
46 KiB
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21:2-3a4zcWhat did the prophet Isaiah predict would happen before the Lord came?Isaiah predicted that God would send a messenger, a voice of someone calling out in the wilderness, to prepare the way of the Lord.
31:4g2v6What did John come preaching?John came preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.
41:5kdd7What did the people do as they were baptized by John?The people confessed their sins as they were baptized by John.
51:6zlqiWhat did John eat?John ate locusts and wild honey.
61:8yaklWith what did John say the one coming after him would baptize?John said the one coming after him would baptize with the Holy Spirit.
71:10y6faWhat did Jesus see as he came up out of the water after being baptized by John?After being baptized, Jesus saw the heavens split open and the Spirit descend on him as a dove.
81:11f2a4What did the voice from heaven say after Jesus was baptized?The voice from heaven said, “You are my beloved Son; I am very pleased with you.”
91:12ahm3Who drove Jesus out into the wilderness?The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness.
101:13ex5pHow long was Jesus in the wilderness, and what happened to him there?Jesus was in the wilderness 40 days, and he was tempted by Satan there.
111:15kyxpWhat message did Jesus preach?Jesus preached that the kingdom of God was near, and that people must repent and believe in the gospel.
121:16yzo9What was the occupation of Simon and Andrew?Simon and Andrew were fishermen.
131:17r3baWhat did Jesus say he would make Simon and Andrew become?Jesus said he would make Simon and Andrew fishers of men.
141:19foqjWhat was the occupation of James and John?James and John were fishermen.
151:22lq6yWhy did Jesus teaching astonish the people in the synagogue?Jesus teaching astonished the people because Jesus taught as one with authority.
161:24rtx4What title did the unclean spirit in the synagogue give Jesus?The unclean spirit in the synagogue gave Jesus the title of the Holy One of God.
171:28dn9oWhat happened with the news about Jesus?The news about Jesus went out everywhere.
181:30ii0vWhen they went into Simons house, who did Jesus heal?When they went into Simons house, Jesus healed Simons mother-in-law.
191:32-34ywmcWhat happened when it was evening?When it was evening, the people brought all who were sick or possessed by demons, and Jesus healed them.
201:35i2xaWhat did Jesus do before the sun rose?Before the sun rose, Jesus went out to a solitary place and prayed there.
211:38-39y32lWhat did Jesus tell Simon he had come to do?Jesus said that he had come to preach in the surrounding towns.
221:40-41xyj3What attitude did Jesus have toward the leper who begged Jesus to be healed?Jesus had pity on the leper and healed him.
231:44dzi8What did Jesus tell the leper to do, and why?Jesus told the leper to go offer the sacrifices according to what Moses commanded. It would serve the community as a testimony that he was healed.
242:4zvpgWhat did the four men do who were carrying the paralyzed man?The men removed the roof of the house and lowered the paralyzed man to Jesus.
252:5efneWhat did Jesus say to the paralyzed man?Jesus said, “Child, your sins are forgiven”.
262:6-7k9lqWhy did some of the scribes object to what Jesus had said?Some of the scribes reasoned that Jesus had blasphemed because only God can forgive sins.
272:10-12v3ysHow did Jesus demonstrate that he had authority on earth to forgive sins?Jesus told the paralyzed man to take up his bed and go to his house, and the man did.
282:13-14llaqWhat was Levi doing when Jesus told Levi to follow him?Levi was sitting at the tax-collecting place when Jesus called him.
292:15-16c07hAt Levis house, what was Jesus doing that offended the Pharisees?Jesus was dining with the sinful people and tax collectors.
302:17zqw0Who did Jesus say he had come to call?Jesus said he had come to call sinful people.
312:18p9lnWhat question did some people ask Jesus about fasting?They asked Jesus why his disciples did not fast when Johns disciples and the Pharisees disciples did fast.
322:19w6goHow did Jesus explain why his disciples were not fasting?Jesus said that while the bridegroom is still with the wedding attendants, they cannot fast.
332:23-24ej7hWhat did Jesus disciples do in some fields on the Sabbath which offended the Pharisees?Jesus disciples picked heads of grain and ate them on the Sabbath.
342:25-26iwe2What example did Jesus give of someone who needed and ate bread normally forbidden for them?Jesus gave the example of David who, out of need, ate the bread of the presence, normally reserved for the priests.
352:27m19rFor whom did Jesus say the Sabbath was made?Jesus said the Sabbath was made for people.
362:28ak51What authority did Jesus claim for himself?Jesus said that he was Lord also of the Sabbath.
373:1-2o82fWhy were they watching Jesus on the Sabbath in the synagogue?They were watching Jesus to see if he would heal on the Sabbath, so they could accuse him.
383:4dk1gWhat question did Jesus ask the people about the Sabbath?Jesus asked the people if it was lawful to do good, or to do harm on the Sabbath.
393:4p1z9How did the people respond to Jesus question?The people were silent.
403:5mrbjWhat then was Jesus attitude toward them?Jesus became angry with them.
413:6acwqWhat did the Pharisees do when Jesus healed the man?The Pharisees went out and plotted to put Jesus to death.
