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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1-2 | v2r2 | By what means had God promised the gospel before Paul’s time? | God had promised the gospel before by his prophets in the holy Scriptures. | |||
3 | 1:3 | bgxw | According to the flesh, God’s Son was born out of which descendants? | According to the flesh, God’s Son was born out of the descendants of David. | |||
4 | 1:4 | wcya | By what event was Jesus Christ declared to be the Son of God? | Jesus Christ was declared to be the Son of God by the resurrection from the dead. | |||
5 | 1:5 | ojj9 | For what purpose did Paul receive grace and apostleship from Christ? | Paul received grace and apostleship for obedience of faith among all the nations. | |||
6 | 1:8 | tl8v | For what does Paul thank God concerning the believers in Rome? | Paul thanks God because their faith is proclaimed throughout the whole world. | |||
7 | 1:11 | kccq | Why does Paul desire to see the believers in Rome? | Paul desires to see them in order to give them some spiritual gift in order to strengthen them. | |||
8 | 1:13 | m3aj | Why had Paul been unable to visit the believers in Rome until now? | Paul had been unable to visit because he was hindered until now. | |||
9 | 1:16 | brj1 | What does Paul say the gospel is? | Paul says the gospel is the power of God for salvation for every one who believes. | |||
10 | 1:17 | qpkd | What scripture does Paul quote concerning how the righteous will live? | Paul quotes the scripture, “The righteous will live by faith”. | |||
11 | 1:18-19 | smxu | What do the ungodly and unrighteous do even though that which is known about God is visible to them? | The ungodly and unrighteous hold back the truth even though that which is known about God is visible to them. | |||
12 | 1:20 | m0f7 | How are the unseen things about God clearly visible? | The unseen things about God are clearly visible through the created things. | |||
13 | 1:20 | ugju | What characteristics of God are clearly visible? | God’s everlasting power and divine nature are clearly visible. | |||
14 | 1:21 | r8i9 | What happens to the thoughts and hearts of those who do not glorify God nor give him thanks? | Those who do not glorify God nor give him thanks become foolish in their thoughts and their hearts are darkened. | |||
15 | 1:24 | c9c3 | What does God do to those who exchange his glory for the images of perishable men and animals? | God gives them over to the lusts of their hearts for uncleanness, for their bodies to be dishonored among themselves. | |||
16 | 1:26-27 | f9b7 | For what dishonorable passions do these women and men burn in their lust? | The women burn in their lust for one another, and the men burn in their lust for one another. | |||
17 | 1:28 | ox10 | What does God do to those who do not approve of having him in their awareness? | God gives them up to a disapproved mind, to do those things that are not proper. | |||
18 | 1:29 | y57z | What are some of the characteristics of those who have a depraved mind? | Those who have a depraved mind are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, and evil intentions. | |||
19 | 1:32 | yjx3 | What do those with a depraved mind understand about God’s requirements? | Those with a depraved mind understand that those who practice such things are worthy of death. | |||
20 | 1:32 | ydsb | Even though those with a depraved mind understand God’s requirements, what do they do anyway? | They do unrighteous things anyway, and approve of those who practice them. | |||
21 | 2:1 | a6ix | Why are some people without excuse in their judging? | Some people are without excuse in their judging because what they judge in another they practice themselves. | |||
22 | 2:2 | qwm1 | How does God judge when he judges those who practice unrighteousness? | God judges according to truth when he judges those who practice unrighteousness. | |||
23 | 2:4 | crpo | What are God’s patience, kindness, and goodness meant to do? | God’s patience, kindness, and goodness are meant to lead a person to repentance. | |||
24 | 2:5 | ot67 | What are those with hard, unrepentant hearts toward God storing up for themselves? | Those with hard, unrepentant hearts are storing up for themselves wrath on the day of God’s righteous judgment. | |||
25 | 2:7 | go2l | What do those receive who have done consistent, good actions? | Those who have done consistent, good actions will receive eternal life. | |||
26 | 2:8-9 | cvrb | What do those receive who obey unrighteousness? | Those who obey unrighteousness receive wrath and anger. | |||
27 | 2:12 | czsu | How does God show no partiality in his judgment between Jew and Greek? | God shows no partiality, because those who sin, either Jew or Greek, will perish. | |||
28 | 2:13 | yca7 | Who is justified before God? | The doers of the law are justified before God. | |||
