
18 KiB

John 7

John 7:1

General Information:

Jesus is in Galilee speaking to his brothers. These verses tell about when this event occurred. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

After these things

These words tell the reader that the writer will begin talking about a new event. "After he finished speaking with the disciples" (John 6:66-71) or "Some time later"


The reader should understand that Jesus is probably walking rather than riding on an animal or in a vehicle.

the Jews were seeking to kill him

Here "the Jews" is a synecdoche for "the Jewish leaders." Alternate translation: "the Jewish leaders were making plans to kill him" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-synecdoche)

John 7:2

Now the Jewish Festival of Shelters was near

"Now the time for the festival of the Jews was near" or "Now it was almost time for the Jewish festival of Shelters"

John 7:3


This refers to the actual younger brothers of Jesus, the sons of Mary and Joseph.

the works that you do

The word "works" refers to the miracles that Jesus had performed.

John 7:4

he himself

The word "himself" is a reflexive pronoun that emphasizes the word "he." (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rpronouns)

the world

Here "the world" is a metonym for all of the people in the world. Alternate translation: "all people" or "everyone" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 7:5

For even his brothers did not believe in him

This sentence is a break from the main story line as John tells us some background information about the brothers of Jesus. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

his brothers

All of Jesus's brothers were younger than he was. This can be made explicit in the translation as long as it does not suggest that Jesus also had older brothers. Alternate translation: "his younger brothers" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 7:6

My time has not yet come

The word "time" is a metonym. Jesus is implying that it is not the right time for him to bring his ministry to a close. Alternate translation: "It is not the right time for me to end my work" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy and rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

your time is always ready

"any time is good for you"

John 7:7

The world cannot hate you

Here the "world" is a metonym for the people who live in the world. Alternate translation: "The people in the world cannot hate you" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

I testify about it that its works are evil

"I tell them that what they are doing is evil"

John 7:8

Connecting Statement:

Jesus continues speaking to his brothers.

my time has not yet been fulfilled

Here Jesus is implying that if he goes to Jerusalem, he will bring his work to an end. Alternate translation: "It is not the right time for me to go to Jerusalem" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 7:9

General Information:

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John 7:10

General Information:

The setting of the story has changed. Jesus and his brothers are now at the festival.

when his brothers

All of Jesus's brothers were younger than he was. This can be made explicit in the translation as long as it does not suggest that Jesus also had older brothers. Alternate translation: "when his younger brothers" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

he also went up

Jerusalem is at a higher elevation than Galilee where Jesus and his brothers were previously.

not publicly but in secret

These two phrases mean the same thing. The idea is repeated for emphasis. Alternate translation: "very secretly" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-doublet)

John 7:11

The Jews were looking for him

Here the word "Jews"is a synecdoche for "the Jewish leaders." The word "him" refers to Jesus. Alternate translation: "The Jewish leaders were looking for Jesus" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-synecdoche)

John 7:12

he leads the crowds astray

Here "leads ... astray" is a metaphor for persuading someone to believe something that is not true. Alternate translation: "he deceives the people" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 7:13


This refers to the unpleasant feeling a person has when there is a threat of harm to himself or others.

the Jews

The word "Jews" is a synecdoche for the leaders of the Jews who opposed Jesus. Alternate translation: "the Jewish leaders" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-synecdoche)

John 7:14

General Information:

Jesus is now teaching the Jews in the temple.

John 7:15

How does this man know so much?

The remark appears in the form of a question to emphasize the Jewish leaders' surprise that Jesus has so much knowledge. Alternate translation: "It is amazing how much he knows about the scriptures!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:16

but is of him who sent me

"but comes from God, the one who sent me"

John 7:17

Connecting Statement:

Jesus continues speaking to the Jews.

John 7:18

but whoever seeks the glory of him who sent him, that person is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him

"when a person only seeks to honor the one who sent him, that person is speaking the truth. He does not lie"

John 7:19

Connecting Statement:

Jesus continues speaking to the Jews.

Did not Moses give you the law?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "It was Moses who gave you the law" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

keeps the law

"obeys the law"

Why do you seek to kill me?

