
1.5 KiB

Psalm 074 Translation Questions

Q? What does Asaph ask God to remember that he did for his people in ancient times?

A. God redeemed them in ancient times, and purchased them to be his own heritage. [74:2]

Q? What damage did the enemy do in the sanctuary?

A. They set up their battle flags, hacked with axes, smashed and broke the engravings. [74:4-6]

Q? What else did they do to the sanctuary?

A. They set it on fire, and desecrated it by knocking it to the ground, [74:7]

Q? What did the enemy do to the meeting places?

A. They burned them all of the meeting places in the land. [74:8]

Q? What did God's people not see anymore?

A. They did not see any more miraculous signs, there is no prophet any more. [74:9]

Q? What are signs that God has been Asaph's king since ancient times?

A. God divided the sea and smashed the heads of sea monsters. [74:12-13]

Q? What did God to to the leviathan?

A. He crushed the heads of leviathan, and fed him to those living in the wilderness. [74:14]

Q? What did God set in place?

A. He set the sun and moon in place, and set all the borders of the earth. [74:16-17]

Q? What does the enemy do that Asaph wants Yahweh to remember?

A. The enemy hurled insults at Yahweh and blasphemed his name. [74:18]

Q? Why does Asaph ask God to remember his covenant?

A. He wants Yahweh to remember his covenant because the earth is full of violence. [74:20]

Q? What does Asaph want God to defend?

A. Asaph wants God to arise and defend his own honor. [74:22]

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