29 | 2:14 | auhm | How do Gentiles show that they do are a law to themselves? | Gentiles show that they are a law to themselves when, by nature, they do the things of the Law. | |||
30 | 2:21 | nice | What challenge does Paul give to those Jews who rest upon the law and teach others? | Paul challenges them that if they teach others the law, they should also teach themselves. | |||
31 | 2:21-22 | l1vi | Which sins does Paul mention that the Jewish teachers of the Law should stop doing? | Paul mentions the sins of stealing, adultery, and the robbery of temples. | |||
32 | 2:23-24 | nwj5 | Why is the name of God dishonored among the Gentiles because of the Jewish teachers of the law? | God’s name is being dishonored because the Jewish teachers of the law are transgressing the law. | |||
33 | 2:25 | jtc8 | How does Paul say a Jewish person’s circumcision can become uncircumcision? | Paul says that a Jewish person’s circumcision can become uncircumcision if that person is a violator of the law. | |||
34 | 2:26 | i1qt | How does Paul say that a Gentile person’s uncircumcision can be considered circumcision? | Paul says that a Gentile person’s uncircumcision can be considered circumcision if that person keeps the requirements of the law. | |||
35 | 2:28-29 | d4hs | Who does Paul say is a true Jew? | Paul says that a true Jew is a Jew inwardly, with a circumcision of the heart. | |||
36 | 2:29 | yig8 | From whom does a true Jew receive praise? | A true Jew receives praise from God. | |||
37 | 3:1-2 | tz4b | What is first of all among the advantages of the Jew? | First of all among the advantages of the Jew is that they were entrusted with revelation from God. | |||
38 | 3:4 | lt9g | Even though every man is a liar, what is God found to be? | Even though every man is a liar, God is found to be true. | |||
39 | 3:5-6 | h2zh | Because God is righteous, what is he able to do? | Because God is righteous, he is able to judge the world. | |||
40 | 3:8 | zlq7 | What comes on those who say, “Let us do evil, that good may come”? | Judgment comes on those who say, “Let us do evil, that good may come.” | |||
41 | 3:9-10 | qzgo | What is written in the Scriptures about the righteousness of all, both Jews and Greeks? | It is written that there is none righteous, not one. | |||
42 | 3:11 | zsw1 | According to what is written, who understands and seeks out God? | According to what is written, none understands and none seeks out God. | |||
43 | 3:20 | ka9s | Who will be justified by the works of the law? | No flesh will be justified by the works of the law. | |||
44 | 3:20 | o51b | What comes through the law? | The full awareness of sin comes through the law. | |||
45 | 3:21 | vv6q | By what witnesses has a righteousness without the law now been made known? | By the witnesses of the Law and the Prophets has a righteousness without the law now been made known. | |||
46 | 3:22 | ac1f | What is the righteousness without the law that has now been made known? | The righteousness without the law is the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe. | |||
47 | 3:24 | moo6 | How is a person justified before God? | A person is justified before God freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. | |||
48 | 3:25 | ioe3 | For what purpose did God provide Christ Jesus? | God provided Christ Jesus as a propitiation through faith in his blood. | |||
49 | 3:26 | de32 | What did God show by all that happened through Jesus Christ? | God showed that he is the one who justifies anyone because of faith in Jesus. | |||
50 | 3:28 | rwo3 | What role do the works of the law have in justification? | A person is justified by faith totally apart from the works of the law. | |||
51 | 3:30 | r6hj | How does God justify the circumcised Jew and the uncircumcised Gentile? | God justifies both by faith. | |||
52 | 3:31 | zdbg | What do we do with the law through faith? | We uphold the law through faith. | |||
53 | 4:2 | c4xs | What would have given Abraham reason to boast? | Abraham would have had reason to boast if he had been justified by works. | |||
54 | 4:3 | zore | What do the scriptures say about how Abraham was justified? | The scripture says that Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. | |||
55 | 4:5 | gfjh | What kind of people does God justify? | God justifies the people who trust in him. | |||
56 | 4:6-8 | uy7z | According to David, in what way is a man blessed by God? | According to David, blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven and whose sins are not counted by the Lord. | |||
57 | 4:9-10 | tdfk | Was Abraham’s faith counted as righteousness before or after he was circumcised? | Abraham’s faith was counted as righteousness before he was circumcised. | |||
58 | 4:11-12 | shkf | Abraham is the father of which groups of people? | Abraham is the father of all who believe, both the physically uncircumcised and the circumcised. | |||
59 | 4:13 | dgvz | What promise was given to Abraham and his descendants through the righteousness of faith? | It was promised to Abraham and his descendants that they would be heirs of the world. | |||
