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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | kp2j | How is Job’s character described? | He was blameless and righteous and honored God and turned from evil. | |||
3 | 1:5 | zx8z | After Job’s sons held feasts with their brothers and sisters in their houses, what would Job do? | Job would consecrate them to God, offer burnt offerings, and pray for them. | |||
4 | 1:8 | ba5v | Why did Yahweh say Satan should consider Job? | There was no one like Job on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who feared God and turned away from evil. | |||
5 | 1:10 | r8j0 | How did Satan say Yahweh had protected Job? | He made a hedge around Job, around his house, and around all that he had on every side. | |||
6 | 1:11 | c2sy | What did Satan think would cause Job to renounce God? | He said to Job would renounce God if God attacked all Job’s possessions. | |||
7 | 1:12 | geux | What did Yahweh give Satan permission to do? | He gave Satan permission to take everything from Job, but not to lay a hand on his person. | |||
8 | 1:14-15 | f518 | What did the messenger tell Job the Sabeans had done to him? | They killed all Job’s servants in the field and took away all the oxen and donkeys. | |||
9 | 1:16 | xngc | What did the second messenger tell Job had happened to his sheep? | The fire of God fell from the heavens and burned them up along with the servants. | |||
10 | 1:17 | krn8 | What did the third messenger tell Job had happened to his camels? | Three groups of robbers came and attacked them. They stole all the camels and killed all the men that were caring for them. | |||
11 | 1:18-19 | giex | What news did the fourth messenger bring to Job? | Job’s sons and daughters were feasting in their brother’s home when a great wind came and struck the house, which collapsed on them and killed them. | |||
12 | 1:20 | tikd | What did Job do after he got all these messages? | Job tore his robe, shaved his head, lay facedown on the ground, and worshiped God. | |||
13 | 1:21 | rbig | What did Job say about his condition after these events? | He said he came naked from his mother’s womb, and he would return naked. | |||
14 | 1:21 | ld2q | What did Job say that Yahweh had done to him? | Yahweh gave, and Yahweh has taken away. | |||
15 | 1:22 | fk7m | How did Job show that he was not a foolish man? | Job did not sin, nor did he foolishly accuse God. | |||
16 | 2:1 | w4ih | Who came with the sons of God when they presented themselves before Yahweh? | Satan also came and presented himself. | |||
17 | 2:2 | lvje | What did Satan tell Yahweh that he had been doing? | He said he was going to and fro on the earth, and walking back and forth on it. | |||
18 | 2:3 | y5rd | How did Yahweh say that Job continued to do after Satan’s attacks? | Job held fast to his integrity. | |||
19 | 2:5 | hs5z | What does Satan want to do to Job now so that Job will curse God? | Satan wants to touch Job’s bones and his body to hurt him. | |||
20 | 2:7 | wvm7 | How did Satan afflict Job’s body? | He afflicted Job with severe boils from the sole of his foot to the top of his head. | |||
21 | 2:8 | u7nw | What did Job do to deal with the pain of his affliction? | He took a potshard and scraped himself as he sat in ashes. | |||
22 | 2:9 | mx0a | What did Job’s wife want him to do? | Job’s wife wanted him to curse God and die. | |||
23 | 2:10 | mlsd | What accusation did Job make to his wife? | He accused her of thinking they should receive good at the hand of God but not evil. | |||
24 | 2:11 | zeuf | What did Job’s three friends do when they heard what happened to Job? | They came to mourn with him and comfort him. | |||
25 | 2:12-13 | bqsv | How did the three friends of Job show their grief when they saw him? | They raised their voices and wept, tore their robes, threw dust on their heads, and sat on the ground in silence for seven days and nights. | |||
26 | 3:1-3 | qses | What did Job say about the day he was born? | He cursed the day he was born and asked that it would perish. | |||
27 | 3:5 | zx0b | What does Job want to claim the day he was born? | He wants that day to be claimed by darkness and the shadow of death. | |||
28 | 3:6 | lndq | What does Job want to seize the night he was conceived? | Job wants that night to be seized by gloom. | |||
29 | 3:11 | hh41 | What did Job wish had happened when he came out of the womb? | He wishes he had died at birth. | |||
30 | 3:13-14 | s5sb | What does Job say he would be doing now if he had died at birth? | He would be sleeping and at rest with kings and counselors of the earth. | |||
31 | 3:18-19 | qr04 | From what are prisoners and servants released in death? | The prisoner is released from the voice of the slave driver, and the servant is free from his master. | |||
32 | 3:21 | g9i8 | To whom does Job say that death will not come? | It does not come to the one who longs for death and who searches for it more than those who search for hidden treasure. | |||
