18 lines
806 B
18 lines
806 B
## translationWords
* [[en:tw:abimelech]]
* [[en:tw:house]]
* [[en:tw:integrity]]
* [[en:tw:jotham]]
* [[en:tw:rejoice]]
* [[en:tw:shechem]]
## translationNotes
* **If then you acted ...** - Jotham offers the possibility that what they did was good. (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_hypo]])
* **Jerub Baal** - See how you translated this in [[:en:bible:notes:jdg:06:31]].
* **But if not, let fire come** - Jotham offers the opposite possibility and applies a curse. (See: [[:en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_hypo]])
* **let fire come out from Abimelech and burn up the men of Shechem** - This is a curse and means that a fire will destroy Abimelech.
* **Beth Millo** - See how you translated this in [[:en:bible:notes:jdg:09:05]].
* **Beer** - This is a city. (See: [[en:ta:vol1:translate:translate_names]])