60 | 4:14 | d8ey | What would be true if the promise to Abraham had come through the law? | If the promise had come through the law, then faith would be empty and the promise not true. | |||
61 | 4:16 | yeam | For what reasons is the promise given by faith? | The promise is given by faith so that it is by grace, and so that it is sure. | |||
62 | 4:17 | eyf8 | What two things does Paul say God does? | Paul says that God gives life to the dead and calls things that do not exist into existence. | |||
63 | 4:18 | ok8a | How did Abraham respond to God’s promise even with these outward circumstances? | Abraham confidently trusted God and did not hesitate in unbelief. | |||
64 | 4:18-19 | x409 | What outward circumstances made it difficult for Abraham to believe God’s promise that he would be the father of many nations? | When God made the promise to Abraham, Abraham was about a hundred years old and Sarah’s womb was dead. | |||
65 | 4:20 | uf6v | How did Abraham respond to God’s promise even with these outward circumstances? | Abraham confidently trusted God and did not hesitate in unbelief. | |||
66 | 4:23-24 | va1q | For whom was the account of Abraham written? | The account of Abraham was written for his benefit and also for our benefit. | |||
67 | 4:25 | eded | What do we believe God has done for us? | We believe God has raised Jesus from the dead, who was delivered up for our sins and raised for our justification. | |||
68 | 5:1 | nkg7 | What do believers have because they are justified by faith? | Because they are justified by faith, believers have peace with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. | |||
69 | 5:3-4 | tlb6 | What are three things that suffering produces? | Suffering produces endurance, character, and hope. | |||
70 | 5:8 | kvoh | How does God demonstrate his love toward us? | God demonstrates his love toward us, because while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. | |||
71 | 5:9 | yg2m | Being justified by Christ’s blood, from what are believers saved? | Being justified by Christ’s blood, believers are saved from the wrath of God. | |||
72 | 5:10 | s0gq | What relationship do unbelievers have with God before they are reconciled to God through Jesus? | Unbelievers are enemies of God before they are reconciled to God through Jesus. | |||
73 | 5:12 | bapw | What happened because of one man’s sin? | Because of the sin of one man, sin entered into the world, death entered through sin, and death spread to all people. | |||
74 | 5:14 | t15j | Who was the one man through whom sin entered the world? | Adam was the one man through whom sin entered the world. | |||
75 | 5:15 | ih3r | How is God’s free gift different than Adam’s sins? | By Adam’s sin many died, but the grace of God and his free gift through Christ abounds to many. | |||
76 | 5:16 | x9dz | What resulted from Adam’s sin, and what resulted from God’s free gift? | The judgment of condemnation resulted from Adam’s sin, but justification resulted from God’s free gift. | |||
77 | 5:17 | pg7v | What ruled from Adam’s sin, and what ruled through God’s gift of righteousness? | Death ruled from Adam’s sin, and those who receive God’s gift rule through the life of Jesus Christ. | |||
78 | 5:19 | hf3o | What were many made through Adam’s disobedience, and what will many be made through the obedience of Christ? | Many were made sinners through Adam’s disobedience, and many will be made righteous through the obedience of Christ. | |||
79 | 5:20 | xtxt | Why did the law come in alongside? | The law came alongside in order that the trespass might increase. | |||
80 | 5:20 | ptbv | What abounded more than the trespass? | God’s grace abounded more than the trespass. | |||
81 | 6:1-2 | suqv | Should believers continue in sin so that God’s grace may abound? | May it never be. | |||
82 | 6:3 | gpbh | Into what were people baptized who were baptized into Christ Jesus? | People baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into Christ’s death. | |||
83 | 6:4 | j4u7 | What should believers do since Christ was raised from the dead? | Believers should walk in newness of life. | |||
84 | 6:5 | kx8w | In what two ways are believers united to Christ through baptism? | Believers are united to Christ in his death and resurrection. | |||
85 | 6:6 | c4o3 | What was done for us so that we should no longer be slaves to sin? | Our old man was crucified with Christ so that we should no longer be slaves to sin. | |||
86 | 6:9 | j52c | How do we know that death no longer rules over Christ? | We know that death no longer rules over Christ because Christ has been raised from the dead. | |||
87 | 6:10 | kqm6 | How many times did Christ die to sin, and for how many people did he die? | Christ died to sin once for all. | |||
88 | 6:10-11 | rg4p | How should a believer think of himself with respect to sin? | A believer should think of himself as dead to sin. | |||
