
885 B



  • This is a continuation of Jonah's prayer that started in :en:bible🎶jon:02:01.
  • But as for me, I - This expression in English shows that there is a contrast between the people Jonah had just spoken about and himself. They paid attention to useless gods but he would worship Yahweh. It can also be translated as "But I."
  • I will sacrifice to you with a voice of thanksgiving - This means that Jonah would thank God while he offered a sacrifice to him. It is not clear whether Jonah planned to thank God by singing or shouting joyfully.
  • Salvation comes from Yahweh - "Salvation" is a noun. Its meaning can also be expressed with a verb: Yahweh is the one who saves people."
  • upon the dry land - "upon the ground" or "onto the shore"