
1023 B



  • You see the trouble - Here "you" is plural, referring to all the people mentioned in en:bible:notes:neh:02:15.
  • so we will no longer be in disgrace - "so we will end this disgrace."
  • I told them - "Then I said to them"
  • the good hand of my God was on me - Here "good hand" is a metonym for God's presence or power. AT: "the powerful help of God was upon me" or "God was with me" (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_metonymy)
  • Let us rise up and build - The phrase "rise up and build" is an idiom. AT: "Let us begin building." (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_idiom)
  • So they strengthened their hands for the good work - "So they got ready to go to work" or "so they encouraged themselves to do the good work."