Jesus questions the motives of the Jewish leaders who want to kill him for breaking the law of Moses. He implies that the leaders themselves do not keep that same Law. Alternate translation: "You break the Law yourselves and yet you want to kill me!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion and rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 7:20

You have a demon

"This shows that you are crazy, or maybe a demon is controlling you!"

Who seeks to kill you?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "No one is trying to kill you!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:21

one work

"one miracle" or "one sign"

you all marvel

"you all are shocked"

John 7:22

not that it is from Moses, but from the ancestors

Here John provides additional information about circumcision. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

on the Sabbath you circumcise a man

Jesus implies that the act of circumcision also involves work. Alternate translation: "you circumcise a male baby on the Sabbath. That is working too" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

on the Sabbath

"on the Jewish Day of Rest"

John 7:23

If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses is not broken

"If you circumcise a male baby on the Sabbath so that you do not break the law of Moses"

why are you angry with me because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "you should not be angry with me because I made a man completely well on the Sabbath!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

on the Sabbath

"on the Jewish Day of Rest"

John 7:24

Do not judge according to appearance, but judge righteously

Jesus implies that the people should not decide what is right, based only on what they can see. Behind the action is a motive that cannot be seen. Alternate translation: "Stop judging people according to what you see! Be more concerned with what is right according to God" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 7:25

Is not this the one they seek to kill?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "This is Jesus whom they are seeking to kill!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:26

they say nothing to him

This implies that the Jewish leaders are not opposing Jesus. Alternate translation: "they say nothing to oppose him" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

It cannot be that the rulers indeed know that this is the Christ, can it?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "Maybe they have decided that he is truly the Messiah!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:27

General Information:

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John 7:28

cried out

"spoke in a loud voice"

in the temple

Jesus and the people were actually in the courtyard of the temple. Alternate translation: "in the temple courtyard" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

You both know me and know where I come from

John uses irony in this statement. The people believe that Jesus is from Nazareth. They do not know that God sent him from heaven and that he was born in Bethlehem. Alternate translation: "You all know me and you think you know where I come from" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-irony)

of myself

"on my own authority." See how you translated "of himself" in John 5:19.

he who sent me is true

"God is the one who sent me and he is true"

John 7:29

General Information:

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John 7:30

his hour had not yet come

The word "hour" is a metonym that represents the right time for Jesus to be arrested, according to God's plan. Alternate translation: "it was not the right time to arrest him" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 7:31

When the Christ comes, will he do more signs than what this one has done?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "When the Christ comes, surely he will not be able to do more signs than this man has done!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)


This refers to the miracles that prove that Jesus is the Christ.

John 7:32

General Information:

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John 7:33

I am still with you for a short amount of time

"I will remain with you for only a short period of time"

then I go to him who sent me

Here Jesus refers to God the Father, who sent him.

John 7:34

where I go, you will not be able to come

"you will not be able to come to the place where I am"

John 7:35

The Jews therefore said among themselves

The "Jews" is a synecdoche that represents the leaders of the Jews who opposed Jesus. Alternate translation: "The Jewish leaders said among themselves" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-synecdoche)

the dispersion

This refers to the Jews that were spread all across the Greek world, outside of Palestine.

John 7:36

What is this word that he said

This "word" is a metonym which stands for the meaning of the message that Jesus had shared, which the Jewish leaders had failed to understand. Alternate translation: "What is he talking about when he said" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 7:37

General Information:

Some time has passed. It is now the last day of the festival and Jesus speaks to the crowd.

great day

It is "great" because it is the last, or most important, day of the festival.