423:7-8b2bkHow many people followed Jesus as he went to the sea?A great crowd followed Jesus.
433:11tke0What did the demons cry out when they saw Jesus?The demons cried out that Jesus was the Son of God.
443:14-15e2s0How many men did Jesus appoint as apostles, and what were they to do?Jesus appointed 12 apostles who were to be with him, preach, and have authority to cast out demons.
453:19raj7Who was the apostle that would betray Jesus?The apostle that would betray Jesus was Judas Iscariot.
463:21rh8oWhat did Jesus family think about the crowds and the events surrounding Jesus?Jesus family thought that he was out of his mind.
473:22xmhsWhat accusation did the scribes make against Jesus?The scribes accused Jesus of driving out demons by the ruler of demons.
483:23-24ob9vWhat was Jesus response to the scribes accusation?Jesus responded that no kingdom divided against itself can stand.
493:28-29txqbWhat sin did Jesus say cannot be forgiven?Jesus said that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit cannot be forgiven.
503:33-35xtjnWho did Jesus say were his mother and brothers?Jesus said that his mother and brothers were those who do the will of God.
514:1bki3Why did Jesus get into a boat to teach?Jesus got into a boat to sit and teach because a very large crowd had gathered around him.
524:4wzuuWhat happened to the seeds sown on the road?The birds came and devoured them.
534:6wyhfWhat happened to the seeds sown on the rocky ground when the sun rose?They withered away because they had no root.
544:7b6maWhat happened to the seeds sown among thorn plants?The thorn plants choked them.
554:8ivy4What happened to the seeds sown in the good soil?The seeds produced grain, yielding 30, 60, and some, 100 times what was planted.
564:11o0ssWhat did Jesus say was given to the Twelve, but not to those outside?Jesus said the mystery of the kingdom of God was given to the Twelve, but not to those outside.
574:14pskjIn Jesus parable, what is the seed?The seed is the word of God.
584:15t1r5What does the seed sown on the road represent?It represents those who hear the word, but immediately Satan takes it away.
594:16-17zy18What does the seed sown on the rocky ground represent?It represents those who hear the word with joy, but when persecution comes, they stumble.
604:18-19alo5What does the seed sown among thorn plants represent?It represents those who hear the word, but the cares of the world choke the word.
614:20lhwrWhat does the seed sown in the good soil represent?It represents those who hear the word, receive it, and produce fruit.
624:22c1eyWhat did Jesus say would happen to the hidden and secret things?Jesus said that the hidden and secret things would be brought into the light.
634:26-27fteqIn what way is the kingdom of God like a man who casts his seed upon the ground?The man casts the seed, and it grows, but he does not know how, then when the harvest is ripe he gathers it.
644:30-32tzc2In what way is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed?The mustard seed begins as the smallest of seeds, yet grows into a great plant where many can make their nests.
654:35-37tojtWhat happened as the disciples and Jesus crossed the lake?A great storm began, threatening to fill the boat with water.
664:38j9v3What was Jesus doing at this time in the boat?Jesus was sleeping.
674:38vu2bWhat question did the disciples ask Jesus?The disciples asked Jesus if he cared that they were about to die.
684:39vehjWhat did Jesus then do?Jesus rebuked the wind and calmed the sea.
694:41fkprAfter Jesus did this, what was the response of the disciples?The disciples were filled with great fear and wondered who Jesus was, that the wind and sea obeyed him.
705:1-2f3h1Who met Jesus when they came to the region of the Gerasenes?A man with an unclean spirit met Jesus.
715:4pvchWhat had happened when people tried to restrain this man with chains?When people tried to restrain this man with chains, he tore the chains apart.
725:7s4bfWhat title did the unclean spirit give Jesus?The unclean spirit called Jesus the Son of the Most High God.
735:8s0ayWhat did Jesus say to the unclean spirit in the man?Jesus said, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit”.
745:9yw86What was the name of the unclean spirit?The unclean spirits name was Legion, because there were many.
755:13jvthWhat happened when Jesus cast out the unclean spirit from the man?The spirits came out and entered a herd of pigs, which ran down a steep hill and drowned in the lake.
765:15ist0After the unclean spirit was cast out, what was the condition of the man?The man was sitting with Jesus, clothed and in his right mind.
775:17mpj9What did the people of the region ask Jesus to do?The people asked Jesus to leave their region.
785:19w96xWhat did Jesus tell the man who had lived in the tombs to now do?Jesus told the man to tell his people what the Lord had done for him.
795:22-23pj22What request did Jairus, the synagogue leader, make of Jesus?Jairus asked Jesus to come with him to lay hands on his daughter, who was near death.
805:25atxmWhat was the problem with the woman who touched Jesus cloak?The woman had suffered with a discharge of blood for 12 years.
815:28afd1Why did the woman touch Jesus cloak?The woman thought that if she just touched Jesus clothes, she would be healed.
825:30mrlfWhat did Jesus do when the woman touched his cloak?Jesus knew that power had gone out from him so he asked who touched his clothes.
835:32lyq8What did Jesus do after the woman touched his cloak?Jesus looked around to see who had touched him.
