
1.9 KiB



  • Jesus continues to teach his disciples. This event began in :en:bible🎶mat:05:01.
  • Jesus is talking to a group of people about what might happen to them as individuals. The instances of "you" and "your" are all singular, but you may need to translate them as plurals.
  • The eye is the lamp of the body - "like a lamp, the eye allows you to see things clearly" (See: en:ta:vol1:translate:figs_metaphor)
  • if your eye is good, the whole body is filled with light - If your eyes are healthy, if you can see, then your whole body is able to function properly. That is, you can walk, work, etc. This is a metaphor for seeing things as God sees them, specifically in the area of generosity and greed (see UDB).
  • eye - You may have to translate this as plural.
  • filled with light - This is a metaphor for having understanding.
  • if your eye is bad - This does not refer to magic. Alternative translation: "you do not see things as God sees them." It can also be a metaphor for greed (see UDB "How greedy you will be" and :en:bible🎶mat:20:15).
  • the light that is in you is actually darkness - "what you think is light is actually darkness." This is a metaphor for thinking one sees things as God sees them when one does not.
  • how great is that darkness - To be in darkness is bad. To be in darkness and think one is in light is even worse.
  • for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other - These two phrases refer to the same issue--being unable to love and be devoted to both God and money at the same time. (See: en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_parallelism)
  • You cannot serve God and wealth - "You cannot worship God and money at the same time"