3.0 KiB
3.0 KiB
Related Ideas:
not eager to fight, peaceable, peaceful, peacemaker, quiet, well-being
The term "peace" refers to a state of being or a feeling of having no conflict, anxiety, or fearfulness. A person who is "peaceful" feels calm and assured of being safe and secure.
- "Peace" can also refer to a time when people groups or countries are not at war with each other. These people are said to have "peaceful relations."
- To "make peace" with a person or a group of people means to take actions to cause fighting to stop.
- A "peacemaker" is someone who does and says things to influence people to live at peace with each other.
- To be "at peace" with other people means being in a state of not fighting against those people.
- A good or right relationship between God and people happens when God saves people from their sin. This is called having "peace with God."
- The greeting "grace and peace" was used by the apostles in their letters to their fellow believers as a blessing.
- The term "peace" can also refer to being in a good relationship with other people or with God.
- A person who is "peaceable" acts in a way that enables him to live in peace with other people. He acts "peaceably."
- To "quiet" someone is to get them to be at peace. To quiet a quarrel is to get the people to stop quarreling and be at peace with each other.
Bible References:
- 1 Thessalonians 05:1-3
- Acts 07:26
- Colossians 01:18-20
- Colossians 03:15
- Galatians 05:23
- Luke 07:50
- Luke 12:51
- Mark 04:39
- Matthew 05:09
- Matthew 10:13
Examples from the Bible stories:
- 15:06 God had commanded the Israelites not to make a peace treaty with any of the people groups in Canaan.
- 15:12 Then God gave Israel peace along all its borders.
- 16:03 Then God provided a deliverer who rescued them from their enemies and brought peace to the land.
- 21:13 He (Messiah) would die to receive the punishment for other people's sin. His punishment would bring peace between God and people.
- 48:14 David was the king of Israel, but Jesus is the king of the entire universe! He will come again and rule his kingdom with justice and peace, forever.
- 50:17 Jesus will rule his kingdom with peace and justice, and he will be with his people forever.
Word Data:
- Strong's: H5117, H7961, H7962, H7965, H7999, H8001, H8002, H8003, H8252, H8535, G269, G1514, G1515, G1516, G1517, G1518, G2272
Forms Found in the English ULB:
not be eager to fight, peace, peaceable, peaceably, peaceful, peacefully, peacemakers, quiet, quiets, well-being