870 B
870 B
- en:tw:descendant
- en:tw:descendant
- en:tw:falsegod
- en:tw:falsegod
- en:tw:jacob
- en:tw:jacob
- en:tw:josephot
- en:tw:josephot
- en:tw:miracle
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:peoplegroup
- en:tw:power
- en:tw:power
- en:tw:reveal
- en:tw:reveal
- en:tw:selah
- en:tw:selah
- en:tw:strength
- The writer continues to speak to Yahweh.
- what god compares to our great God? - The writer uses a question to emphasize his praise of God. He means there is no one like God. (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_rquestion)
- gave your people victory ... the descendants - AT: "gave us, your people, victory ... us who are the descendants"