961 B
961 B
predestine, predestined
The terms "predestine" and "predestined" refer to deciding or planning beforehand that something will happen.
- This term especially refers to God predestining people to receive eternal life.
- Sometimes the word "foreordain" is used, which also means to decide beforehand.
Translation Suggestions:
- The term "predestine" could also be translated as "decide before" or "decide ahead of time."
- The term "predestined" could be translated as "decided long ago" or "planned ahead of time" or "decided beforehand."
- A phrase such as "predestined us" could be translated as "decided long ago that we" or "already decided ahead of time that we."
- Note that the translation of this term should be different from the translation of the term "foreknew."
(See also: foreknew)
Bible References:
Word Data:##
- Strong's: G4309