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Unlocked Literal Bible

The ULB is a more literal version of the Bible. It is adapted from the 1901 ASV Bible that is currently in public domain.

(I'm not sure about "more literal")

WA Translation Resources (Interleaved pdfs)

The WA Translation Resources contain verse-by-verse translation helps for translators. They contain the Unlocked Literal Bible, Unlocked Dynamic Bible, Translation Notes, and links to Translation Words and Translation Topics.

The Translation Notes deal with topics such as pronouns, implicit information, cultural information, figures of speech and more. They also have book and chapter introductions. Also included in the Translation Resources are Translation Questions.

Reviewer's Guide

The Reviewer's Guide is a collection of documents to help local churches check the accuracy and naturalness of their Bible translation.

ULB Translation Questions

These questions are designed to help the translators check for comprehension related to specific books of the Bible.

ULB Translation Words

This contains a list of important biblical words along with their definitions and translation suggestions.

ULB Translation Manual -

The Translation Manual teaches the basics of translation theory and processes, provides practical helps for dealing with various translation issues, and provides instruction and processes for checking translations.

(Could we delete ULB from the title?)

Unlocked Dynamic Bible

The UDB is a supplemental resource that can be used alongside the ULB to help clarify difficult passages.

Open Bible Stories

This contains fifty bible stories from the Old and New Testaments along with the following support resources: illustrations, notes, words, and questions.