845:34jfchWhen the woman told Jesus all the truth, what did Jesus say to her?Jesus told her that her faith had made her well, and to go in peace.
855:35spbiWhat was the condition of Jairus daughter when Jesus arrived at the house?Jairus daughter was dead.
865:36fai5What did Jesus tell Jairus at this time?Jesus told Jairus to not be afraid, but to just believe.
875:37ffseWhich disciples went with Jesus into the room where the child was?Peter, James, and John went with Jesus into the room.
885:40sunlWhat did the people in the house do when Jesus said Jairus daughter was only sleeping?The people laughed at Jesus when he said that Jairus daughter was only sleeping.
895:42km08When the child got up and walked, how did the people react?The people were greatly overcome and astonished.
906:2o2l2Why were the people of Jesus home town shocked about him?The people did not know from where he got his teachings, his wisdom, and his miracles.
916:4d9faWhere did Jesus say a prophet is without honor?Jesus said a prophet is without honor in his home town, among his relatives, and in his own household.
926:6arwkWhat amazed Jesus about the people in his home town?Jesus was amazed by the unbelief of the people in his home town.
936:7djdlWhat authority did Jesus give the Twelve as he sent them out?Jesus gave the Twelve authority over unclean spirits.
946:8-9e4e2What did the Twelve take with them on their journey?The Twelve took a staff, sandals, and one tunic.
956:11yfhpWhat did Jesus tell the Twelve to do if a place did not receive them?Jesus told the Twelve to shake off the dust under their feet as a testimony against them.
966:14-15iotaWho did the people suppose Jesus was?The people supposed that Jesus was John the Baptizer or Elijah or a prophet.
976:18wv8iWhat had John the Baptizer told Herod he was doing unlawfully?John had told Herod it was unlawful for Herod to marry his brothers wife.
986:20l858How did Herod react when he heard John preach?Herod became upset when he heard John preach, but he was still glad to hear him.
996:23fzf0What oath did Herod swear to Herodias?Herod swore that she could have whatever she asked of him, up to half of his kingdom.
1006:25tn2qFor what did Herodias ask?Herodias asked for the head of John the Baptizer on a platter.
1016:26cu47How did Herod react to Herodias request?Herod became very sorry but did not refuse her request, because of the oaths he had made in front of his guests.
1026:33c20jWhat happened when Jesus and the apostles tried to go away by themselves to rest?Many people recognized them and ran to arrive there before Jesus and the apostles.
1036:34mdl0What was Jesus attitude toward the crowd that was waiting for them?Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
1046:37if60When asked by Jesus, what did the disciples think they would have to do to feed the people?The disciples thought they would have to go and buy 200 denarii worth of bread.
1056:38o56uWhat food did the disciples already have with them?The disciples already had five loaves and two fish with them.
1066:41bqywWhat did Jesus do as he took the loaves and fish?As he took the loaves and fish, Jesus looked up to heaven, blessed and broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples.
1076:43zbvhHow much food was left after everyone ate?There were 12 baskets of bread, and pieces of fish left after everyone ate.
1086:44yrioHow many men had been fed?There were 5,000 men that had been fed.
1096:48uxaeHow did Jesus come to the disciples on the lake?Jesus came to the disciples walking on the lake.
1106:50j2xzWhat did Jesus tell the disciples when they saw him?Jesus told the disciples to be brave and to not be afraid.
1116:52icdcWhy did the disciples not understand about the miracle of the loaves?The disciples did not understand about the miracle of the loaves because their minds were slow to understand.
1126:55qiduWhat did the people of the region do when they recognized Jesus?The people brought the sick on stretchers to Jesus wherever they heard he was coming.
1136:56nktoWhat happened to those who just touched the fringe of Jesus garment?Those who just touched the fringe of Jesus garment were healed.
1147:2t05xWhat were some of Jesus disciples doing that offended the Pharisees and scribes?Some of the disciples were eating with unwashed hands.
1157:3-4ym0vWhose tradition was it that hands, cups, pots, and copper vessels be washed before eating?It was the tradition of the elders that hands, cups, pots, and copper vessels be washed before eating.
1167:8-9qrmrWhat did Jesus say to the Pharisees and scribes about their teaching on the issue of washing?Jesus said that the Pharisees and scribes taught the rules of men while abandoning the commandment of God.
1177:11-13d1yrHow did the Pharisees and scribes void the commandment of God which says to honor your father and mother?They voided Gods commandment by telling people to give to them as Corban the money that would have helped their father and mother.
1187:15nqfnWhat did Jesus say does not defile a person?Jesus said that nothing from outside of a person can defile him when it enters into him.
1197:15l384What did Jesus say defiles a person?Jesus said that what comes out of a person defiles him.
1207:18-19gvrqWhat did Jesus say does not defile a person?Jesus said that nothing from outside of a person can defile him when it enters into him.
1217:19yf7hWhat kinds of foods did Jesus declare to be clean?Jesus declared all foods to be clean.
1227:20-23w1icWhat did Jesus say defiles a person?Jesus said that what comes out of a person defiles him.
