745 B
745 B
- en:tw:covenant
- en:tw:covenant
- en:tw:curse
- en:tw:curse
- en:tw:obey
- en:tw:obey
- en:tw:proud
- en:tw:proud
- en:tw:rebuke
- en:tw:rebuke
- who are cursed - Possible meanings are that 1) God will curse them, or 2) they deserve God's punishment. AT: "who deserve your punishment"
- who wander from your commandments - AT: "who go away from the path of your commandments" or "who disobey your commandments" (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
- Spare me from - "Keep me from" or "Rescue me from"
- and humiliation - "and feeling ashamed and foolish"