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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | y3tt | During what period of time in Jewish history did the story of Ruth occur? | It occurred in the days when the judges ruled. | |||
3 | 1:1 | ivc2 | Why did Elimelek move to Moab with his family? | He moved because there was a famine in the land of Judah. | |||
4 | 1:3 | cm3e | What happened to Elimelek in Moab? | He died, leaving Naomi a widow. | |||
5 | 1:5 | kc8c | What happened to Naomi’s children in Moab? | They died, leaving behind two daughters-in-law for Naomi. | |||
6 | 1:6 | s2j5 | Why did Naomi decide to return to Judah? | She heard that Yahweh had given the people of Judah food. | |||
7 | 1:8 | rg4g | Where did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to go? | She wanted them to return to their mothers’ houses. | |||
8 | 1:9 | b9rq | What did Naomi want her two daughters-in-law to find? | She wanted them to find other husbands. | |||
9 | 1:13 | ee6g | Who did Naomi believe was the source of her trouble? | She believed that Yahweh was against her. | |||
10 | 1:16 | s63s | When Ruth stayed with Naomi, what promise did Ruth make to Naomi? | She said, “For I will go to the place where you go, and I will stay in the place where you stay. Your people are my people, and your God is my God.” | |||
11 | 1:19 | ahzc | To which town did Naomi return? | She returned to Bethlehem. | |||
12 | 1:20 | us6s | What name did Naomi want to be called and why? | She asked to be called “Mara” (which means “bitter”), because she believed that Yahweh had dealt bitterly with her. | |||
13 | 1:22 | f327 | What time of the year did Naomi and Ruth arrive in Bethlehem? | They arrived at the beginning of the barley harvest. | |||
14 | 2:1 | hoxo | What was the relationship between Boaz and Naomi’s dead husband? | Boaz was a relative of Naomi’s husband. | |||
15 | 2:2 | ckfd | As Ruth went out to glean for the first time, who did Ruth say she would follow while gleaning grain? | She would follow anyone in whose eyes she found favor. | |||
16 | 2:4 | ypbk | What greeting did Boaz give to his workers? | He said, “Yahweh be with you.” | |||
17 | 2:5 | yxli | What did Boaz want to know about Ruth? | He wanted to know to whom she belonged. | |||
18 | 2:8 | jjpf | What instructions did Boaz give Ruth concerning her gleaning? | He told Ruth not to leave his field, but to stay and work in his field with his female workers. | |||
19 | 2:10 | x2ht | After receiving the favorable instructions, what question did Ruth ask Boaz? | She asked Boaz why she had found favor in his sight. | |||
20 | 2:11 | irli | What good report had Boaz heard about Ruth? | He had heard that Ruth had left her home to follow Naomi. | |||
21 | 2:12 | dyg4 | Under whose wings did Boaz say Ruth had found refuge? | He said that Ruth had found refuge under Yahweh’s wings. | |||
22 | 2:15 | v1e4 | What additional favor did Boaz show to Ruth when they returned to work after mealtime? | He allowed Ruth to glean among the bundles. | |||
23 | 2:16 | ghy0 | What did Boaz tell his workers to do for Ruth? | He commanded the reapers to pull out grain for Ruth from the bundles. | |||
24 | 2:19 | g8d8 | When Naomi saw the large amount of grain that Ruth brought back, what question did she ask Ruth? | She asked where Ruth had gleaned that day. | |||
25 | 2:20 | a2ru | What blessing did Naomi wish for Boaz when she heard that Boaz had helped Ruth? | She said, “May he be blessed by Yahweh” | |||
26 | 2:22 | gtxm | Why did Naomi think it was good for Ruth to work with Boaz’s women workers? | By doing that, Ruth would not come to harm in any other field. | |||
27 | 2:23 | zj8n | What did Ruth do during the rest of the barley harvest? | She gleaned with Boaz’s workers and lived with her mother-in-law. | |||
28 | 3:1 | hkl3 | What did Naomi say her desire was for Ruth? | She desired that Ruth have a place of rest, meaning to have a person who would treat her well. | |||
29 | 3:3 | pklk | What did Naomi tell Ruth to do before going down to the threshing floor? | She told her to wash and anoint herself and to put on her cloak. | |||