89 | 6:10-11 | q75d | For whom does a believer live his life? | A believer lives his life for God. | |||
90 | 6:13 | qnh7 | To whom should a believer present the members of his body, and for what purpose? | A believer should present the members of his body to God as tools of righteousness. | |||
91 | 6:14 | k73d | What does a believer live under, which allows him to rule over sin? | A believer lives under grace, which allows him to rule over sin. | |||
92 | 6:18-19 | oa07 | What is the end result for a person who makes himself a servant of God? | The end result of a person who makes himself a servant of God is righteousness. | |||
93 | 6:22 | ke18 | Slaves of God have their fruit for what purpose? | Slaves of God have their fruit for sanctification. | |||
94 | 6:23 | egef | What is the wages of sin? | The wages of sin is death. | |||
95 | 6:23 | dpsi | What is the free gift of God? | The free gift of God is eternal life. | |||
96 | 7:1 | wp4c | How long does the law control a person? | The law controls a person for as long as he lives. | |||
97 | 7:2 | cvc0 | How long is a married woman bound by the law of marriage? | A married woman is bound by the law of marriage until her husband dies. | |||
98 | 7:3 | wzvb | What may a woman do once she is free from the law of marriage? | Once she is free from the law of marriage, a woman may marry another man. | |||
99 | 7:4 | vo3t | How are believers made dead to the law? | Believers are made dead to the law through the body of Christ. | |||
100 | 7:4 | eqzl | Having been made dead to the law, what are believers able to do? | Having been made dead to the law, believers are able to be joined to Christ. | |||
101 | 7:7 | yx5r | What function does the law perform? | The law makes sin known. | |||
102 | 7:7 | aunj | Is the law sin? | No, the law is not sin. | |||
103 | 7:8 | s9wj | What does sin do through the commandment of the law? | Sin, through the commandment of the law, brings about every lust in a person. | |||
104 | 7:12 | m46i | Is the law holy? | The law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous, and good. | |||
105 | 7:13 | hy1a | What does Paul say sin does to him? | Paul says that sin, through the law, brings about death in him. | |||
106 | 7:16 | wd54 | What causes Paul to agree with the law that the law is good? | When Paul does that which he does not want, then he agrees with the law that the law is good. | |||
107 | 7:17 | cqga | What is causing him to do do the things that Paul does, but does not wish to do? | Sin that lives in Paul causes him to do the things that he does not wish to do. | |||
108 | 7:18 | iqy5 | What lives in Paul’s flesh? | No good thing lives in Paul’s flesh. | |||
109 | 7:21 | cvl3 | What principle does Paul find at work in him? | Paul finds the principle in him that he wants to do what is good, but evil is actually present in him. | |||
110 | 7:22 | ediw | What attitude does Paul’s inner man have toward the law of God? | Paul’s inner man rejoices in the law of God. | |||
111 | 7:23 | ri2c | What principle does Paul find active in the members of his body? | In the members of his body, Paul finds the principle of sin taking him captive. | |||
112 | 7:25 | bebt | Who will deliver Paul from his body of death? | Paul gives thanks to God for his deliverance through Jesus Christ. | |||
113 | 8:2 | hu33 | What has made Paul free from the law of sin and death? | The principle of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made Paul free from the law of sin and death. | |||
114 | 8:3 | a3o8 | Why was the law unable to set people free from the principle of sin and death? | The law was unable because it was weak through the flesh. | |||
115 | 8:4-5 | vua0 | Those who walk according to the Spirit set their minds on what? | Those who walk according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. | |||
116 | 8:7 | vccb | What is the flesh’s relationship to God and the law? | The flesh is hostile toward God and is not able to be subject to the law. | |||
117 | 8:9 | j9wy | What are people lacking who do not belong to God? | People who do not belong to God lack the Spirit of Christ living in them. | |||
118 | 8:11 | aq1a | How does God give life to the believer’s mortal body? | God gives life to the believer’s mortal body through his Spirit, who lives in the believer. | |||
119 | 8:14 | p8d2 | How are the sons of God led to live? | The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God. | |||
120 | 8:15 | r8v2 | How is a believer included into God’s family? | A believer is included into God’s family by adoption. | |||
121 | 8:17 | b5a5 | As children of God, what other benefit do believers receive in God’s family? | As children of God, believers are also heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. | |||
122 | 8:18-19 | zkee | Why are the sufferings of the present time to be endured by believers? | The sufferings of the present time are to be endured so that believers may be glorified with Christ when the sons of God are revealed. | |||
