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watch, watchman
The term "watch" means to look at something very closely and carefully. It also has several figurative meanings. A "watchman" was someone whose job was to guard a city by looking carefully all around him for any danger or threat to the people in the city.
- The command to "watch your life and doctrine closely" means to be careful to live wisely and to not believe false teachings.
- To "watch out" is a warning to be careful to avoid a danger or harmful influence.
- To "watch" or "keep watch" means to always be alert and on guard against sin and evil. It can also mean to "be ready."
- To "keep watch over" or "keep close watch" can mean to guard, protect or take care of someone or something.
- Other ways of translating "watch" could include, "pay close attention to" or "be diligent" or "be very careful" or "be on guard."
- Other words for "watchman" are "sentry" or "guard."