2.3 KiB
2.3 KiB
sign, signs, proof, remind, reminds, reminded, reminder, reminders, reminding, evidence, demonstration
A sign is an object, event, or action that communicates a special meaning.
"Reminders" are signs that "remind" people by helping them remember something, often something that was promised:
- The rainbows God creates in the sky are signs to remind people that he has promised he will never again destroy all life with a worldwide flood.
- God commanded the Israelites to circumcise their sons as a sign of his covenant with them.
Signs can reveal or point to something:
- An angel gave shepherds a sign that would help them know which baby in Bethlehem was the newborn Messiah.
- Judas kissed Jesus as a sign to the religious leaders that Jesus was the one they should arrest.
Signs can prove that something is true:
- The miracles performed by the prophets and apostles were signs that proved they were speaking God's message.
- The miracles that Jesus performed were signs that proved he was truly the Messiah.
Translation Suggestions:
- Depending on its context, "sign" could also be translated as "signal" or "symbol" or "mark" or "evidence" or "proof" or "gesture."
- To "make signs with the hands" could also be translated as "motion with the hands" or "gesture with the hands" or "make gestures."
- In some languages, there may be one word for a "sign" that proves something and a different word for a "sign" that is a miracle.
(See also: miracle, apostle, Christ, covenant, circumcise)
Bible References:
- Acts 02:18-19
- Exodus 04:8-9
- Exodus 31:12-15
- Genesis 01:14
- Genesis 09:12
- John 02:18
- Luke 02:12
- Mark 08:12
- Psalms 089:5-6
Word Data:
- Strong's: H226, H852, H926, H2368, H2865, H3820, H3824, H4150, H4159, H4864, H5162, H5251, H5824, H5953, H6161, H6725, H6734, H7560, H7725, H8074, H8540, G364, G1271, G1730, G1732, G1770, G1839, G2298, G4102, G4592, G4953, G4973, G5059, G5280, G5590