123 | 8:21 | v7zy | At the present time, under what kind of slavery is the creation? | At the present time, the creation is under the slavery of decay. | |||
124 | 8:21 | lzqe | Into what will the creation be delivered? | The creation will be delivered into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. | |||
125 | 8:23-25 | pbsn | How are believers to wait for the redemption of the body? | Believers are to wait with confidence and patience for the redemption of the body. | |||
126 | 8:26-27 | wz0z | What does the Spirit himself do to help in the saints’ weakness? | The Spirit himself intercedes in behalf of the saints according to the will of God. | |||
127 | 8:28 | adpw | How does God work all things together for those who love God and are called according to his purpose? | God works all things together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose. | |||
128 | 8:29 | izei | What is the destiny that God has predetermined for those whom he foreknew? | God has predestined those whom he foreknew to be conformed to the image of his Son. | |||
129 | 8:30 | udr3 | What else did God do for those he predestined? | Those he predestined, God also called, justified, and glorified. | |||
130 | 8:32 | rt5n | How do believers know that God will freely give them all things? | Believers know that God will freely give them all things because God gave up his own Son on behalf of all believers. | |||
131 | 8:34 | f2lc | What is Christ Jesus doing at the right hand of God? | Christ Jesus is interceding on behalf of the saints at the right hand of God. | |||
132 | 8:37 | vvm5 | How are believers more than conquerors over tribulation, persecution, or even death? | Believers are more than conquerors through the one who loved them. | |||
133 | 8:39 | zv7c | What is Paul convinced that no created thing can do to the believer? | Paul is convinced that no created thing can separate the believer from the love of God. | |||
134 | 9:3 | i7em | What would Paul be willing to do for the sake of his brothers according to the flesh, the Israelites? | Paul would be willing to be cursed by God for the sake of his brothers. | |||
135 | 9:4 | pec5 | What do the Israelites have in their history? | The Israelites have adoption, the glory, the covenants, the law, the worship of God, and the promises. | |||
136 | 9:6-7 | tb4j | What does Paul say is not true about everyone in Israel and all of Abraham’s descendants? | Paul says that not everyone in Israel truly belongs to Israel, and not all of Abraham’s descendants are truly his children. | |||
137 | 9:8 | rknu | Who are not counted as the children of God? | The children of the flesh are not counted as the children of God. | |||
138 | 9:8 | zjuu | Who are counted as the children of God? | The children of the promise are counted as the children of God. | |||
139 | 9:10-12 | oya8 | What was the cause behind the statement given to Rebecca, “The older will serve the younger,” before her children were born? | The purpose of God according to choice was the cause behind the statement given to Rebecca. | |||
140 | 9:14-16 | z0qt | What is the cause behind God’s gifts of mercy and compassion? | The cause behind God’s gifts of mercy and compassion is God’s choice. | |||
141 | 9:16 | xjjm | What is not the cause behind God’s gifts of mercy and compassion? | The cause behind God’s gifts of mercy and compassion is not the will or actions of the person receiving the gifts. | |||
142 | 9:20 | sazd | What is Paul’s reply to those who would question if God is righteous because he finds fault in men? | Paul replies, “Who are you who answers against God?” | |||
143 | 9:22 | c0rr | What did God do with those prepared for destruction? | God endured with much patience those prepared for destruction. | |||
144 | 9:23 | syu3 | What did God do with those prepared for glory? | God made known to them the riches of his glory. | |||
145 | 9:24 | yddd | From which peoples has God called those on whom he is having mercy? | God has called from both Jews and Gentiles those on whom he is having mercy. | |||
146 | 9:27 | wn4a | From all the children of Israel, how many will be saved? | From all the children of Israel, a remnant will be saved. | |||
147 | 9:30 | zj7y | How did the Gentiles, who were not pursuing righteousness, attain it? | The Gentiles attained it through the righteousness by faith. | |||
148 | 9:32 | q2je | Why did Israel, although pursuing a law of righteousness, not arrive at it? | Israel did not arrive at it because they pursued it by works, and not by faith. | |||
149 | 9:32-33 | opdd | Over what did the Israelites stumble? | The Israelites stumbled over the stone of stumbling and the rock of offense. | |||
150 | 9:33 | zcgk | What happens to those who do not stumble, but believe? | Those who do not stumble, but believe, will not be ashamed. | |||
