Paula.Jeremiah #974

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@ -16,29 +16,33 @@
\v 4 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
\v 5 "Before I formed you in the womb, I chose you;
\q before you came out from the womb I set you apart; I made you a prophet to the nations."
\q2 before you came out from the womb I set you apart;
\q2 I made you a prophet to the nations."
\v 6 "Ah, Lord Yahweh!" I said, "I do not know how to speak, for I am too young."
\v 7 But Yahweh said to me,
\q "Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go everywhere I send you,
\q and you must say whatever I command you!
"Do not say, 'I am too young.' You must go everywhere I send you, and you must say whatever I command you!
\v 8 Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to rescue you—this is Yahweh's declaration."
\v 9 Then Yahweh reached out with his hand, touched my mouth, and said to me, "Now, I have placed my word in your mouth.
\v 10 I am appointing you today over nations and over kingdoms,
\q to uproot and break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and plant."
\v 10 I am appointing you today over nations and over kingdoms, to uproot and break down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and plant."
\v 11 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, "What do you see, Jeremiah?" I said, "I see an almond branch."
\v 11 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying, "What do you see, Jeremiah?"
I said, "I see an almond branch."
\v 12 Yahweh said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over my word to carry it out."
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\v 14 Yahweh said to me, "Disaster will be opened up out of the north on all who live in this land.
\v 15 For I am calling all the tribes of the northern kingdoms—this is Yahweh's declaration. They will come, and everyone will set his throne at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem, against all the walls that surround it, and against all the cities of Judah.
\v 16 I will pronounce sentence against them for all their evil in abandoning me, in burning incense to other gods, and in worshiping the works of their own hands.
\v 15 For I am calling all the tribes of the northern kingdoms—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\q They will come, and everyone will set his throne
\q2 at the entrance of the gates of Jerusalem,
\q2 against all the walls that surround it
\q2, and against all the cities of Judah.
\v 16 I will pronounce sentence against them
\q2 for all their evil in abandoning me,
\q2 in burning incense to other gods,
\q2 and in worshiping the works of their own hands.
\v 17 Gird up your loins! Stand up and say to them whatever I command you. Do not be shattered before them, or I will shatter you before them!
\v 18 Behold! Today I have made you a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls against the whole land—against the kings of Judah, its officials, its priests, and the people of the land.
\v 19 They will fight against you, but they will not defeat you, for I will be with you to rescue you—this is Yahweh's declaration."
\c 2
\v 1 The word of Yahweh came to me, saying,
\v 2 "Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem.
Say, 'Yahweh says this:
\q I have called to mind on your behalf
\q2 the covenant faithfulness of your youth,
\q2 your love at the time when we were engaged,
\q when you went after me in the wilderness,
\q2 the land that was not sown.
\v 2 "Go and proclaim in the hearing of Jerusalem. Say, 'Yahweh says this:
\q I have called to mind on your behalf the covenant faithfulness of your youth, your love at the time when we were engaged,
\q when you went after me in the wilderness, the land that was not sown.
\v 3 Israel was set apart to Yahweh, the firstfruits of his harvest!
\q All who ate from the firstfruits were held guilty; disaster came upon them—this is Yahweh's declaration.'"
\v 3 Israel was set apart to Yahweh
\q2 the firstfruits of his harvest!
\q All who ate from the firstfruits were held guilty;
\q2 disaster came upon them—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration.'"
\v 4 Hear the word of Yahweh, house of Jacob, all you clans of the house of Israel.
\v 4 Hear the word of Yahweh
\q2, house of Jacob,
\q2 all you clans of the house of Israel.
\v 5 Yahweh says this, "What did your fathers find wrong with me, that they went far from following me?
\q That they went after useless idols and became useless themselves?
\v 5 Yahweh says this,
\q"What did your fathers find wrong with me,
\q2 that they went far from following me?
\q That they went after useless idols
\q2 and became useless themselves?
\v 6 They did not say, 'Where is Yahweh, who brought us up from the land of Egypt?
\q Where is Yahweh, who led us to the wilderness, into the land of the Arabah and pits,
\v 6 They did not say,
\q2 'Where is Yahweh
\q2 who brought us up from the land of Egypt?
\q Where is Yahweh,
\q2 who led us to the wilderness,
\q2 into the land of the Arabah and pits,
\q in a land of drought and utter darkness,
\q a land through which no one passes and where no one lives?'
\q2 a land through which no one passes
\q2 and where no one lives?'
\v 7 But I brought you to the land of Carmel, to eat its fruit and other good things!
\q Yet when you came, you defiled my land, you made my inheritance an abomination!
