.
\q2 Because of the curse the land mourns.
\q The meadows in the wilderness dry up.
\q2 These prophets' paths are wicked;
\q2 their power is not used in a right manner.
\v 11 "For both the prophets and the priests are polluted. I even found their wickedness in my house!—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\v 11 "For both the prophets and the priests are polluted.
\q2 I even found their wickedness in my house!
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration—
\v 12 therefore their way will be like a slippery place in the darkness. They will be pushed down. They will fall in it.
\q For I will send disaster against them in the year of their punishment—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 12 therefore their way will be like a slippery place in the darkness.
\q2 They will be pushed down.
\q2 They will fall in it.
\q For I will send disaster against them in the year of their punishment
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 13 For I have seen the prophets in Samaria doing what is repulsive:
\q They prophesied by Baal and led my people Israel astray.
\v 14 Among the prophets in Jerusalem I have seen horrible things:
\q They commit adultery and walk in deceit.
\q They strengthen the hands of evildoers; no one turns back from his wickedness.
\q All of them have become like Sodom to me and its inhabitants like Gomorrah!"
\v 13 For I have seen the prophets in Samaria
\q2 doing what is repulsive:
\q They prophesied by Baal
\q2 and led my people Israel astray.
\v 14 Among the prophets in Jerusalem
\q2 I have seen horrible things:
\q2 They commit adultery and walk in deceit.
\q They strengthen the hands of evildoers;
\q2 no one turns back from his wickedness.
\q All of them have become like Sodom to me
\q2 and its inhabitants like Gomorrah!"
\v 15 Therefore Yahweh of hosts says this concerning the prophets,
\q "Look, I am about to make them eat wormwood and drink poisonous water,
\q for pollution has gone out from the prophets of Jerusalem to all the land."
\q "Look, I am about to make them eat wormwood
\q2 and drink poisonous water,
\q for pollution has gone out from the prophets of Jerusalem
\q2 to all the land."
\v 16 Yahweh of hosts says this,
\q "Do not listen to the words of the prophets
\q2 who prophesy to you.
\q They are leading you into vanity!
\q2 They are announcing visions from their own minds,
\q2 not from Yahweh's mouth.
\v 17 They are constantly saying to those who dishonor me,
\q2 'Yahweh declares there will be peace for you.'
\q For everyone walking in the stubbornness of his own heart says,
\q2 'Disaster will not come upon you.'
\v 18 Yet who has stood in Yahweh's council meeting?
\q2 Who sees and hears his word?
\q2 Who pays attention to his word and listens?
\v 16 Yahweh of hosts says this, "Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you.
\q They are leading you into vanity! They are announcing visions from their own minds, not from Yahweh's mouth.
\v 19 See, there is a storm coming from Yahweh!
\q2 His fury is going out, and a tempest is whirling about.
\q2 It is whirling around the heads of the wicked.
\v 17 They are constantly saying to those who dishonor me, 'Yahweh declares there will be peace for you.'
\q For everyone walking in the stubbornness of his own heart says, 'Disaster will not come upon you.'
\v 18 Yet who has stood in Yahweh's council meeting? Who sees and hears his word?
\q Who pays attention to his word and listens?
\v 20 Yahweh's wrath will not return
\q2 until it has carried out
\q2 and brought into being his heart's purposes.
\q In the final days,
\q2 you will understand it.
\v 19 See, there is a storm coming from Yahweh! His fury is going out, and a tempest is whirling about.
\q It is whirling around the heads of the wicked.
\v 21 I did not send out these prophets,
\q2 but they ran.
\q I did not proclaim anything to them,
\q2 but they have still prophesied.
\v 20 Yahweh's wrath will not return until it has carried out and brought into being his heart's purposes.
\q In the final days, you will understand it.
\v 22 For if they had stood in my council meeting,
\q2 they would have caused my people to hear my word;
\q they would have caused them to turn from their wicked words
\q2 and from the wickedness of their practices.
\v 21 I did not send out these prophets, but they ran.
\q I did not proclaim anything to them, but they have still prophesied.
\v 23 Am I only a God nearby
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration
\q2 —and not also a God far away?
\v 22 For if they had stood in my council meeting, they would have caused my people to hear my word;
\q they would have caused them to turn from their wicked words and from the wickedness of their practices.
\v 23 Am I only a God nearby—this is Yahweh's declaration—and not also a God far away?
\v 24 Can anyone hide in a secret place so I cannot see him?—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q and do I not fill the heavens and the earth?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 24 Can anyone hide in a secret place so I cannot see him?
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 and do I not fill the heavens and the earth?
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration.
@ -2633,22 +2723,24 @@
\v 30 You must prophesy all these words against them, and say to them,
\q 'Yahweh will roar from the heights
\q and he will shout with his voice from his holy dwelling,
\q2 and he will shout with his voice from his holy dwelling,
\q and he will roar mightily against his fold;
\q and he will shout, like those who tread the grapes
\q against all those who live on the earth.
\q2 and he will shout, like those who tread the grapes
\q2 against all those who live on the earth.
\v 31 The sound of battle will resound to the ends of the earth,
\q for Yahweh brings charges against the nations,
\q2 for Yahweh brings charges against the nations,
\q and he brings judgment on all flesh,
\q and the wicked ones he will put to the sword—this is Yahweh's declaration.'
\q2 and the wicked ones he will put to the sword
\q2 —this is Yahweh's declaration.'
\v 32 Yahweh of hosts says this,
\q 'See, disaster is going out from nation to nation,
\q and a great storm is beginning from the farthest parts of the earth.
\q2 and a great storm is beginning
\q2 from the farthest parts of the earth.
\v 33 Then those killed by Yahweh will on that day extend from one end of the earth to the other;
\q they will not be mourned, gathered, or buried.
\q They will be like dung on the ground.
@ -2656,22 +2748,26 @@
\v 34 Wail, shepherds, and shout for help!
\q Roll about in the dust,
\q you noblemen of the flock,
\q2 Roll about in the dust,
\q2 you noblemen of the flock,
\q for the days of your slaughter have come;
\q you will be scattered when you fall like fine pottery.
\q2 you will be scattered when you fall like fine pottery.
\v 35 There is no refuge for the shepherds, there will be no escape for the noblemen of the flock.
\v 35 There is no refuge for the shepherds,
\q2 there will be no escape for the noblemen of the flock.
\v 36 Hear the outcry of the shepherds and the wails of the noblemen of the flock,
\q for Yahweh is destroying their pastures.
\v 36 Hear the outcry of the shepherds
\q2 and the wails of the noblemen of the flock,
\q2 for Yahweh is destroying their pastures.
\v 37 So the peaceful pastures will be devastated because of Yahweh's fierce anger.
\v 37 So the peaceful pastures will be devastated
\q2 because of Yahweh's fierce anger.
\v 38 Like a young lion, he has left his den, for their land will become a horror because of the oppressor's anger,
\q because of his angry wrath.'" \f + \ft Instead of \fqa the oppressor's anger \fqa* , some ancient Hebrew copies and some modern translations have \fqa the oppressor's sword \fqa* . \f*
\v 38 Like a young lion, he has left his den,
\q2 for their land will become a horror because of the oppressor's anger,
\q2 because of his angry wrath.'" \f + \ft Instead of \fqa the oppressor's anger \fqa* , some ancient Hebrew copies and some modern translations have \fqa the oppressor's sword \fqa* . \f*
\c 26