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law, laws, lawgiver, lawbreaker, lawbreakers, lawyer, principle, principled, principles
A "law" is a legal rule that is usually written down and enforced by someone in authority. A "principle" is a guideline for decision-making and behavior.
- Both "law" and "principle" can refer to a general rule or belief that guides a person's behavior.
- This meaning of "law" is different from its meaning in the term "law of Moses," where it refers to commands and instructions that God gave the Israelites.
- When a general law is being referred to, "law" could be translated as "principle" or "general rule."
(See also: law)
Bible References:
Word Data:
- Strong's: H1285, H1881, H1882, H2706, H2708, H2710, H4687, H4941, H5715, H6310, H7560, H8451, G1785, G3544, G3548, G3551, G3848, G4747