1237:21-22t1rzWhat are three things that Jesus said can come out of a person to defile him?Jesus said that evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, and folly can come out of a person to defile him.
1247:25-26y2wfWas the woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit a Jew or a Greek?The woman whose daughter had an unclean spirit was a Greek.
1257:28q2o4How did the woman respond when Jesus told her that it was not right to take the childrens bread and throw it to the dogs?The woman said that even the dogs under the table eat the childrens crumbs.
1267:29-30nb1xWhat did Jesus do for the woman?Jesus cast the demon out of the womans daughter.
1277:33-34ca4dWhen the man who was deaf and had a speech impediment was brought to Jesus, what did he do to heal him?Jesus put his fingers in the mans ears, spit and touched his tongue, then looked to heaven and said, “Open!”
1287:36hc18What did the people do when Jesus told them to tell no one about his healings?The more Jesus commanded them to be quiet, the more they talked about it.
1298:1-2slguWhat concern did Jesus state about the great crowd that had been following him?Jesus stated that he was concerned the great crowd had nothing to eat.
1308:5s9ojHow many loaves did the disciples have with them?The disciples had seven loaves with them.
1318:6y5p3What did Jesus do with the disciples loaves?Jesus gave thanks, broke the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to serve.
1328:8ckyoHow much food remained after everyone had eaten?There were seven baskets of food remaining after everyone had eaten.
1338:9h9smHow many people ate and were satisfied?There were about 4,000 men who ate and were satisfied.
1348:11bo9wTo test him, what did the Pharisees want Jesus to do?The Pharisees wanted Jesus to give them a sign from heaven.
1358:15jt3xAbout what did Jesus warn his disciples concerning the Pharisees?Jesus warned his disciples to be on guard against the yeast of the Pharisees.
1368:16fjm2About what did the disciples think Jesus was talking?The disciples thought Jesus was talking about the fact that they had forgotten to bring bread.
1378:19nrwxJesus reminded his disciples that what had happened when Jesus had broken five loaves?Jesus reminded them that when he had broken five loaves, 5,000 people had been fed and 12 baskets full of broken pieces had been taken up.
1388:23lkdfWhat two things did Jesus first do to the blind man in order to restore his sight?Jesus first spat on his eyes and laid his hands upon him.
1398:25w8loWhat third thing did Jesus do to the blind man in order to completely restore his sight?Jesus laid his hands upon his eyes again.
1408:28scqlWho were the people saying that Jesus was?The people were saying that Jesus was John the Baptizer, Elijah, or one of the prophets.
1418:29pf6hWho did Peter say that Jesus was?Peter said that Jesus was the Christ.
1428:31ssr3About what future events did Jesus begin to teach his disciples clearly?Jesus taught his disciples that the Son of Man must suffer, be rejected, be killed, and be raised after three days.
1438:33o8mdWhat did Jesus say when Peter began to rebuke him?Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind me Satan! You do not care for the things of God, but for the things of people”.
1448:34vqyxWhat did Jesus say anyone who wants to follow him must do?Jesus said that anyone who wants to follow him must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus.
1458:36eoscWhat did Jesus say about a persons desire to gain the things of the world?Jesus said, “What does it profit a person to gain the whole world and then forfeit his life?”
1468:38fczmWhat did Jesus say he would do concerning those who are ashamed of him and his words?Jesus said that at his coming he would be ashamed of those who were ashamed of him and his words.
1479:1ryudWho did Jesus say would see the kingdom of God coming with power?Jesus said that some standing there with him would not die before they saw the kingdom of God coming with power.
1489:2-3j5nwWhat happened to Jesus when Peter, James, and John went up a high mountain with him?Jesus was transfigured and his garments became radiantly brilliant.
1499:4hsspWho was talking with Jesus on the mountain?Elijah and Moses were talking with Jesus.
1509:7gnw6On the mountain, what did the voice from the cloud say?The voice said, “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”.
1519:9wh06What did Jesus command the disciples about what they had seen on the mountain?Jesus commanded them to tell no one what they had seen, until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
1529:11-13ct8yWhat did Jesus say about Elijahs coming?Jesus said that Elijah does come first to restore all things, and that Elijah had already come.
1539:17-18tzbrWhat were the disciples unable to do for the father and his son?The disciples were unable to drive out the evil spirit from the fathers son.
1549:22ifimInto what did the evil spirit throw the boy to try to destroy him?The evil spirit threw the boy into the fire or into the waters to try to destroy him.
1559:23-24ay7zHow did the father respond when Jesus said all things are possible for the one who believes?The father responded, “I believe! Help my unbelief!”
1569:28-29uh6oWhy were the disciples unable to cast out the mute and deaf spirit in the boy?The disciples were unable to cast out the spirit, because it could not be cast out except by prayer.
1579:31uvpdWhat did Jesus tell his disciples would happen to him?Jesus told them he would be put to death, then after three days he would rise again.
1589:33-34q8mjWhat were the disciples arguing about along the way?The disciples were arguing about who among them was the greatest.
1599:35xnwcWho did Jesus say is first?Jesus said that he is first who is servant of all.
