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  • an aroma from death to death - The word "aroma" to refer to knowledge about Christ. For those who are spiritual dead, knowledge about Christ is like the smell of a dead decaying body. AT: "knowledge about death to those who are dead." (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
  • **aroma from life to life ** - The word "aroma" to refer to knowledge about Christ. For those who are Spiritual alive, knowledge about Christ is like a sweet smelling fragrance. AT: "knowledge about life to those who are alive." (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
  • Who is worthy of these things? - Paul uses this question to express the knowledge of Christ is a gift from God that no one deserves. AT: "No one is worthy of these things." (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
  • purity of motives - "honest desires"
  • we speak in Christ - "we speak because of our belief in Christ"