1.4 KiB
1.4 KiB
Related Ideas:
angry, indignant, indignation, quick-tempered
To "be angry" or to "have anger" means to be very displeased, irritated, and upset about something or against someone.
- When people get angry, they are often sinful and selfish, but sometimes they have righteous anger against injustice or oppression.
- God's anger (also called "wrath") expresses his strong displeasure regarding sin.
- The phrase "provoke to anger" means "cause to be angry."
- A "quick-tempered" person becomes angry quickly and easily.
- To be "indignant" is to grieve to the point of anger or to be angry because someone has been arrogant.
(See also: wrath)
Bible References:
Word Data:
- Strong's: H599, H639, H1149, H1984, H2152, H2194, H2195, H2198, H2534, H2734, H2740, H2787, H3179, H3707, H3708, H3824, H4751, H4843, H5674, H5678, H6225, H7107, H7110, H7266, H7307, H7852, G23, G1758, G2371, G2372, G3164, G3709, G3710, G3711, G3947, G3949, G3950, G4360, G5520
Forms Found in the English ULB
anger, angered, angry, burning anger, indignant, indignation, quick-tempered