1609:36-37d095When someone receives a little child in Jesus name, who are they also receiving?When someone receives a little child in Jesus name, they are also receiving Jesus and the one who sent Jesus.
1619:42xm92What would be better for someone who causes a little one who believes in Jesus to stumble?It would be better for that one if a millstone were tied around his neck and he was thrown into the sea.
1629:47qvrvWhat did Jesus say to do with your eye if it causes you to stumble?Jesus said to tear out your eye if it causes you to stumble.
1639:48l2p2What did Jesus say happens in hell?Jesus said that in hell the worm does not die, and the fire is not put out.
16410:2tk8rWhat question did the Pharisees ask Jesus in order to test him?The Pharisees asked Jesus if it was lawful for a husband to divorce his wife.
16510:4p0nlWhat commandment had Moses given the Jews concerning divorce?Moses had allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and then send his wife away.
16610:5cuwgWhy had Moses given the Jews this commandment concerning divorce?Moses had given this commandment to the Jews because of their hard hearts.
16710:6b18wTo what event in history did Jesus refer when telling the Pharisees about Gods original design for marriage?Jesus referred to the creation of male and female at the beginning when telling about Gods original design for marriage.
16810:7-8lkz2What did Jesus say the two people, the man and his wife, become when they are married?Jesus said that the two become one flesh.
16910:9bxgtWhat did Jesus say about what God joins together in marriage?Jesus said that what God joins together, let no man tear apart.
17010:13-14ftqqWhat was Jesus reaction when the disciples rebuked those bringing little children to him?Jesus was angry with the disciples and told them to permit the little children to come to him.
17110:15s8f7How did Jesus say the kingdom of God must be received in order to enter it?Jesus said the kingdom of God must be received as a little child in order to enter it.
17210:19slblWhat did Jesus first tell the man he must do to inherit eternal life?Jesus told the man he must not kill, not commit adultery, not steal, not testify falsely, not defraud, and must honor his father and mother.
17310:21h1ntWhat additional commandment did Jesus then give the man?Jesus then commanded the man to sell at that he had and to follow him.
17410:22r5hjHow did the man react when Jesus gave him this commandment, and why?The man was sorrowful and walked away, for he had many possessions.
17510:23-25fn0bWho did Jesus say had great difficulty entering the kingdom of God?Jesus said that the rich had great difficulty entering the kingdom of God.
17610:26-27a2prHow did Jesus say even a rich person could be saved?Jesus said that with people it is impossible, but with God all things are possible.
17710:29-30ut0nWhat did Jesus say anyone would receive who had left house, family, and lands for Jesus sake?Jesus said they would receive a hundred times as much in this world, with persecutions, and eternal life in the world to come.
17810:32t4vqOn what road were Jesus and the disciples traveling?Jesus and the disciples were traveling on the road going up to Jerusalem.
17910:33-34ie59What did Jesus tell his disciples would happen to him in Jerusalem?Jesus told his disciples that he would be condemned to death and delivered over to the Gentiles.
18010:35-37mu7dWhat request did James and John make to Jesus?James and John requested to sit on Jesus right and left hand with him in glory.
18110:39xafkWhat did Jesus say that James and John would endure?Jesus said that James and John would endure the cup Jesus would drink, and the baptism with which Jesus would be baptized.
18210:40vd45Did Jesus grant the request of James and John?No. Jesus said that the seats at his right and left hand were not his to give.
18310:42m3q4How did Jesus say the rulers of the Gentiles treat their subjects?Jesus said that the rulers of the Gentiles dominate their subjects.
18410:43-44yky8How did Jesus say those who wish to be great among the disciples must live?Jesus said those who wish to be great among the disciples must be servant of all.
18510:48ece0What did the blind man Bartimaeus do when many rebuked him, telling him to be quiet?Bartimaeus cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”
18610:52ratoWhat did Jesus say had healed Bartimaeus of his blindness?Jesus said that Bartimaeus faith had healed him.
18711:2agr2What did Jesus send two of his disciples to do in the village opposite them?Jesus sent them to bring a colt to him that had never been ridden.
18811:5-6u8heWhat happened when the disciples untied the colt?Some people asked the disciples what they were doing, so they spoke to the people as Jesus told them, and the people let them go their way.
18911:8cgd8What did the people spread on the road as Jesus rode on the colt?On the road the people spread their garments and branches they had cut from the fields.
19011:10vfq1What coming kingdom were the people shouting about as Jesus rode toward Jerusalem?The people were shouting that the kingdom of their father David was coming.
19111:11pj8sWhat did Jesus do when he entered the temple area?Jesus looked around and then went out to Bethany.
19211:14qg7eWhat did Jesus do when he saw the fig tree with no fruit on it?Jesus said to the fig tree, “No one will ever eat fruit from you”.
19311:15-16pbr1What did Jesus do when he entered the temple area this time?Jesus cast out the sellers and purchasers and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple.
19411:17dgqlWhat did Jesus say the temple was supposed to be, according to Scripture?Jesus said that the temple was supposed to be a house of prayer for all the nations.
19511:17hpgpWhat did Jesus say the chief priests and scribes had made the temple?Jesus said they had made the temple a den of robbers.