\v 7 But I brought you to the land of Carmel,
\q2 to eat its fruit and other good things!
\q Yet when you came, you defiled my land,
\q2 you made my inheritance an abomination!
\v 8 The priest did not say, 'Where is Yahweh?' and the experts in the law did not care about me!
\q The shepherds transgressed against me. The prophets prophesied for Baal and walked after unprofitable things.
\v 8 The priest did not say,
\q2 'Where is Yahweh?'
\q2 and the experts in the law did not care about me!
\q The shepherds transgressed against me.
\q2 The prophets prophesied for Baal
\q2 and walked after unprofitable things.
\v 9 So I will still accuse you—this is Yahweh's declaration—and I will accuse your sons' sons.
\v 9 So I will still accuse you—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 and I will accuse your sons' sons.
\v 10 For cross over to the coasts of Cyprus \f + \ft Some modern English translations read, \fqa Kittim \fqa* . \f* and look. Send messengers out to Kedar and find out
\q and see if there has ever before been anything like this.
\v 10 For cross over to the coasts of Cyprus
\q2 \f + \ft Some modern English translations read, \fqa Kittim \fqa* . \f* and look. Send messengers out to Kedar and find out
\q and see
\q2 if there has ever before been anything like this.
\v 11 Has a nation exchanged gods, even though they were not gods?
\q But my people have exchanged their glory for what cannot help them. \f + \ft Instead of \fqa their glory \fqa* , some ancient copies have \fqa my glory \fqa* . \f*
\v 11 Has a nation exchanged gods,
\q2 even though they were not gods?
\q But my people have exchanged
\q2 their glory for what cannot help them. \f + \ft Instead of \fqa their glory \fqa* , some ancient copies have \fqa my glory \fqa* . \f*
\v 12 Shudder, heavens, because of this! Be shocked and very desolate—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 12 Shudder, heavens, because of this!
\q2 Be shocked and very desolate—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 13 For my people have committed two evils against me: They have abandoned the springs of living waters,
\q and they have dug out cisterns for themselves,
\q broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
\v 13 For my people have committed two evils against me:
\q2 They have abandoned the springs of living waters,
\q2 and they have dug out cisterns for themselves,
\q2 broken cisterns that cannot hold water.
\v 14 Is Israel a slave? Was he born in his master's home? So why has he become plunder?
\v 14 Is Israel a slave?
\q2 Was he born in his master's home?
\q2 So why has he become plunder?
\v 15 Young lions roared against him. They made a lot of noise and made his land a horror.
\q His cities are destroyed without any inhabitants.
\v 15 Young lions roared against him.
\q2 They made a lot of noise and made his land a horror.
\q2 His cities are destroyed without any inhabitants.
\v 16 Also, the people of Memphis and Tahpanhes will shave your skull.
\v 16 Also, the people of Memphis and Tahpanhes
\q2 will shave your skull.
\v 17 Did you not do this to yourselves
\q when you abandoned Yahweh your God, while he was leading you along the way?
\q2 when you abandoned Yahweh your God,
\q2 while he was leading you along the way?
\v 18 So now, why take the road to Egypt and drink the waters of Shihor?
\q Why take the road to Assyria and drink the waters of the Euphrates River?
\v 18 So now, why take the road to Egypt
\q2 and drink the waters of Shihor?
\q Why take the road to Assyria
\q2 and drink the waters of the Euphrates River?
\v 19 Your wickedness rebukes you, and your acts of apostasy punish you. So think about it and understand that it is wicked and bitter
\q when you abandon Yahweh your God, and have no fear of me—this is the declaration of the Lord Yahweh of hosts.
\v 19 Your wickedness rebukes you,
\q2 and your acts of apostasy punish you.
\q2 So think about it and understand that it is wicked and bitter
\q when you abandon Yahweh your God,
\q2 and have no fear of me—
\q2 this is the declaration of the Lord Yahweh of hosts.
\v 20 For in ancient days I broke your yoke; I tore your fetters off you. Still you said,
\q 'I will not serve!' On every high hill and beneath every leafy tree you lay down as a prostitute.
\v 20 For in ancient days I broke your yoke;
\q2 I tore your fetters off you.
\q Still you said,
\q2 'I will not serve!'
\q2 On every high hill and beneath every leafy tree
\q2 you lay down as a prostitute.
\v 21 I planted you as a choice vine, completely from pure seed.
\q How then have you have changed yourself into a corrupt, worthless vine?
\v 21 I planted you as a choice vine,
\q2 completely from pure seed.
\q How then have you have changed yourself
\q2 into a corrupt, worthless vine?