151 | 10:1 | mzdi | What is Paul’s desire for his brothers, the Israelites? | Paul’s desire is for the Israelites’ salvation. | |||
152 | 10:3 | fy6o | What are the Israelites seeking to establish? | The Israelites are seeking to establish their own righteousness. | |||
153 | 10:3 | e58g | Of what do the Israelites not know? | The Israelites do not know of God’s righteousness. | |||
154 | 10:4 | mr01 | What has Christ done with respect to the law? | Christ is the fulfillment of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes. | |||
155 | 10:8 | il0a | Where is the word of faith which Paul is proclaiming? | The word of faith is near, in the mouth and in the heart. | |||
156 | 10:9 | vlld | What does Paul say a person does to be saved? | Paul says a person must acknowledge with the mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in the heart that God raised him from the dead. | |||
157 | 10:13 | y2g1 | Everyone who does what will be saved? | Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. | |||
158 | 10:14-15 | bs88 | What does Paul say is the series of steps which brings the good news to a person, so he can call on the name of the Lord? | Paul says that first a preacher is sent and the good news is heard and believed so that a person can call on the name of the Lord. | |||
159 | 10:17 | tj0f | What is heard which brings faith? | The word of Christ is heard, which brings faith. | |||
160 | 10:18 | xncs | Did Israel hear the gospel? | Yes, Israel heard the gospel. | |||
161 | 10:19 | aotx | How did God say he would provoke Israel to jealousy? | God said he would provoke Israel to jealousy by appearing a nation that had not known him. | |||
162 | 10:21 | wg5s | What did God find when he reached out to Israel? | When God reached out to Israel, he found a disobedient and resistant people. | |||
163 | 11:1 | gp1g | Has God then rejected the Israelites? | May it never be! | |||
164 | 11:5 | fsci | Does Paul say if there are any faithful Israelites remaining, and if so, how have they been preserved? | Paul says that there is a remnant remaining that has been preserved because of the choice of grace. | |||
165 | 11:7 | a17s | Who among the Israelites obtained salvation, and what happened to the rest? | The chosen among the Israelites obtained salvation, and the rest were hardened. | |||
166 | 11:8 | m6xr | What did the spirit of dullness given by God do to those who received it? | The spirit of dullness made their eyes unable to see and their ears unable to hear. | |||
167 | 11:11 | fyaw | What good has happened because of Israel’s refusal to receive the gospel? | Salvation has come to the Gentiles. | |||
168 | 11:11 | fihg | What effect will the salvation of the Gentiles have on the Israelites? | The salvation of the Gentiles will provoke the Israelites to jealousy. | |||
169 | 11:13-17 | b66b | In Paul’s analogy of the olive tree root and the wild branches, who is the root and who are the wild branches? | The root is Israel, and the wild branches are the Gentiles. | |||
170 | 11:18 | fdj5 | What attitude does Paul say the wild branches must avoid? | Paul says the wild branches must avoid the attitude of boasting over the natural branches that were broken off. | |||
171 | 11:20-21 | ddnb | What warning does Paul give the wild branches? | Paul warns the wild branches that if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare the wild branches if they fall into unbelief. | |||
172 | 11:23-24 | qhjm | What can God do with natural branches if they do not continue in their unbelief? | God can graft back into the olive tree natural branches that do not continue in their unbelief. | |||
173 | 11:25 | e0td | How long will the partial hardening of Israel last? | The partial hardening of Israel will last until the completion of the Gentiles comes in. | |||
174 | 11:28-29 | k79i | Despite their disobedience, why do the Israelites continue to be loved by God? | The Israelites continue to be loved by God because of the ancestors and because the call of God is unchangeable. | |||
175 | 11:30-32 | borw | What have both Jew and Gentile been shown to be by God? | Both Jew and Gentile have been shown to be disobedient. | |||
176 | 11:30-32 | rwzh | What has God shown to the disobedient? | God has shown mercy to the disobedient, both Jew and Gentile. | |||
177 | 11:33-34 | hdrd | Who is able to search God’s judgments and give him advice? | No person can search God’s judgments and give him advice. | |||
178 | 11:36 | ae8v | What are the three ways all things are related to God? | All things are from God, through God, and to God. | |||
179 | 12:1 | o7ka | What is the spiritual service to God for a believer? | A believer’s spiritual service is to present himself a living sacrifice to God. | |||
180 | 12:2 | b26e | What does a transformed mind in the believer enable him to do? | A transformed mind enables a believer to know what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God. | |||
