
13 KiB

John 4

John 4:1

General Information:

John 4:1-6 gives the background to the next event, Jesus's conversation with a Samaritan woman. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

Connecting Statement:

A long sentence begins here.

Now when Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was making and baptizing more disciples than John

"Now Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John. When he knew that the Pharisees had heard that he was doing this"

Now when Jesus knew

The word "now" is used here to mark a break in the main events. Here John starts to tell a new part of the narrative.

John 4:2

Jesus himself was not baptizing

The reflexive pronoun "himself" adds emphasis that it was not Jesus who was baptizing, but his disciples. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rpronouns)

John 4:3

he left Judea and went back again to Galilee

You may need to rearrange the entire sentence that begins with the words "Now when Jesus" in verse 1. "Now Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John (although Jesus himself was not baptizing, but his disciples were). The Pharisees heard that Jesus was doing this. When Jesus knew that the Pharisees learned what he was doing, he left Judea and went back again to Galilee"

John 4:4

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John 4:5

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John 4:6

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John 4:7

Give me some water

This is a polite request, not a command.

John 4:8

For his disciples had gone

He did not ask his disciples to draw water for him because they had gone.

John 4:9

Then the Samaritan woman said to him

The word "him" refers to Jesus.

How is it that you, being a Jew, are asking me, being a Samaritan woman, for something to drink?

This remark appears in the form of a question to express the Samaritan woman's surprise that Jesus asked her for a drink. Alternate translation: "I cannot believe that you, being a Jew, are asking me, a Samaritan woman, for a drink!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

have no dealings with

"do not associate with"

John 4:10

living water

Jesus uses the metaphor "living water" to refer to the Holy Spirit, who works in a person to transform and bring new life. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 4:11

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John 4:12

You are not greater, are you, than our father Jacob ... livestock?

This remark occurs in the form of a question to add emphasis. Alternate translation: "You are not greater than our father Jacob ... livestock!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

our father Jacob

"our ancestor Jacob"

drank from it

"drank water that came from it"

John 4:13

will be thirsty again

"will need to drink water again"

John 4:14

the water that I will give him will become a fountain of water in him

Here the word "fountain" is a metaphor for life-giving spring of water. Alternate translation: "the water that I will give him will become like a spring of water in him" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

eternal life

Here "life" refers to the "spiritual life" that only God can give.

John 4:15


In this context, the Samaritan woman is addressing Jesus as "Sir," which is a term of respect or politeness.

draw water

"get water" or "pull water up from the well" using a container and rope

John 4:16

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John 4:17

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John 4:18

What you have said is true

Jesus said this to emphasize the words "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'" in verse 17. He wanted the woman to know that he knew she was telling the truth.

John 4:19


In this context the Samaritan woman is addressesing Jesus as "sir," which is a term of respect or politeness.

I see that you are a prophet

"I can understand that you are a prophet"

John 4:20

Our fathers

"Our forefathers" or "Our ancestors"

John 4:21

Believe me

To believe someone is to acknowledge what the person has said is true.

you will worship the Father

Eternal salvation from sin comes from God the Father, who is Yahweh, the God of the Jews.


This is an important title for God. (See: rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples)

John 4:22

You worship what you do not know. We worship what we know

Jesus means that God revealed himself and his commands to the Jewish people, not to the Samaritans. Through the Scriptures the Jewish people know who God is better than the Samaritans.

for salvation is from the Jews

This means that God has chosen the Jews as his special people who will tell all other people about his salvation. It also means that the Christ, the one who will save the world, will be a Jew. It does not mean the Jewish people will save others from their sins. Alternate translation: "for all people will know about God's salvation because of the Jews"

salvation is from the Jews

Eternal salvation from sin comes from God the Father, who is Yahweh, the God of the Jews.

John 4:23

Connecting Statement:

Jesus continues speaking to the Samaritan woman.

However, the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will

"However, it is now the right time for true worshipers to"

the Father

This is an important title for God. (See: rc://en/ta/man/translate/guidelines-sonofgodprinciples)

in spirit and truth

Possible meanings are the "spirit" here is 1) the inner person, the mind and heart, what a person thinks and what he loves, different from where he goes to worship and what ceremonies he performs, or 2) the Holy Spirit. Alternate translation: "in the Spirit and in truth" or "with the Spirit's help and in truth"

in ... truth

thinking correctly of what is true about God

John 4:24

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John 4:25

I know that the Messiah ... Christ

Both of these words mean "God's promised king."

he will explain everything to us

This statement implies that he will tell them everything they need to know. Alternate translation: "he will tell us everything we need to know" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-explicit)

John 4:26

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John 4:27

At that moment his disciples returned

"Just as Jesus was saying this, his disciples returned from town"

Now they were wondering why he was speaking with a woman

It was very unusual for a Jew to speak with a woman he did not know, especially if that woman was a Samaritan.

no one said, "What ... want?" or "Why ... her?"

