623 B
623 B
- en:tw:arkofthecovenant
- en:tw:call
- en:tw:cherubim
- en:tw:david
- en:tw:israel
- en:tw:judah
- en:tw:name
- en:tw:raise
- en:tw:yahwehofhosts
- all the chosen men of Israel - This refers to the army of the nation of Israel. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_metonymy)
- Baalah - This is the name of a place. (See: :en:ta:vol1:translate:translate_names)
- enthroned - to sit on a throne or a place of authority.
- ** who sits enthroned over the cherubim ** - AT: "who sits in his place of authority between the cherubim"