181 | 12:3 | bp7w | How should a believer not think of himself? | A believer should not think of himself more highly than he ought to think. | |||
182 | 12:4-5 | wb8y | How are the many believers related to each other in Christ? | The many believers are one body in Christ, and individually members of each other. | |||
183 | 12:6 | zijb | What should each believer do with the gifts God has given him? | Each believer should exercise his gifts according to the proportion of his faith. | |||
184 | 12:10 | c79o | How should believers treat one another? | Believers should be affectionate to one another and respect one another. | |||
185 | 12:13 | mzc3 | How should believers respond to the needs of the saints? | Believers should share in the needs of the saints. | |||
186 | 12:14 | pscz | How should believers respond to those who persecute them? | Believers should bless, and not curse, those who persecute them. | |||
187 | 12:16 | anqw | How should believers treat lowly people? | Believers should accept lowly people. | |||
188 | 12:18 | owv2 | As much as is possible, what should believers seek with all people? | As much as is possible, believers should seek peace with all people. | |||
189 | 12:19 | xnnx | Why should believers not avenge themselves? | Believers should not avenge themselves, because vengeance belongs to the Lord. | |||
190 | 12:21 | g7d6 | How should believers overcome evil? | Believers should overcome evil with good. | |||
191 | 13:1 | xrby | From where do earthly authorities get their authority? | Earthly authorities are appointed by God and get their authority from God. | |||
192 | 13:2 | sx7k | What will those receive who oppose the earthly authority? | Those who oppose the earthly authority will receive judgment upon themselves. | |||
193 | 13:3 | y0c9 | What does Paul tell believers to do so that they can be unafraid of the ruling authority? | Paul tells believers to do what is good so that they can be unafraid of the ruling authority. | |||
194 | 13:4 | irf7 | What authority has God given rulers in order to suppress evil? | God has given rulers the authority to carry the sword and to punish the one who does evil. | |||
195 | 13:6 | mdws | What authority has God given rulers regarding money? | God has given rulers the authority to require payment of taxes. | |||
196 | 13:8 | w0cl | What is the one thing Paul says believers should owe to others? | Paul says that believers should owe love to others. | |||
197 | 13:8 | tkuz | How does a believer fulfill the law? | A believer fulfills the law by loving his neighbor. | |||
198 | 13:9 | d1f1 | Which commandments does Paul list as part of the law? | Paul lists the commandments to not commit adultery, not kill, not steal, and not covet as part of the law. | |||
199 | 13:10 | o6kw | How does a believer fulfill the law? | A believer fulfills the law by loving his neighbor. | |||
200 | 13:12 | d02c | What does Paul say believers should put aside, and put on? | Paul says believers should put aside the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. | |||
201 | 13:13 | zglc | In what activities are believers not to walk? | Believers are not to walk in wild celebrations, drunkenness, sexual immorality, uncontrolled lust, strife, or jealousy. | |||
202 | 13:14 | jj48 | What should be the believer’s attitude toward the lusts of the flesh? | The believer should make no provision for the lusts of the flesh. | |||
203 | 14:2 | qeis | What kind of food does a person with stronger faith eat, and what does a person with weaker faith eat? | A person who is stronger in faith eats anything, but a person who is weaker in faith eats only vegetables. | |||
204 | 14:3 | bnrl | What attitude should believers who differ on what they eat have toward one another? | Believers who differ on what they eat should not despise or judge each other. | |||
205 | 14:3-4 | vy2n | Who has received both the one who eats anything and the one who eats only vegetables? | God has received both the one who eats anything and the one who eats only vegetables. | |||
206 | 14:5 | qv1y | What other issue does Paul mention as being an issue of personal conviction? | Paul mentions as an issue of personal conviction whether one day is valued over another or all days are valued equally. | |||
207 | 14:7-8 | k86y | For what do believers live and die? | Believers live and die for the Lord. | |||
208 | 14:10 | hg2o | Where will all believers ultimately stand? | All believers will ultimately stand before the judgment seat of God. | |||
209 | 14:13 | jj8b | What attitude should a brother have toward another brother on issues of personal conviction? | A brother should not place a stumbling block or a snare for another brother on issues of personal conviction. | |||
210 | 14:14 | ny9h | Paul is persuaded in the Lord Jesus that which foods are unclean? | Paul is persuaded that no foods are unclean. | |||
211 | 14:17 | qml4 | About what is the kingdom of God? | The kingdom of God is about righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. | |||