19611:18x7njWhat were the chief priests and scribes trying to do to Jesus?The chief priests and scribes were trying to kill Jesus.
19711:20geb7What happened to the fig tree to which Jesus had spoken?The fig tree to which Jesus had spoken withered away to its roots.
19811:24okwnWhat did Jesus say about everything we ask for in prayer?Jesus said that everything we ask for in prayer, believe that we have received it, and it will be ours.
19911:25udprWhat did Jesus say we must do so that the Father in heaven will also forgive you?Jesus said we must forgive whatever we have against anyone so that the Father will also forgive us.
20011:27-28y3u8In the temple, what did the chief priests, scribes, and elders want to know from Jesus?They wanted to know by what authority he did the things he was doing.
20111:29-30cdceWhat question did Jesus ask the chief priests, scribes, and elders?Jesus asked them if Johns baptism was from heaven or from men.
20211:31qfb1Why did the chief priests, scribes, and elders not want to answer that Johns baptism was from heaven?They did not want to give this answer because Jesus would ask why they didnt believe John.
20311:32zg5iWhy did the chief priests, scribes, and elders not want to answer that Johns baptism was from men?They did not want to give this answer because they feared the people, who all believed that John was a prophet.
20412:1k9g4After building and leasing the vineyard, what did the owner do?After building and leasing the vineyard, the owner went away on a journey.
20512:5qm75What did the vine dressers do to the many servants that the owner sent to receive the fruit of the vineyard?The vine dressers beat some and killed some of the many servants.
20612:6p7p2Who did the owner send last to the vine dressers?The owner sent his beloved son last.
20712:8abgxWhat did the vine dressers do with the one sent last by the owner?The vine dressers seized him, killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.
20812:9bpsjWhat will the owner of the vineyard do to the vine dressers?The owner of the vineyard will come and destroy the vine dressers and give the vineyard to others.
20912:10c54cIn the scripture, what happens to the stone which the builders rejected?The stone which the builders rejected has been made the cornerstone.
21012:14n5veWhat question did the Pharisees and some of the Herodians ask Jesus?They asked him if it was lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not.
21112:17z3xoHow did Jesus answer their question?Jesus said they should give to Caesar the things that are Caesars and give to God the things that are Gods.
21212:18jy15In what did the Sadducees not believe?The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection.
21312:22nmukIn the story told by the Sadducees, how many husbands did the woman have?The woman had seven husbands.
21412:23fehvWhat question did the Sadducees ask Jesus about the woman?They asked which of the men would be the womans husband in the resurrection.
21512:24bs3eWhat reason did Jesus give the Sadducees for their error?Jesus said that the Sadducees did not know the scriptures nor the power of God.
21612:25ks2qWhat was Jesus answer to the Sadducees question about the woman?Jesus said that in the resurrection, men and women will not marry, but will be like angels.
21712:26-27ete1How did Jesus show from the scriptures that there is a resurrection?Jesus quoted from the book of Moses, where God says that he is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - all who must then be still alive.
21812:29-30tzehWhat commandment did Jesus say is most important?Jesus said that to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength is the most important commandment.
21912:31mh0yWhat commandment did Jesus say is second?Jesus said that to love your neighbor as yourself is the second commandment.
22012:35-37qo6tWhat question did Jesus ask the scribes about David?Jesus asked how David could call the Christ Lord when the Christ is the son of David.
22112:38-40ndccWhat did Jesus tell the people to beware of concerning the scribes?Jesus said that the scribes desire to be honored by men, but they devour widows houses and make long prayers for people to see.
22212:44vxj4Why did Jesus say that the poor widow had put in more than all who contributed to the offering box?Jesus said she had contributed more because she gave out of her poverty while the others gave out of their abundance.
22313:2a889What did Jesus say would happen to the wonderful stones and buildings of the temple?Jesus said that not one stone would be left on another.
22413:4et3pWhat question did the disciples then ask Jesus?The disciples asked Jesus when these things would happen, and what would be the sign.
22513:5-6znviAbout what did Jesus say the disciples must be careful?Jesus said the disciples must be careful that no one lead them astray.
22613:7-8umt6What did Jesus say would be the beginnings of birth pains?Jesus said the beginning of birth pains would be wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, and famines.
22713:9arqhWhat did Jesus say would happen to the disciples?Jesus said that the disciples would be delivered to councils, beaten in synagogues, and would stand before governors and kings as a testimony.
22813:10p9a0What did Jesus say must happen first?Jesus said the gospel must be preached to all the nations first.
22913:12zlctWhat did Jesus say would happen between family members?Jesus said that one family member would deliver up another family member to death.
23013:13trz5Who did Jesus say would be saved?Jesus said that whoever endures to the end would be saved.
23113:14a194What did Jesus say those in Judea should do when they see the abomination of desolation?Jesus said that those in Judea should flee to the mountains when they see the abomination of desolation.
23213:20pgpiWhat did Jesus say the Lord would do for the sake of the elect, so that they would be saved?Jesus said the Lord would shorten the days of tribulation for the sake of the elect.
