
918 B



  • Paul continues his imaginary argument with a Jewish person.
  • For - "Because." If your language has a way to mark that verses 14 and :en:bible🎶rom:02:15 interrupt Paul's main argument to give the reader extra information, use it here. You may need to place 2:14-15 either before 2:13 or after 2:16.
  • it is not the hearers of the Law - AT: "it is not those who only hear the Law of Moses"
  • who are righteous before God - AT: "that are pleasing to God"
  • but it is the doers of the Law - AT: "but it is those who obey the Law of Moses"
  • who will be justified - This can be translated with an active verb. AT: "that God will accept" (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive)
  • are a law to themselves - AT: "have God's laws already inside them"