
1.9 KiB

cast out

banish, cast off, compel to go, drive out, force out, frustrate, outcast, put outside, tear out, throw out


To "cast out" or "drive out" someone or something means to force that person or thing to go away.

  • The term "cast" means the same thing as "throw." To cast a net means to throw the net into the water.
  • In a figurative sense, "cast out" or "cast away" someone can mean to reject that person and send him away.
  • To "frustrate" a person is to keep him from getting what he desires and perhaps has worked hard to obtain.
  • To "banish" someone is to force them to stay far away.

Translation Suggestions:

  • Depending on the context, other ways to translate this could include, "force out" or "send away" or "get rid of."
  • To "cast out demons" could be translated as "cause the demons to leave" or "drive the evil spirits out" or "expel the demons" or "command the demon to come out."

(See also: demon, demon-possessed, lots)

Bible References:

Word Data:

  • Strong's: H1272, H1644, H1920, H3423, H5080, H7843, H7971, H7993, G1544

Forms Found in the English ULB

banish, banished, cast ... off, cast ... out, casting out, compelled ... to go, drive, drive ... away, drive ... out, driven, driven ... away, driven ... out, drives ... away, drives ... out, driving ... out, drove ... out, force ... out, forced ... out, forcing ... out, frustrates, outcast, outcasts, put ... outside, tear ... out, threw ... out, throw ... out, throwing out, thrown, thrown out