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Psalm 099 Translation Questions

Q? How should the nations respond to Yahweh's reign?

A. The nations should tremble in response to Yahweh's reign. [99:1]

Q? Why does the earth quake?

A. The earth quakes because Yahweh sits enthroned above the cherubim. [99:1]

Q? Why is Yahweh exhalted above all the nations?

A. Yahweh is exalted because he is great in Zion. [99:2]

Q? Why should the nations praise Yahweh's great and awesome name?

A. The nations should praise Yahweh's name because he is holy. [99:3]

Q? How does the writer describe the king?

A. The writer says the king is strong and he loves justice. [99:4]

Q? How does the writer say that the nations should respond to Yahweh?

A. The writer says that the nations should praise Yahweh and worship at his footstool because he is holy. [99:5]

Q? Who were some of those men who prayed to Yahweh and he answered them?

A. Some of those men who prayed to Yahweh and he answered them were Moses, Aaron, and Samuel. [99:6]

Q? How did the men who prayed to Yahweh respond to what he said?

A. The men who prayed kept Yahweh's solemn commands and the statutes that he gave them. [99:7]

Q? What did Yahweh do for the men who prayed to him?

A. Yahweh forgave them though he punished their sinful deeds. [99:8]

Q? What does the writer encourage everyone to do?

A. The writer says to praise Yahweh and worship at his holy hill because he is holy. [99:9]

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