Possible meanings are 1) "no one asked Jesus, 'What ... want?' or 'Why ... her?'" or 2) "no one asked the woman, 'What ... want?' or asked Jesus, 'Why ... her?'"

John 4:28

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John 4:29

Come, see a man who told me everything that I have ever done

The Samaritan woman exaggerates to show that she is impressed by how much Jesus knows about her. Alternate translation: "Come see a man who knows very much about me, even though I have never met him before" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-hyperbole)

This could not be the Christ, could it?

The woman is not sure that Jesus is the Christ, so she asks a question that expects "no" for an answer, but she also asks a question instead of making a statement because she wants the people to decide for themselves.

John 4:30

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John 4:31

In the meantime

"While the woman was going into town"

the disciples were urging him

"the disciples were telling Jesus" or "the disciples were encouraging Jesus"

John 4:32

I have food to eat that you do not know about

Here Jesus is not talking about literal "food," but is preparing his disciples for a spiritual lesson in John 4:34.

John 4:33

No one has brought him anything to eat, have they?

The disciples think Jesus is talking about literal "food." They begin asking each other this question, expecting a "no" response. Alternate translation: "Surely no one brought him any food while we were in town!" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rquestion)

John 4:34

My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work

Here "food" is a metaphor that represents "obeying God's will." Alternate translation: "Just as food satisfies a hungry person, obeying God's will is what satisfies me" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 4:35

Do you not say

"Is this not one of your popular sayings"

look up and see the fields, for they are already ripe for harvest

The words "fields" and "ripe for harvest" are metaphors. The "fields" represent people. The words "ripe for harvest" mean that people are ready to receive the message of Jesus, like fields that are ready to be harvested. Alternate translation: "look up and see the the people! They are ready to believe my message, like crops in the fields that are ready for people to harvest them" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 4:36

and gathers fruit for everlasting life

Here "fruit for everlasting life" is a metaphor that represents people who believe Christ's message and receive eternal life. Alternate translation: "and the people who believe the message and receive eternal life are like the fruit that a harvester gathers" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 4:37

Connecting Statement:

Jesus continues speaking to his disciples.

One sows, and another harvests

The words "sows" and "harvests" are metaphors. The one who "sows" shares the message of Jesus. The one who "harvests" helps the people to receive the message of Jesus. Alternate translation: "One person plants the seeds, and another person harvests the crops" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metaphor)

John 4:38

you have entered into their labor

"you are now joining in their work"

John 4:39

believed in him

To "believe in" someone means to "trust in" that person. Here this also means that they believed he was the Son of God.

He told me everything that I have done

This is an exaggeration. The woman was impressed by how much Jesus knew about her. Alternate translation: "He told me many things about my life" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-hyperbole)

John 4:40

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John 4:41

his word

Here "word" is a metonym that stands for the message that Jesus proclaimed. Alternate translation: "his message" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 4:42


The "world" is a metonym for all the believers throughout the world. Alternate translation: "all the believers in the world" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 4:43

General Information:

Jesus goes down to Galilee and heals a boy. Verse 44 gives us background information about something Jesus had said previously. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/writing-background)

from there

from Judea

John 4:44

For Jesus himself declared

The reflexive pronoun "himself" is added to emphasize that Jesus had "declared" or said this.. You can translate this in your language in a way that will give emphasis to a person. (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-rpronouns)

a prophet has no honor in his own country

"people do not show respect or honor to a prophet of their own country" or "a prophet is not respected by the people in his own community"

John 4:45

at the festival

Here the festival is the Passover.

John 4:46


This word is used here to mark a break in the main story line and to move to a new part of the story. If you have a way of doing this in your language, you may consider using it.

royal official

someone who is in the service of the king

John 4:47

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John 4:48

Unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe

"Unless ... not believe" here is a double negative. In some languages it is more natural to translate this statement in a positive form. Alternate translation: "You will believe only if you see a signs and wonders" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-doublenegatives)

John 4:49

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John 4:50

believed the word

Here "word" is a metonym that refers to the message that Jesus spoke. Alternate translation: "believed the message" (See: rc://en/ta/man/jit/figs-metonymy)

John 4:51


This word is used to mark two events that are happening at the same time. As the official was going home, his servants were coming to meet him on the road.

John 4:52

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John 4:53

So he himself and his whole household believed

The reflexive pronoun "himself" is used here to emphasize the word "he." If you have a way of doing this in your language, you may consider using it.

John 4:54


Miracles can also be called "signs" because they are used as indicators or evidence that God is the all-powerful one who has complete authority over the universe.