If anyone is thirsty

Here the word "thirsty" is a metaphor that means one's great desire for the things of God, just as one "thirsts" for water. Alternate translation: "Anyone who desires the things of God like a thirsty man desires water" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

let him come to me and drink

The word "drink" is a metaphor that means to receive the spiritual life that Jesus provides. Alternate translation: "let him come to me and quench his spiritual thirst" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 7:38

He who believes in me, just as the scripture says

"As the scripture says about anyone who believes in me"

rivers of living water will flow

The "rivers of living water" is a metaphor that represents the life that Jesus provides for those who are spiritually "thirsty." Alternate translation: "spiritual life will flow like rivers of water" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

living water

Possible meanings are 1) "water that gives life" or 2) "water that causes people to live." (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

from his stomach

Here the stomach represents the inside of a person, specifically the non-physical part of a person. Alternate translation: "from inside of him" or "from his heart" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 7:39

General Information:

In this verse the author gives information to clarify what Jesus is talking about. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

But he

Here "he" refers to Jesus.

the Spirit had not yet been given

John implies that the Spirit would later come to live in those who trusted Jesus. Alternate translation: "the Spirit had not yet come to live in the believers" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

because Jesus was not yet glorified

Here the word "glorified" refers to the time when God would honor the Son after his death and resurrection.

John 7:40

This is indeed the prophet

By saying this, the people are indicating that they believe Jesus is the prophet like Moses that God had promised to send. Alternate translation: "This is indeed the prophet who is like Moses that we have been waiting for" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 7:41

Does the Christ come from Galilee?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "The Christ cannot come from Galilee!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:42

Have the scriptures not said that the Christ will come from the descendants of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "The scriptures teach that Christ will come from the line of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David was!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

Have the scriptures not said ... was?

The scriptures are referred to as if they were actually speaking as a person speaks. Alternate translation: "Did the prophets not write in the scriptures ... was?" or "The prophets wrote in the scriptures ... was." (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-personification)

where David was

"where David lived"

John 7:43

So there arose a division in the crowds because of him

The crowds could not agree about who or what Jesus was.

John 7:44

but no one laid hands on him

To lay hands on someone is an idiom which means to grab him or to hold onto him. Alternate translation: "but no one grabbed him to arrest him" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-idiom)

John 7:45

the officers

"the temple guards"

John 7:46

Never has anyone spoken like this

The officers exaggerate to show how impressed they are by what Jesus said. You may need to make explicit that the officers were not claiming to know everything that every person in all times and places had ever said. Alternate translation: "We have never heard anyone say such amazing things as this man!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit and rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-hyperbole)

John 7:47

So the Pharisees

"Because they said that, the Pharisees"

answered them

"answered the officers"

Have you also been deceived?

The remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. The Pharisees are shocked at the response of the officers. Alternate translation: "You have been deceived too!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:48

Have any of the rulers believed in him, or any of the Pharisees?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "None of the rulers or Pharisees have believed in him!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 7:49

the law

This is a reference to the law of the Pharisees and not the law of Moses.

But this crowd that does not know the law, they are cursed

"As for this crowd that does not know the law, God will cause them to perish!"

John 7:50

one of the Pharisees, who came to him earlier

John provides this information to remind us of who Nicodemus is. Your language may have a special way to mark background information. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

John 7:51

Does our law judge a man ... what he does?

This remark appears in the form of a question to add emphasis. This can be translated as a statement. Alternate translation: "Our Jewish law does not allow us to judge a man ... what he does!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

Does our law judge a man ... does?

Here Nicodemus speaks of the law as if it were a person. If this is not natural in your language, you may translate it with a personal subject. Alternate translation: "Do we judge a man ... does?" or "We do not judge a man ... does." (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-personification)

John 7:52

Are you also from Galilee?

The Jewish leaders know that Nicodemus is not from Galilee. They ask this question as a way of scoffing at him. Alternate translation: "You must also be one of those inferior persons from Galilee!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion and rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

Search and see

This is an ellipsis. You may wish to include the information that does not appear. Alternate translation: "Search carefully and read what is written in the Scriptures" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

no prophet comes from Galilee

This probably refers to the belief that Jesus was born in Galilee.

John 7:53

General Information:

The best early texts do not have 7:53 - 8:11. The ULB has set them apart in square brackets ([ ]) to show that John probably did not include them in his original text. Translators are encouraged to translate them, to set them apart with square brackets, and to include a footnote like the one written on John 7:53. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/translate-textvariants)