23313:22zmokWho did Jesus say would arise to deceive people?Jesus said that false Christs and false prophets would arise to deceive people.
23413:24-25mxj5What will happen to the lights and powers in the heavens after the tribulation of those days?The sun and moon will be darkened, the stars will fall from the sky. The powers in the heavens will be shaken.
23513:26cturWhat will the people see in the clouds?They will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
23613:27kyemWhat will the Son of Man do when he comes?The Son of Man will gather his elect from the ends of the earth and the sky.
23713:30zo90What did Jesus say would not pass away until all of these things occurred?Jesus said that this generation would not pass away until all of these things occurred.
23813:31oxg8What did Jesus say would never pass away?Jesus said that his words would never pass away.
23913:32pmdnWhen did Jesus say all these things would happen?Jesus said that no one knows the day or hour except the Father.
24013:33mck3What command did Jesus give his disciples regarding when the time is?Jesus told his disciples to be alert, watch and pray.
24113:35zfgpWhat command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming?Jesus told his disciples to be stay alert as they await his coming.
24213:37c6rmWhat command did Jesus give his disciples regarding his coming?Jesus told his disciples to be alert and watch.
24314:1l7mbWhat were the chief priests and scribes considering how to do?They were considering how to stealthily arrest Jesus and then kill him.
24414:2ezqiWhy did the chief priests and scribes not want to act during the Feast of Unleavened Bread?They were worried that a riot would arise among the people.
24514:3lyx4What did a woman do to Jesus at the house of Simon the leper?A woman broke a vial of costly liquid and poured it on Jesus head.
24614:5tn7qFor what were some rebuking the woman?Some were rebuking the woman for not selling the perfume and giving the money to the poor.
24714:8rqmpWhat did Jesus say the woman had done for him?Jesus said the woman had anointed his body for burial.
24814:9s2syWhat promise did Jesus make about what the woman had done?Jesus promised that wherever the gospel was preached in the whole world, what the woman had done would be spoken of in memory of her.
24914:10rueuWhy did Judas Iscariot go away to the chief priests?Judas Iscariot went away to the chief priests so that he might deliver Jesus to them.
25014:12-15glcbHow did the disciples find the place where they would all eat the Passover?Jesus told them to go into the city and follow a man carrying a pitcher of water, and then ask him where the guest room was that they would use to eat the Passover.
25114:18kkmcWhat did Jesus say as they were reclining at the table and eating?Jesus said that one of the disciples eating with him would betray him.
25214:20grhrWhich disciple did Jesus say would betray him?Jesus said that the disciple dipping bread with him in the bowl would betray him.
25314:21lk7cWhat did Jesus say about the destiny of the disciple who betrayed him?Jesus said that it would have been better for him if he had not been born.
25414:22jok6What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the broken bread?Jesus said, “Take this. This is my body.”
25514:24apk9What did Jesus say as he gave the disciples the cup?Jesus said, “This is my blood of the covenant, the blood that is poured out for many.”
25614:25r9soWhen did Jesus say he would again drink of this fruit of the vine?Jesus said he would again drink of this fruit of the vine on the day when he drank it anew in the kingdom of God.
25714:27yns3At the Mount of Olives, what did Jesus predict about his disciples?Jesus predicted that his disciples would all fall away because of him.
25814:30gvoqWhat did Jesus tell Peter after Peter said he would never fall away?Jesus told Peter that before the rooster crowed twice, Peter would deny Jesus three times.
25914:32-34v9zaWhat did Jesus tell his three disciples to do while he prayed?Jesus told them to remain there and watch.
26014:35uvgsFor what did Jesus pray?Jesus prayed that this hour might pass from him.
26114:36u792What was Jesus willing to accept as an answer to his prayer to the Father?Jesus was willing to accept whatever the Fathers will was for him.
26214:37vaa4What did Jesus find when he returned to the three disciples?Jesus found the three disciples sleeping.
26314:40taduWhat did Jesus find the second time he returned from praying?Jesus found the three disciples sleeping.
26414:41yc6cWhat did Jesus find the third time he returned from praying?Jesus found the three disciples sleeping.
26514:44-45xku4What sign did Judas give to show the guards which person was Jesus?Judas kissed Jesus to show which person was Jesus.
26614:48-49afwaWhat did Jesus say was being done in his arrest to fulfill scripture?Jesus said that scripture was being fulfilled because they came to arrest him like a robber, with swords and clubs.
26714:50v5q7What did those with Jesus do when Jesus was arrested?Those with Jesus left him and fled.
26814:51-52xj5bWhat did a young man who was following Jesus do when Jesus was arrested?The young man left his linen garment there and ran away naked.
26914:53-54mcjrWhere was Peter as Jesus was taken to the high priest?Peter sat among the guards, near a fire to keep warm.
27014:55-56k3gbWhat was wrong with the testimony against Jesus given to the Council?The testimony against Jesus was false and did not agree.
27114:61g1evWhat question did the high priest ask Jesus about who Jesus was?The high priest asked Jesus if he was the Christ, the son of the Blessed.
27214:64xherHearing Jesus answer, of what did the high priest say Jesus was guilty?The high priest said that Jesus was guilty of blasphemy.