30 | 3:4 | zytd | What was Ruth to do when she went to where Boaz was sleeping? | She was to uncover his feet and to lie down there. | |||
31 | 3:5 | mokr | What was Ruth’s attitude toward Naomi’s instructions? | She said she would do everything Naomi told her to do. | |||
32 | 3:8 | z2nk | At midnight, what was Boaz startled to find? | He was startled to find that a woman lay at his feet! | |||
33 | 3:9 | r1l5 | What was Ruth’s request to Boaz? | She asked Boaz to spread his cloak over her, for he was a kinsman-redeemer. | |||
34 | 3:10 | fqhv | Why did Boaz ask a blessing from Yahweh for Ruth? | Boaz blessed Ruth because she had come to Boaz, her kinsman-redeemer, rather than pursuing younger men. | |||
35 | 3:11 | cibr | What did Boaz say he would do about Ruth’s request? | He said that he would do all that she asked. | |||
36 | 3:12 | ab5m | What obstacle prevented Boaz from immediately performing the part of a kinsman for Ruth? | There was another kinsman-redeemer nearer in relationship than Boaz. | |||
37 | 3:13 | bcqr | How was Boaz going to determine who would act as kinsman for Ruth? | If the nearest kinsman-redeemer was willing to redeem Ruth, then Boaz would let him do that. But if he was not willing, then Boaz would be the kinsman-redeemer. | |||
38 | 3:14 | e1hf | Why did Ruth leave the threshing floor early before anyone could recognize her? | Boaz did not want people to know that she had been with him overnight at the threshing floor. | |||
39 | 3:15 | e8ug | What gift did Boaz give Ruth before she left the threshing floor? | He gave her six large measures of barley. | |||
40 | 3:18 | tp0i | Naomi was sure that Boaz would resolve the issue by what time? | He would resolve it by the end of that same day. | |||
41 | 4:1 | jnvc | Where did Boaz go to resolve the issue of who would be the kinsman-redeemer for Ruth? | He went to the gate of the city. | |||
42 | 4:2 | sus4 | Who did Boaz ask to sit as witnesses? | He asked ten men who were from the elders of the city. | |||
43 | 4:3 | nd24 | What did Boaz first speak about to the other kinsman? | He told him that Naomi was selling the piece of land that had been owned by Elimelek. | |||
44 | 4:4 | s39d | What did Boaz suggest the other kinsman do about the parcel of land? | Boaz suggested that the other kinsman could redeem it. | |||
45 | 4:4 | i72s | What was the other kinsman’s answer? | He said he would redeem it. | |||
46 | 4:5 | nqyt | About what additional requirement did Boaz then tell the other kinsman? | He told him that he would also have to marry Ruth in order to raise up the name of the dead man over his inheritance. | |||
47 | 4:6 | wjs3 | What was the other kinsman’s answer when he learned that he would have to marry Ruth? | He said he could not redeem the land. | |||
48 | 4:6 | fd1f | Why did the other kinsman say he could not be the redeemer? | He said that it would damage his own inheritance. | |||
49 | 4:8 | xgac | What did the other kinsman do to show that he agreed that Boaz should be the redeemer? | He took off his sandal and gave it to him in front of witnesses. | |||
50 | 4:9 | qgst | What was the first agreement that Boaz said the elders witnessed? | They witnessed that Boaz bought all the land that had belonged to Elimelek. | |||
51 | 4:10 | tdte | What was the second agreement that Boaz said the elders had witnessed? | They had witnessed that Boaz acquired Ruth as his wife. | |||
52 | 4:12 | vr7y | What blessing did the people desire for Boaz? | They desired that Yahweh would give him offspring through Ruth, just as Tamar bore a son to Judah. | |||
53 | 4:15 | k8p0 | Why did the women say that Ruth was better for Naomi than seven sons? | They said this because of Ruth's love for Naomi, and because Ruth had given birth to a grandson for Naomi. | |||
54 | 4:16 | la5j | What was Naomi’s relationship with Ruth’s son? | Naomi became his nurse or caregiver. | |||
55 | 4:17 | q8pw | What was Ruth’s son’s name? | His name was Obed. | |||
56 | 4:17 | b5ll | Of whom was Obed the father and grandfather? | Obed was the father of Jesse and the grandfather of David. |