1.1 KiB
1.1 KiB
A name is what something or someone is called. In the Bible, the word "name" is also used in figurative ways. These non-literal uses have different meanings.
- In some contexts, "name" can refer to a person's reputation, as in, "let us make a name for ourselves."
- Speaking "in the name of God" means speaking with his power and authority, or as his representative.
- The "name" of someone can refer to the entire person, as in "there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved."
Translation Suggestions
- A phrase like, "his good name" could be translated as "his reputation."
- Doing something "in the name of" could be translated as,"with the authority of" or "with the permission of" or "as the representative of" that person.
- The expression, "make a name for ourselves" could be translated, "make many people know about us" or "make people think we are very important."
- The idiom, "call his name" could be translated as, "name him" or "give him the name."
- The phrase, "those who love your name" could be translated as, "those who love you."