\v 22 For even if you clean yourself in the river or wash with strong soap,
\q your iniquity is a stain before me—this is the declaration of the Lord Yahweh.
\v 22 For even if you clean yourself in the river
\q2 or wash with strong soap,
\q2 your iniquity is a stain before me—
\q2 this is the declaration of the Lord Yahweh.
\v 23 How can you say, 'I am not defiled! I have not walked after the Baals'?
\q Look at what you did in the valleys! Consider what you have done—you are a swift female camel running here and there,
\v 23 How can you say, 'I am not defiled!
\q2 I have not walked after the Baals'?
\q Look at what you did in the valleys!
\q2 Consider what you have done—
\q2 you are a swift female camel running here and there,
\v 24 a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness, in her heat sniffing the wind!
\q Who can restrain her lust? None of the males need wear themselves out pursuing her; in her month they will find her.
\v 24 a wild donkey accustomed to the wilderness
\q2 in her heat sniffing the wind!
\q Who can restrain her lust?
\q2 None of the males need wear themselves out pursuing her;
\q2 in her month they will find her.
\v 25 You must restrain your feet from becoming bare and your throat from being thirsty!
\q But you have said, 'It is hopeless! No, I love strangers and go after them!'
\v 25 You must restrain your feet from becoming bare
\q2 and your throat from being thirsty!
\q But you have said, 'It is hopeless
\q2 No, I love strangers and go after them!'
\v 26 Like the shame of a thief when he is found, so the house of Israel will be ashamed—
\q they, their kings, their princes, and their priests and prophets!
\v 26 Like the shame of a thief when he is found,
\q2 so the house of Israel will be ashamed—
\q they, their kings, their princes,
\q2 and their priests and prophets!
\v 27 These are the ones who say to the tree, 'You are my father,' and to the stone, 'You gave birth to me.'
\q For their back faces me and not their faces. Nevertheless, they say in the time of troubles, 'Arise and save us!'
\v 27 These are the ones who say to the tree,
\q2 'You are my father,' and to the stone,
\q2 'You gave birth to me.'
\q For their back faces me and not their faces.
\q2 Nevertheless, they say in the time of troubles,
\q2 'Arise and save us!'
\v 28 Yet where are the gods that you made for yourselves? Let them arise if they wish to save you in your time of troubles,
\v 28 Yet where are the gods that you made for yourselves?
\q2 Let them arise if they wish
\q2 to save you in your time of troubles,
\q for your idols equal your cities in number, Judah!
\v 29 So why do you accuse me of doing wrong? All of you have sinned against me—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 29 So why do you accuse me of doing wrong?
\q2 All of you have sinned against me—
\q2this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 30 I have punished your people in vain. They would not accept discipline.
\q Your sword has devoured your prophets like a destructive lion!
\v 30 I have punished your people in vain.
\q2 They would not accept discipline.
\q Your sword has devoured your prophet
\q2 like a destructive lion!
\v 31 You who belong to this generation! Pay attention to my word, the word of Yahweh! Have I been a wilderness to Israel?
\q Or a land of deep darkness? Why would my people say, 'Let us wander around, we will not go to you anymore'?
\v 31 You who belong to this generation! Pay attention to my word, the word of Yahweh!
\q Have I been a wilderness to Israel?
\q2 Or a land of deep darkness?
\q2 Why would my people say,
\q2'Let us wander around, we will not go to you anymore'?
\v 32 Will a virgin forget her jewelry, a bride her sash?
\q Yet my people have forgotten me for days without number!
\v 32 Will a virgin forget her jewelry,
\q2 a bride her sash?
\q Yet my people have forgotten me
\q2 for days without number!
\v 33 How well you make your way to look for love.
\q You have even taught your ways to wicked women.
\q2 You have even taught your ways to wicked women.
\v 34 The blood that was the life of innocent, poor people has been found on your clothes.
\q These people were not discovered in acts of burglary.
\v 34 The blood that was the life of innocent, poor people
\q2 has been found on your clothes.
\q2 These people were not discovered in acts of burglary.
\v 35 Yet you say, 'I am innocent; surely his anger has turned away from me.'
\q But look! I will bring down judgment on you because you say, 'I have not sinned.'
\v 35 Yet you say, 'I am innocent;
\q2 surely his anger has turned away from me.'
\q But look! I will bring down judgment on you
\q2 because you say, 'I have not sinned.'
\v 36 Why do you treat so very lightly this change in your ways?
\q You will also be disappointed by Egypt, just as you were by Assyria.
\v 36 Why do you treat so very lightly
\q2 this change in your ways?
\q You will also be disappointed by Egypt,
\q2 just as you were by Assyria.
