1.1 KiB
1.1 KiB
kind, kinds, kindness, kindnesses
The terms "kind" and "kinds" refer to groups or classifications of things that are connected by shared characteristics.
- In the Bible, this term is specifically used to refer to the distinctive kinds of plants and animals that God made when he created the world.
- Often there are many different variations or species within each "kind." For example, horses, zebras, and donkeys are all members of the same "kind," but they are different species.
- The main thing that distinguishes each "kind" as a separate group is that members of that group can reproduce more of their same "kind." Members of different kinds cannot do that with each other.
Translation Suggestions
- Ways to translate this term could include "type" or "class" or "group" or "animal (plant) group" or "category."
Bible References:
Word Data:
- Strong's: H2178, H2617, H3978, H4327, G1085, G5543, G5544, G5449