212 | 14:21 | n5jz | What does Paul say a brother should do in the presence of another brother who does not eat meat or drink wine? | Paul says it is good if the brother does not eat meat or drink wine in the presence of the other brother. | |||
213 | 14:23 | de9p | What is the result if a person does not act from faith? | Whatever actions are not taken from faith are sin. | |||
214 | 15:1-2 | fcej | What attitude should believers with strong faith have toward those with weak faith? | Believers with strong faith should bear the weaknesses of those with weak faith, in order to build them up. | |||
215 | 15:3 | lf9u | Who is the example Paul uses of one who did not live to please himself, but served others? | Christ did not live to please himself, but served others. | |||
216 | 15:4 | zng5 | What was one of the purposes of the Scriptures written previously? | The Scriptures written previously were written for our instruction. | |||
217 | 15:5 | vxth | What does Paul desire for the believers through their exercise of patience and encouragement with each other? | Paul desires that the believers be of the same mind with each other. | |||
218 | 15:8-9 | yvbx | Who is the example Paul uses of one who lived to serve others? | Christ lived to served others. | |||
219 | 15:10-11 | vm8x | What do the scriptures say the Gentiles will do because of God’s mercy toward them? | The scriptures say the Gentiles will rejoice and praise the Lord. | |||
220 | 15:13 | xh71 | What does Paul say the believers will be able to do by the power of the Holy Spirit? | The believers will be filled with joy and peace, and will abound in hope. | |||
221 | 15:16 | ixwn | What gift did God give Paul, which is Paul’s mission? | Paul’s mission is to be a servant of Christ Jesus sent to the Gentiles. | |||
222 | 15:18-19 | zfi6 | By what means has Christ worked through Paul to bring about the obedience of the Gentiles? | Christ has worked through Paul by word and action, by the power of signs and wonders, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. | |||
223 | 15:20-21 | x6qt | Where does Paul desire to proclaim the gospel? | Paul desires to proclaim the gospel where Christ is not known by name. | |||
224 | 15:24 | j228 | Where does Paul plan to travel that will also allow him to come to Rome? | Paul plans to travel to Spain, which will also allow him to come to Rome. | |||
225 | 15:25 | ddu2 | Why is Paul now going to Jerusalem? | Paul is now going to Jerusalem to serve the believers there. | |||
226 | 15:27 | et47 | Why does Paul say the Gentile believers owe the Jewish believers material things? | The Gentiles believers owe the Jewish believers material things because the Gentile believers have shared in the spiritual things of the Jewish believers. | |||
227 | 15:31 | cpd5 | From whom does Paul wish to be delivered? | Paul wishes to be delivered from those who are disobedient in Judea. | |||
228 | 16:1-2 | rsvb | What has sister Phoebe become to Paul? | Sister Phoebe has become a helper of Paul and of many others. | |||
229 | 16:4 | n5ot | What have Prisca and Aquila done for Paul in the past? | Prisca and Aquila have risked their lives for Paul in the past. | |||
230 | 16:5 | tcol | Where is one place the believers are meeting in Rome? | The believers in Rome are meeting in the house of Prisca and Aquila. | |||
231 | 16:7 | n2mh | What experience have Andronicus and Junias shared with Paul in the past? | Andronicus and Junias have been fellow prisoners with Paul in the past. | |||
232 | 16:16 | b9cm | How do the believers greet one another? | The believers greet one another with a holy kiss. | |||
233 | 16:17 | vhi8 | What does Paul tell the believers to do with those causing divisions and stumbling? | Paul tells the believers to turn away from those causing divisions and stumbling. | |||
234 | 16:17-18 | wc3g | What are some doing, which is causing divisions and stumbling? | Some are going beyond the teaching they have learned, deceiving the hearts of the innocent. | |||
235 | 16:19 | zpcj | What attitude does Paul want the believers to have toward good and evil? | Paul wants the believers to be wise to that which is good, and innocent to that which is evil. | |||
236 | 16:20 | m8ao | What will the God of peace be doing soon? | The God of peace will soon be crushing Satan under the believers’ feet. | |||
237 | 16:22 | r2s9 | Who actually wrote down this epistle? | Tertius actually wrote down this epistle. | |||
238 | 16:23 | fcfz | What occupation does the believer Erastus have? | Erastus is the treasurer of the city. | |||
239 | 16:25-26 | qjzq | What revelation that had been kept secret from long ago is Paul now preaching? | Paul is now preaching the revelation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. | |||
240 | 16:26 | d7on | For what purpose is Paul preaching? | Paul is preaching for the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles. |