\v 37 You will also go out from there dejected, with your hands on your head,
\q for Yahweh has rejected the ones whom you trusted, so you will not be helped by them."
\v 37 You will also go out from there dejected,
\q2 with your hands on your head,
\q for Yahweh has rejected the ones whom you trusted,
\q2 so you will not be helped by them."
\c 3
\v 1 "If a man divorces his wife and she goes from him and becomes another man's wife,
\q will he return to her again? Would that land not be greatly polluted?
\q You have lived as a prostitute who has many lovers; and would you return to me?—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 1 "If a man divorces his wife and she goes from hi
\q2 and becomes another man's wife,
\q 2will he return to her again?
\q Would that land not be greatly polluted?
\q2 You have lived as a prostitute who has many lovers;
\q2 and would you return to me?—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 2 Lift up your eyes to the barren heights and look! Is there any place where you have not had illicit sex?
\q By the roadsides you sat waiting for your lovers, as an Arab in the wilderness.
\q You have polluted the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
\v 2 Lift up your eyes to the barren heights and look!
\q2 Is there any place where you have not had illicit sex?
\q By the roadsides you sat waiting for your lovers,
\q2 as an Arab in the wilderness.
\q You have polluted the land
\q2 with your prostitution and wickedness.
\v 3 So the showers have been withheld and the spring rains have not come;
\q yet you have the forehead of a prostitute; you refuse to be ashamed.
\v 3 So the showers have been withheld
\q2 and the spring rains have not come;
\q yet you have the forehead of a prostitute;
\q2 you refuse to be ashamed.
\v 4 Have you not just now called to me: 'My Father! My closest friend even from my youth!
\v 4 Have you not just now called to me: 'My Father!
\q2 My closest friend even from my youth!
\v 5 Will he always be angry? Will he always keep his wrath to the end?'
\q Look! This is what you have said, but you do all the evil you can!"
\v 5 Will he always be angry?
\q2 Will he always keep his wrath to the end?'
\q Look! This is what you have said,
\q2 but you do all the evil you can!"
@ -226,17 +350,25 @@
\v 11 Then Yahweh said to me, "Apostate Israel has been more righteous than faithless Judah!
\v 12 Go and proclaim these words to the north. Say,
\q 'Return, apostate Israel!—this is Yahweh's declaration—I will not always be angry with you.
\q Since I am faithful—this is Yahweh's declaration—I will not stay angry forever.
\q this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 I will not always be angry with you.
\q Since I am faithful—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 I will not stay angry forever.
\v 13 Acknowledge your iniquity, for you have transgressed against Yahweh your God;
\q you have shared your ways with strangers under every leafy tree!
\q For you have not listened to my voice!—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 14 Return, faithless people!—this is Yawheh's declaration—I am your husband!
\q I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion!
\v 13 Acknowledge your iniquity,
\q2 for you have transgressed against Yahweh your God;
\q you have shared your ways with strangers
\q2 under every leafy tree!
\q For you have not listened to my voice!—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 14 Return, faithless people!—his is Yawheh's declaration—I am your husband! I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion!
\v 15 I will give you shepherds after my heart, and they will shepherd you with knowledge and insight.
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\v 17 In that time they will proclaim about Jerusalem, 'This is Yahweh's throne,' and all the other nations will gather at Jerusalem in Yahweh's name. They will no longer walk in the stubbornness of their wicked hearts.
\v 18 In those days, the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel. They will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave your ancestors as an inheritance.
\v 19 As for me, I said, 'How I want to treat you as my son and give you a delightful land,
\q an inheritance more beautiful than what is in any other nation!' I would have said, 'You will call me "my Father".'
\q I would have said that you would not turn from following me.
\v 19 As for me, I said,
\q How I want to treat you as my son
\q2 and give you a delightful land,
\q2 I would have said, 'You will call me "my Father".'
\q I would have said that you would not turn
\q2 from following me.
\v 20 But like a woman faithless to her husband,
\q you have betrayed me, house of Israel—this is Yahweh's declaration."
\q2 you have betrayed me, house of Israel—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration."
\v 21 A voice is heard on the plains, the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel!
\q For they have changed their ways; they have forgotten Yahweh their God.
\v 21 A voice is heard on the plains,
\q2 the weeping and pleading of the people of Israel!
\q For they have changed their ways;
\q2 they have forgotten Yahweh their God.
\v 22 "Return, faithless people! I will heal you of your apostasy!"
\q "Behold! We will come to you, for you are Yahweh our God!
\v 22 "Return, faithless people!
\q2 I will heal you of your apostasy!"
