
893 B

we are surrounded by such a large cloud of witnesses

"there are so many examples of faithful people about whom we learn in the scriptures"


Here "witnesses" refers to the Old Testament believers in chapter 11 who lived before the race of faith that believers now run.

let us lay aside every weight and easily entangling sin

Here "weight" and "easily entangling sin" are spoken of as if a person could take them off himself and put them down.

every weight

Attitudes or habits that keep believers from trusting and obeying God are spoken of as if they were loads that would make it difficult for a person to run while carrying.

easily entangling sin

"sin that makes obeying God difficult"

Let us run with perseverance the race that is placed before us

"Let us continue obeying what God has commanded us, just like a runner keeps going until the race is over"