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partial, be partial, partiality
The terms "be partial" and "show partiality" refer to making a choice to treat certain people as more important than other people.
- This is similar to showing favoritism, which means to treat some people better than others.
- Usually partiality or favoritism is shown to people because they are more rich or more popular than other people.
- The Bible instructs his people to not show partiality or favoritism to people who are rich or of high status.
- In his letter to the Romans, Paul teaches that God judges people fairly and with no partiality.
- The book of James teaches that it is wrong to give someone a better seat or better treatment because they are rich.
(See also: favor)
Bible References:
Word Data:
- Strong's: H5234, H5375, H6440, G991, G2983, G4299, G4381, G4383