\q "Behold! We will come to you
\q2 for you are Yahweh our God!
\v 23 Surely lies come from the hills, a confusing noise from the mountains;
\q surely Yahweh our God is the salvation of Israel.
\v 23 Surely lies come from the hills,
\q2 a confusing noise from the mountains;
\q surely Yahweh our God
\q2 is the salvation of Israel.
\v 24 Yet since our youth shameful idols have consumed the labor of our ancestors—
\q their flocks and herds, their sons and daughters!
\v 24 Yet since our youth
\q2 shameful idols have consumed the labor of our ancestors—
\q2 their flocks and herds, their sons and daughters!
\v 25 Let us lie down in shame. May our shame cover us, for we have sinned against Yahweh our God!
\q We ourselves and our ancestors, from the time of our youth to this present day, have not listened to the voice of Yahweh our God!"
\v 25 Let us lie down in shame.
\q2 May our shame cover us,
\q2 for we have sinned against Yahweh our God!
\q We ourselves and our ancestors,
\q2 from the time of our youth to this present day,
\q2 have not listened to the voice of Yahweh our God!"
\c 4
\v 1 "If you return, Israel—this is Yahweh's declaration—then it should be to me that you return.
\q If you remove your detestable things from before me and do not wander from me again,
\v 2 You must be truthful, just, and righteous when you swear, 'As Yahweh lives.'
\q Then the nations will bless themselves in him, and in him they will glory."
\v 1 "If you return, Israel—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2then it should be to me that you return.
\q If you remove your detestable things from before me
\q2 and do not wander from me again,
\v 2 You must be truthful, just, and righteous
\q2 when you swear, 'As Yahweh lives.'
\q Then the nations will bless themselves in him,
\q2 and in him they will glory."
\v 3 For Yahweh says this to each person in Judah and Jerusalem:
\q 'Plow your own ground,
\q and do not sow among thorns.
\q2 and do not sow among thorns.
\v 4 Circumcise yourselves to Yahweh,
\q and remove the foreskins of your heart,
\q men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, or else my fury will break out like fire,
\q2 and remove the foreskins of your heart,
\q men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem
\q2, or else my fury will break out like fire,
\q and burn with no one to quench it,
\q because of the wickedness of your practices.
\q2 because of the wickedness of your practices.
\v 5 Report in Judah and let it be heard in Jerusalem.
\q Say, "Blow the ram's horn in the land."
\q Proclaim, "Gather together. Let us go to the fortified cities."
\q2 Say, "Blow the ram's horn in the land."
\q Proclaim, "Gather together.
\q2 Let us go to the fortified cities."
\v 6 Lift up the signal flag and point it toward Zion,
\q and run for safety!
\q2 and run for safety!
\q Do not stay, for I am bringing disaster
\q from the north and great crushing.
\q2 from the north and great crushing.
\v 7 A lion is coming out from his thicket
\q and someone who will destroy nations is setting out.
\q2 and someone who will destroy nations is setting out.
\q He is leaving his place to bring horror to your land,
\q to turn your cities into ruins, where no one will live.
\q2 to turn your cities into ruins, where no one will live.
\v 8 Because of this, gird yourselves with sackcloth, lament and wail.
\q For the force of Yahweh's anger has not turned away from us.
\v 8 Because of this,
\q2 gird yourselves with sackcloth, lament and wail.
\q For the force of Yahweh's anger
\q2 has not turned away from us.
\v 9 Then it will happen in that day—this is Yahweh's declaration—that the hearts of the king and his officials will die. The priests will be appalled, and the prophets will be astounded.'"
\v 9 Then it will happen in that day—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 that the hearts of the king and his officials will die.
\q The priests will be appalled,
\q2 and the prophets will be astounded.'"
\v 10 So I said, "Ah! Lord Yahweh. Surely you have completely deceived this people and Jerusalem by saying, 'There will be peace for you.' Yet the sword is striking against their life."
\v 11 In that time it will be said of this people and Jerusalem, "A burning wind from the plains of the desert will make its way to the daughter of my people. It will not winnow or cleanse them.
\v 12 A wind far stronger than that will come at my command, and I will now pass sentence against them.
\v 13 See, he comes up like clouds, and his chariots are like a storm.
\q2 His horses are faster than eagles. Woe to us, for we will be devastated!
\v 14 Cleanse your heart from wickedness, Jerusalem,
\q2 so that you might be saved.
\q2 How long will wicked thoughts lodge within you?
\v 15 For a voice is bringing news from Dan
\q2 and a report of trouble from the mountains of Ephraim.
\v 16 Make the nations think about this:
\q2 See, announce to Jerusalem that besiegers are coming from a distant land
\q2 to shout in battle against the cities of Judah.
