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- en:tw:covenantfaith
- en:tw:declare
- en:tw:desert
- en:tw:evil
- en:tw:firstfruit
- en:tw:harvest
- en:tw:holy
- en:tw:israel
- en:tw:israel
- en:tw:jerusalem
- en:tw:love
- en:tw:mind
- en:tw:proclaim
- en:tw:sin
- en:tw:sow
- en:tw:time
- en:tw:wordofgod
- en:tw:yahweh
- The word of Yahweh came to - See how you translated this in :en:bible🎶jer:01:01.
- to me - to Jeremiah
- Go and proclaim in the ears of Jerusalem - AT: "Go and speak to the people in Jerusalem" (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_synecdoche)
- on your behalf - "for your benefit" or "in your interest"
- when we were engaged - "when we first agreed that we would marry each other," when the Israelites loved him and were loyal to him (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
- the land that was not sown - AT: "the land where no one has sown seed" or "the land where no food was growing"
- Yahweh's declaration - See how you translated this in :en:bible🎶jer:01:07.