758 B
758 B
- en:tw:believe
- en:tw:death
- en:tw:forgive
- en:tw:judge
- en:tw:life
- en:tw:name
- en:tw:preach
- en:tw:prophet
- en:tw:receive
- en:tw:sin
- en:tw:witness
- (Peter continues to speak.)
- He commanded us - God commanded us witnesses or apostles. This "us" excludes Peter's audience. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_exclusive)
- that this the one who has been chosen by God - That Jesus is the one who God chooses. (See: :en:ta:vol2:translate:figs_activepassive)
- **the living and the dead ** - the people who are still living and people who have died
- It is to him that all the prophets bear witness - "All the prophets bear witness to Jesus"