\q 17 They will be like the watchmen of a cultivated field against her all around,
\q2 since she has been rebellious against me—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\v 18 and your conduct and your deeds have done these things to you.
\q2 This will be your punishment. How bitter it will be!
\q2 It will strike your very heart.
\v 19 My heart! My heart! I am in anguish in my heart.
\q2 My heart is turbulent within me.
\q I cannot keep quiet for I hear the sound of the horn,
\q2 an alarm for battle.
\v 20 Disaster follows after disaster;
\q2 for all the land lies in ruins.
\q2 Suddenly my tents are destroyed, my curtains in a moment.
\v 21 How long will I see the signal flag?
\q2 Will I hear the sound of the horn?
\v 22 For the foolishness of my people—
\q2 they do not know me.
\q2 They are stupid children, and they have no understanding.
\qThey are skilled at doing evil,
\q2 but they do not know how to do good.
\v 23 I saw the land. Behold!
\q2 It was formless and empty.
\q2 For there was no light for the heavens.
\v 24 I looked at the mountains.
\q2 Behold, they were trembling,
\q2 and all the hills were shaking about.
\v 25 I looked. Behold, there was no one,
\q2 and all the birds of the heavens had fled.
\v 26 I looked. Behold, the productive land was a wilderness
\q2 and all the cities had been pulled down before Yahweh,
\q2 before the fury of his wrath."
\v 13 See, he comes up like clouds, and his chariots are like a storm. His horses are faster than eagles. Woe to us, for we will be devastated!
\v 14 Cleanse your heart from wickedness, Jerusalem, so that you might be saved. How long will wicked thoughts lodge within you?
\v 15 For a voice is bringing news from Dan and a report of trouble from the mountains of Ephraim.
\v 27 This is what Yahweh says,
\q "All the land will become a devastation,
\q2 but I will not completely destroy it.
\v 28 For this reason, the land will mourn,
\q2 and the heavens above will darken.
\q For I have declared my intentions;
\q2 I will not hold back;
\q2 I will not turn from carrying them out.
\v 29 Every city will flee from the noise of the horseman
\q2 and the archer with a bow;
\q2 they will run into the forests.
\q Every city will climb up into the rocky places.
\q2 The cities will be abandoned,
\q2 for there will be no one to inhabit them.
\v 16 Make the nations think about this: See, announce to Jerusalem that besiegers are coming from a distant land to shout in battle against the cities of Judah.
\v 17 They will be like the watchmen of a cultivated field against her all around, since she has been rebellious against me—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\v 18 and your conduct and your deeds have done these things to you. This will be your punishment. How bitter it will be! It will strike your very heart.
\v 30 Now that you have been devastated,
\q2 what will you do?
\q For though you are clothed in scarlet,
\q2 and though you adorn yourself with gold jewelry,
\q2and though you make your eyes look bigger with paint,
\q2 you are making yourself beautiful in vain.
\q The men who lusted for you now reject you.
\q2 They are trying to take away your life.
\v 19 My heart! My heart! I am in anguish in my heart. My heart is turbulent within me. I cannot keep quiet for I hear the sound of the horn, an alarm for battle.
\v 20 Disaster follows after disaster; for all the land lies in ruins. Suddenly my tents are destroyed, my curtains in a moment.
\v 21 How long will I see the signal flag? Will I hear the sound of the horn?
\v 22 For the foolishness of my people—they do not know me. They are stupid children, and they have no understanding. They are skilled at doing evil, but they do not know how to do good.
\v 23 I saw the land. Behold! It was formless and empty. For there was no light for the heavens.
\v 24 I looked at the mountains. Behold, they were trembling, and all the hills were shaking about.
\v 25 I looked. Behold, there was no one, and all the birds of the heavens had fled.
\v 26 I looked. Behold, the productive land was a wilderness and all the cities had been pulled down before Yahweh, before the fury of his wrath."
\v 27 This is what Yahweh says, "All the land will become a devastation, but I will not completely destroy it.
\v 28 For this reason, the land will mourn, and the heavens above will darken. For I have declared my intentions; I will not hold back; I will not turn from carrying them out.
\v 29 Every city will flee from the noise of the horseman and the archer with a bow; they will run into the forests. Every city will climb up into the rocky places. The cities will be abandoned, for there will be no one to inhabit them.
\v 30 Now that you have been devastated, what will you do? For though you are clothed in scarlet, and though you adorn yourself with gold jewelry, and though you make your eyes look bigger with paint, you are making yourself beautiful in vain. The men who lusted for you now reject you. They are trying to take away your life.