27314:65if4hWhat did they do to Jesus after condemning him as one who deserved death?They spit on him, struck him, and beat him.
27414:66-68tjt2What was Peters answer to the servant girl who said that Peter was with Jesus?Peter answered that he did not know or understand about what the girl was talking.
27514:71orueWhat was Peters response when he was asked a third time if he was one of Jesus disciples?Peter swore and put himself under curses that he did not know Jesus.
27614:72dgcnWhat happened after Peter answered the third time?After Peter answered the third time, the rooster crowed a second time.
27714:72wesnWhat did Peter do after he heard the rooster?After he heard the rooster, Peter broke down and wept.
27815:1myuoEarly in the morning, what did the chief priests do with Jesus?Early in the morning, they bound Jesus and handed him over to Pilate.
27915:5w0fhWhile the chief priests were presenting many charges against Jesus, what amazed Pilate about Jesus?Pilate was amazed that Jesus no longer answered him.
28015:6juiiWhat did Pilate usually do for the crowd at the time of the feast?Pilate usually released to the crowd one prisoner they requested at the time of the feast.
28115:10c38rWhy did Pilate want to release Jesus to the crowd?Pilate knew that it was because of envy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him.
28215:11cjv6Who did the crowd cry out to be released?The crowd cried out for Barabbas to be released.
28315:12-13v1o8What did the crowd say should be done with the King of the Jews?The crowd said that the King of the Jews should be crucified.
28415:17hku5How did the cohort of soldiers dress Jesus?The soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus and put on him a twisted crown of thorns.
28515:21vt0vWho carried Jesus cross?A passerby, Simon of Cyrene, was forced to carry Jesus cross.
28615:22ekh7What was the name of the place where the soldiers brought Jesus to crucify him?The name of the place was Golgotha, which means Place of a Skull.
28715:24osm6What did the soldiers do with Jesus garments?The soldiers cast lots for Jesus garments.
28815:26pb4nWhat charge against Jesus did the soldiers write on the sign?The soldiers wrote “The King of the Jews” on the sign.
28915:29-30dh4rWhat did those who passed by challenge Jesus to do?Those who passed by challenged Jesus to save himself and get down from the cross.
29015:31-32o4ccWhat did the chief priests say Jesus should do so they would believe?The chief priests said that Jesus should come down from the cross so they would believe.
29115:32wdk2What titles did the chief priests use for Jesus as they mocked him?The chief priests called Jesus the Christ and the King of Israel.
29215:33pptoWhat happened at the sixth hour?At the sixth hour, darkness came over the whole land.
29315:34t3wiWhat did Jesus cry out at the ninth hour?Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
29415:37x92vWhat did Jesus do before he died?Jesus cried out with a loud voice before he died.
29515:38jdq8What happened in the temple when Jesus died?The curtain of the temple was split in two from top to bottom when Jesus died.
29615:39tf5mWhat did the centurion testify when he saw how Jesus died?The centurion testified that truly this man was the Son of God.
29715:42mthbOn what day did Jesus die?Jesus died on the day before the Sabbath.
29815:43-46yusfWhat did Joseph of Arimathea do after Jesus died?Joseph of Arimathea took Jesus down from the cross, wrapped him in linen cloth, and laid him in a tomb, rolling a stone against the entrance of the tomb.
29916:1-2l3lcWhen did the women go to Jesus tomb to anoint his body?The women went to the tomb on the first day of the week when the sun came up.
30016:4b2ozHow did the women enter the tomb even though there had been a very large stone at the entrance?Someone had rolled away the very large stone from the entrance.
30116:5habpWhat did the women see when they entered the tomb?The women saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side.
30216:6nvicWhat did the young man say about Jesus?The young man said that Jesus was risen and was not there.
30316:7iqwxWhere did the young man say the disciples would meet Jesus?The young man said the disciples would meet Jesus in Galilee.
30416:9mgj4To whom did Jesus first appear after his resurrection?Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene.
30516:11ge9jHow did Jesus disciples respond when Mary told them she had seen Jesus alive?The disciples did not believe.
30616:13bhrbHow did Jesus disciples respond when two other people told them they had seen Jesus alive?The disciples did not believe.
30716:14f1b4When he appeared to the disciples, what did Jesus say to them about their unbelief?Jesus rebuked the disciples for their unbelief.
30816:15zvc5What command did Jesus give the disciples?Jesus commanded the disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel.
30916:16p7ixWho did Jesus say would be saved?Jesus said those who believed and were baptized would be saved.
31016:16u11wWho did Jesus say would be condemned?Jesus said those who did not believe would be condemned.
31116:17-18l58hWhat signs did Jesus say would go with those who believed?Jesus said those who believed would cast out demons, would speak in new languages, would not be hurt by anything deadly, and would heal others.
31216:19bac6What happened to Jesus after he spoke to the disciples?After he spoke to the disciples, Jesus was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.
31316:20wd92What did the disciples then do?The disciples then left and preached everywhere.
31416:20f45xWhat did the Lord then do?The Lord then worked with the disciples and confirmed the word with miraculous signs.