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Related Ideas:
affliction, difficulty
The term "afflict" means to cause someone distress or suffering. An "affliction" is the disease, emotional grief, or other disaster that results from this.
- God afflicted his people with sickness or other hardships in order to cause them to repent of their sins and turn back to him.
- God caused afflictions or plagues to come on the people of Egypt because their king refused to obey God.
- To "be afflicted with" means to be suffering some kind of distress, such as a disease, persecution, or emotional grief.
Translation Suggestions:
- To afflict someone could be translated as "cause someone to experience troubles" or "cause someone to suffer" or "cause suffering to come."
- In certain contexts "afflict" could be translated as "happen to" or "come to" or "bring suffering."
- A phrase like "afflict someone with leprosy" could be translated as "cause someone to be sick with leprosy."
- When a disease or disaster is sent to "afflict" people or animals, this could be translated as "cause suffering to."
- Depending on the context, the term "affliction" could be translated as "calamity" or "sickness" or "suffering" or "great distress."
- The phrase "afflicted with" could also be translated as "suffering from" or "sick with."
(See also: leprosy, plague, suffer)
Bible References:
- 2 Thessalonians 01:06
- Amos 05:12
- Colossians 01:24
- Exodus 22:22-24
- Genesis 12:17-20
- Genesis 15:12-13
- Genesis 29:32
Word Data:
- Strong's: H205, H3013, H3905, H3906, H5221, H6031, H6039, H6040, H6041, H6862, H6869, H6887, H7451, H7489, G1453, G2346, G2347, G2852, G3804, G4912
Forms Found in the English ULB
afflict, afflicted, afflicting, affliction, afflictions, difficulties