\v 31 So I hear the sound of anguish, distress as in the birth of a firstborn child, the sound of the daughter of Zion. She is gasping for breath. She spreads out her hands, 'Woe to me! I am fainting because of these murderers.'"
\v 31 So I hear the sound of anguish,
\q2 distress as in the birth of a firstborn child,
\q2 the sound of the daughter of Zion.
\q She is gasping for breath.
\q2 She spreads out her hands, 'Woe to me!
\q2 I am fainting because of these murderers.'"
\c 5
\v 1 "Rush about through the streets of Jerusalem; search in her city squares, too. Then look and think about this:
\q If you can find a man or anyone who is acting justly and trying to act faithfully,
\q then I will forgive Jerusalem.
\v 1 "Rush about through the streets of Jerusalem;
\q2 search in her city squares, too.
\q Then look and think about this:
\q2 If you can find a man or anyone
\q2 who is acting justly and trying to act faithfully,
\q2 then I will forgive Jerusalem.
\v 2 Although they say, 'As Yahweh lives,' yet they are swearing falsely."
\v 2 Although they say, 'As Yahweh lives,'
\q2 yet they are swearing falsely."
\v 3 Yahweh, do your eyes not look for faithfulness? You struck the people, but they do not feel pain.
\q You have completely defeated them, but they still refuse to receive discipline. They make their faces harder than rock, for they refuse to repent.
\v 3 Yahweh, do your eyes not look for faithfulness?
\q2 You struck the people, but they do not feel pain.
\q You have completely defeated them,
\q2 but they still refuse to receive discipline.
\q2 They make their faces harder than rock, for they refuse to repent.
\v 4 So I said, "Surely these are only poor people.
\q They are foolish, for they do not know Yahweh's ways, nor their God's decrees.
\q2 They are foolish, for they do not know Yahweh's ways,
\q2 nor their God's decrees.
\v 5 I will go to the important people and declare God's messages to them, for they at least know Yahweh's ways, the decrees of their God."
\q But they all broke their yoke together; they all tore apart the chains that bound them to God.
\v 5 I will go to the important people
\q2 and declare God's messages to them,
\q2 for they at least know Yahweh's ways
\q2 the decrees of their God."
\q But they all broke their yoke together;
\q2 they all tore apart the chains that bound them to God.
\v 6 So a lion from a thicket will attack them. A wolf from the Arabah will devastate them.
\q A leopard is watching their cities. Anyone who goes outside his city will be torn apart.
\q For their transgressions increase. Their acts of apostasy are numerous.
\v 6 So a lion from a thicket will attack them.
\q2 A wolf from the Arabah will devastate them.
\q A leopard is watching their cities.
\q2 Anyone who goes outside his city will be torn apart.
\q For their transgressions increase.
\q2 Their acts of apostasy are numerous.
\v 7 Why should I pardon these people?
\q Your sons have abandoned me and have made oaths by what are not gods.
\q I fed them fully, but they committed adultery and walked in great numbers to the houses of prostitutes.
\q2 Your sons have abandoned me
\q2 and have made oaths by what are not gods.
\q I fed them fully, but they committed adultery
\q2 and walked in great numbers to the houses of prostitutes.
\v 8 They were horses in heat. They roamed about wanting to mate. Each man neighed to his neighbor's wife.
\v 8 They were horses in heat.
\q2 They roamed about wanting to mate.
\q2 Each man neighed to his neighbor's wife.
\v 9 So should I not punish them—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q and should I not avenge myself on a nation that is like this?
\v 9 So should I not punish them—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 and should I not avenge myself on a nation that is like this?
\v 10 Go up onto her vineyards' terraces and destroy. But do not bring complete destruction to them.
\q Trim their vines, since those vines do not come from Yahweh.
\v 10 Go up onto her vineyards' terraces and destroy.
\q2 But do not bring complete destruction to them.
\q Trim their vines,
\q2 since those vines do not come from Yahweh.
\v 11 For the houses of Israel and Judah have completely betrayed me—this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 11 For the houses of Israel and Judah
\q2 have completely betrayed me—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration.
\v 12 They have spoken falsely about Yahweh and they said, "He will do nothing;
\q no harm will come upon us, and we will not see sword or famine.
\v 12 They have spoken falsely about Yahweh
\q2 and they said, "He will do nothing;
\q no harm will come upon us,
\q2 and we will not see sword or famine.
\v 13 The prophets will become wind, the word is not in them, so let what they say be done to them."
\v 13 The prophets will become wind,
\q2 the word is not in them,
\q2 so let what they say be done to them."
