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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | yldd | Who were the kings of Judah when the word of Yahweh came to Micah? | Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were kings of Judah when the word of Yahweh came to Micah. | |||
3 | 1:3 | posh | On what will Yahweh come down and tread? | Yahweh will come down and tread on the pagan shrines on the earth. | |||
4 | 1:5 | cgcb | Why will Yahweh bring this judgment? | Yahweh will bring this judgment because of the rebellion of Jacob, and because of the sins of the house of Israel. | |||
5 | 1:7 | gmtb | How did Samaria gather carved figures, gifts, and idols? | Samaria gathered carved figures, gifts, and idols from the gifts to her prostitution. | |||
6 | 1:8 | ndgi | How did Micah express his grief over the sin of Israel and Jacob? | Micah lamented and wailed, and went barefoot and naked. | |||
7 | 1:11 | uenb | Why did Beth Ezel mourn? | Beth Ezel mourned, for their protection was taken away. | |||
8 | 1:13 | wgiy | What city was the beginning of sin for the daughter of Zion? | Lachish was the beginning of sin for the daughter of Zion. | |||
9 | 1:16 | nuvd | Why should the Israelites shave their heads? | They should shave their heads, for their children would go into exile from them. | |||
10 | 2:1 | mg70 | Where are people planning to do evil? | They are planning on their beds to do evil. | |||
11 | 2:4-5 | lajh | Why will the rich people have no descendants to divide up the territory? | Yahweh will change the territory of the people, and remove it from them. So the rich people will have no descendants to divide up the territory. | |||
12 | 2:8 | yehd | From whom do Yahweh’s people strip the robe? | They strip the robe from those who pass by unsuspectingly. | |||
13 | 2:10 | rkyv | Why should Yahweh’s people get up and leave? | They should get up and leave for this was not a place where they could stay, because of its uncleanness. | |||
14 | 2:12 | hikj | Who will gather the remnant of Israel? | Yahweh will gather the remnant of Israel. | |||
15 | 3:3 | xh57 | Who eats the flesh of Yahweh’s people? | The leaders of Jacob eat the flesh of Yahweh’s people. | |||
16 | 3:4 | x5kf | Why will Yahweh hide his face from the leaders of Jacob? | Yahweh will hide his face from the leaders of Jacob because they have done evil deeds. | |||
17 | 3:6 | y6ly | Why will the prophets do no divination? | It will be dark so that the prophets will do no divination. | |||
18 | 3:11 | sicn | For what do the leaders judge? | The leaders judge for a bribe. | |||
19 | 4:1 | i53v | When will the mountain of Yahweh’s house be established over the other mountains? | In the last days the mountain of Yahweh’s house will be established over the other mountains. | |||
20 | 4:2 | r2g1 | Why will many nations want to go to the mountain of Yahweh? | Many nations will want to go to the mountain of Yahweh, so he will teach them his ways, and they will walk in his paths. | |||
21 | 4:5 | ni3n | In what do all the peoples walk? | All the peoples walk in the name of their god. | |||
22 | 4:6 | epga | Whom will Yahweh assemble? | Yahweh will assemble the lame and gather the outcast, those whom he had afflicted. | |||
23 | 4:10 | zhqu | Where will the daughter of Zion be rescued? | The daughter of Zion will be rescued in Babylon. | |||
24 | 4:12 | u33w | According to the prophet, who does not know Yahweh’s thoughts? | The nations do not know Yahweh’s thoughts | |||
25 | 4:13 | jo4p | To whom will Yahweh devote many peoples’ unjust wealth? | Yahweh will devote their unjust wealth to himself. | |||
26 | 5:1 | x9ur | With what will the enemy strike the leader of Israel? | They will strike the leader of Israel with a rod on the cheek. | |||
27 | 5:3 | r8uc | For how long will God give up the clans of Judah? | God will give them up, until the time when she who was in labor bears a child. | |||
28 | 5:4 | u6wa | Who will shepherd his flock in the strength of Yahweh? | The child will shepherd his flock in the strength of Yahweh. | |||
29 | 5:7 | aa9b | For what do the remnant of Jacob not wait? | The remnant of Jacob do not wait for man. | |||
30 | 5:9 | dxg9 | What will happen when the Israelites’ hand will be lifted against their enemies? | When the Israelites’ hand is lifted against their enemies, it will destroy them. | |||
31 | 5:15 | fo0z | On whom will Yahweh execute vengeance? | Yahweh will execute vengeance on the nations that have not listened. | |||
32 | 6:2 | depe | What will Yahweh do against Israel? | Yahweh will fight in court against Israel. | |||
33 | 6:3 | jrqn | What did Yahweh command his people to do against him? | He commanded them to testify against him. | |||
34 | 6:8 | ur2m | What did Yahweh require from his people? | Yahweh required his people to act justly, love kindness, and walk humbly with their God. | |||
35 | 6:12 | tmi9 | Whose tongue is deceitful? | The tongue of the inhabitants who have spoken lies is deceitful. | |||
36 | 6:13 | k2be | Why did Yahweh make the city a ruin? | Yahweh made the city a ruin because of his sins. | |||
37 | 6:16 | iqg0 | By whose advice did the city walk? | The city walked by the advice of Omri and Ahab. | |||
38 | 7:2 | x79b | Who perished from the earth? | The godly man perished from the earth. | |||
39 | 7:4 | c71s | Who foretold the day of the punishment of the remaining people? | The watchmen foretold the day of the punishment of the remaining people. | |||
40 | 7:6 | l7b8 | Who are a man’s enemies? | A man’s enemies are the people of his own house. | |||
41 | 7:8 | y47k | What would happen after Micah falls? | After Micah falls, he will rise. | |||
42 | 7:9 | cl5y | For how long will Micah bear Yahweh’s rage? | Micah will bear Yahweh’s rage until Yahweh pleaded his cause, and executed judgment for Micah. | |||
43 | 7:10 | pdjy | At whom will Micah’s eyes look? | Micah’s eyes will look at his enemy. | |||
44 | 7:11-12 | oiv4 | What will happen when a day comes to build the walls? | When a day comes to build the walls, the boundaries will be extended very far. | |||
45 | 7:14 | fggq | How did Micah ask Yahweh to shepherd his people? | Micah asked Yahweh to shepherd his people with his rod. | |||
46 | 7:15 | c0km | What will Yahweh show his people? | Yahweh will show them wonders. | |||
47 | 7:16 | d9r8 | What will the nations see and be ashamed of? | They will see and be ashamed of all their power. | |||
48 | 7:17 | je8k | Who will the nations come to and be afraid of? | The nations will come to Yahweh and they will be afraid because of him. | |||
49 | 7:18 | xltw | Why will Yahweh not keep his anger anger forever? | Yahweh will not keep his anger forever, because he loves to show his covenant faithfulness. | |||
50 | 7:19 | y1p0 | Into what will Yahweh throw all the sins of the people of Israel? | Yahweh will throw all their sins into the depths of the sea. |