\v 14 So Yahweh, the God of hosts says this, "Because you have said this, see,
\q I am about to place my word in your mouth. It will be like a fire, and this people will be like wood! For it will consume them.
\v 14 So Yahweh, the God of hosts says this,
\q "Because you have said this, see,
\q2 I am about to place my word in your mouth.
\q2 It will be like a fire, and this people will be like wood!
\q2 For it will consume them.
\v 15 Behold! I am about to bring a nation against you from far away, house of Israel—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q it is a lasting nation, an ancient nation! It is a nation whose language you do not know,
\q nor will you understand what they say.
\v 15 Behold! I am about to bring a nation
\q2 against you from far away, house of Israel—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q it is a lasting nation, an ancient nation!
\q2 It is a nation whose language you do not know,
\q2 nor will you understand what they say.
\v 16 Its quiver is like an open tomb. They are all soldiers.
\v 16 Its quiver is like an open tomb.
\q2 They are all soldiers.
\v 17 They will eat up your harvest and your food.
\q They will devour your sons and daughters.
\q They will devour your flocks and herds.
\q2 They will devour your sons and daughters.
\q2 They will devour your flocks and herds.
\q They will devour your vines and fig trees.
\q They will beat down with a sword your fortified cities in which you put your trust.
\q2 They will beat down with a sword
\q2 your fortified cities in which you put your trust.
@ -440,44 +725,71 @@
\v 20 Report this to the house of Jacob and let it be heard in Judah. Say,
\v 20 Report this to the house of Jacob
\q2 and let it be heard in Judah. Say,
\v 21 'Hear this, you foolish people who have no understanding;
\q who have eyes but you cannot see, and you have ears but you cannot hear.
\v 21 'Hear this, you foolish people
\q2 who have no understanding;
\q who have eyes but you cannot see,
\q2 and you have ears but you cannot hear.
\v 22 Do you not fear me—this is Yahweh's declaration—or tremble before my face?
\q I have placed a border of sand against the sea, an ongoing decree that it does not violate—
\q even though the sea rises and falls, still it does not violate it. Even though its waves roar, they do not cross it.
\v 22 Do you not fear me—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 or tremble before my face?
\q I have placed a border of sand against the sea,
\q2 an ongoing decree that it does not violate—
\q even though the sea rises and falls,
\q2 still it does not violate it.
\q2 Even though its waves roar, they do not cross it.
\v 23 But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart. They have turned aside and gone away.
\v 23 But this people has a stubborn and rebellious heart.
\q2 They have turned aside and gone away.
\v 24 For they do not say in their hearts, "Let us fear Yahweh our God, the one who brings the rain—
\q the early rain and the late rains—in their right time, keeping the appointed weeks of the harvest for us."
\v 24 For they do not say in their hearts,
\q2 "Let us fear Yahweh our God,
\q2 the one who brings the rain—
\q the early rain and the late rains—
\q2 in their right time,
\q2 keeping the appointed weeks of the harvest for us."
\v 25 Your iniquities kept these things from happening. Your sins have stopped good from coming to you.
\v 25 Your iniquities kept these things from happening.
\q2 Your sins have stopped good from coming to you.
\v 26 For wicked men are found with my people. They watch as someone crouches to capture birds;
\q they set a trap and catch people.
\v 26 For wicked men are found with my people.
\q2 They watch as someone crouches to capture birds;
\q2 they set a trap and catch people.
\v 27 Like a cage full of birds, their houses are full of deceit.
\q So they grow large and become rich.
\q2 So they grow large and become rich.
\v 28 They have become fat; they shine with well-being. They crossed over all bounds of wickedness. They do not plead the cause of the people,
\q or the cause of the orphan. They prosper even though they have not given justice to the needy.
\v 28 They have become fat;
\q2 they shine with well-being.
\q They crossed over all bounds of wickedness.
\q2 They do not plead the cause of the people,
\q2 or the cause of the orphan.
\q They prosper even though they have not
\q2 given justice to the needy.
\v 29 Should I not punish them for these things—this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q and will I not take vengeance for myself on a nation like this?
\v 29 Should I not punish them for these things—
\q2 this is Yahweh's declaration—
\q2 and will I not take vengeance for myself
\q2 on a nation like this?
\v 30 An appalling and horrifying thing has occurred in the land.
\v 30 An appalling and horrifying thing
\q2 has occurred in the land.
\v 31 The prophets prophesy with deceit, and the priests rule with their own power.
\q My people love it this way, but what will happen in the end?'"
\v 31 The prophets prophesy with deceit,
\q2 and the priests rule with their own power.
\q My people love it this way,
\q2 but what will happen in the end?'"
\c 6