33 | 3:24 | q17x | How does Job describe his groaning? | His groaning flows out like water. | |||
34 | 3:26 | kpx0 | What are the things that troubles have replaced in Job's life? | He cannot be at ease or quiet and has no rest. | |||
35 | 4:3 | n2tw | What good things does Eliphaz say Job has done for others? | Job had instructed many and strengthened weak hands. | |||
36 | 4:6 | togc | What does Eliphaz say is Job’s confidence and hope in time of trouble? | Job’s fear of God is his confidence, and the integrity of his ways is his hope. | |||
37 | 4:8-9 | n3oe | Who perishes by the breath of God and his anger? | Those who plow misery and sow trouble perish and cease to exist. | |||
38 | 4:10 | jlvf | What does Eliphaz says is broken? | The teeth of young lions are broken. | |||
39 | 4:12-13 | t7h5 | How did Eliphaz secretly receive a certain message? | He heard a whisper in his ear and saw visions in the night. | |||
40 | 4:14 | hklx | What came upon Eliphaz when he received the message? | Fear and trembling came on him. | |||
41 | 4:17 | fib4 | What did the voice ask about mortal men? | It asked if a mortal man can be more righteous than God, more pure than his Maker? | |||
42 | 4:19 | jdro | How does Eliphaz describe mortal men? | They live in houses of clay with their foundation in the dust, and they are crushed sooner than a moth. | |||
43 | 5:2 | hc9l | What does Eliphaz say will happen to a foolish and simple man? | Indignation kills the foolish man, and resentment kills the simple one. | |||
44 | 5:4 | mha0 | What happens to the children of the foolish person in the city gate? | They are unsafe, they are crushed in the gate and are not rescued. | |||
45 | 5:7 | qqhe | From where does trouble really come? | All his life, man makes his own trouble. | |||
46 | 5:10 | a4tl | What does God give to the earth and the fields? | He gives rain on the earth and sends water on the fields. | |||
47 | 5:12 | bzls | What does God do the schemes of crafty people? | He frustrates their schemes so that their hands cannot carry out their plots. | |||
48 | 5:15 | otu6 | From what does God save the needy and poor person? | He saves the poor person from the threats and accusations of the mighty and saves the needy person from harm by the mighty people. | |||
49 | 5:18 | y06z | Why is the man happy whom God corrects and chastens? | He is happy because the wounds, God binds up wounds, and his hands heal. | |||
50 | 5:22 | r6uw | At what will the man whom God corrects laugh? | He will laugh at destruction and famine. | |||
51 | 5:24 | h00d | What will the man whom God corrects find when he visits his sheepfold? | He will find that nothing will be missing. | |||
52 | 5:26 | lkzz | How long will the man whom God corrects live? | He will come to his grave at a full age. | |||
53 | 6:2-3 | xxnk | How does Job describe his anguish and his calamity? | If his anguish and calamity were weighed, they would be heavier than the sand of the seas. | |||
54 | 6:4 | mmx7 | What has the Almighty done to Job with his arrows? | His arrows are in Job, and Job’s spirit drinks up the poison. | |||
55 | 6:6 | fdrh | What food does Job say has no taste? | He says the white of an egg does not have any taste. | |||
56 | 6:8-9 | lw1u | What one request does Job long for God to grant him? | He wants God to crush him and cut him loose from his life. | |||
57 | 6:10 | r7un | What is Job’s consolation? | His consolation is that he has not have denied the words of the Holy One. | |||
58 | 6:13 | erse | What has been taken away from Job? | Initiative has been taken away from him. | |||
59 | 6:14 | pt5p | To whom should a friend show faithfulness? | A friend should show faithfulness to the despairing person. | |||
60 | 6:15-17 | w9dl | How does Job compare his brothers to a desert streambed? | They have dealt treacherously like a wadi: they disappear in the dry season. | |||
61 | 6:18-20 | sn6r | What happened to the caravans when they looked for water in these streams? | They wandered into barren land and then perished. They were disappointed and deceived. | |||
62 | 6:21 | bk4p | Why were Job’s friends nothing to him? | They saw his dreadful situation and were afraid, so they did not help him. | |||
63 | 6:24 | ebc7 | What does Job say he will do if his friends would teach him? | He will be silent. | |||
64 | 6:26 | nqc2 | What does Job say his friends plan to do with his words? | They plan to correct his words and ignore what he has said. | |||
65 | 6:29 | x0o1 | Why does Job say his friends should relent in their attacks on him? | Job’s cause is just. | |||
66 | 7:2-3 | lfpy | To what does Job compare his months of misery and trouble-filled nights? | He compares them to a slave desiring relief from heat, or a hired man looking for his wages. | |||
67 | 7:5 | cnle | What covers Job’s flesh? | Worms and clods of dust, open sores and infection cover his flesh. | |||
68 | 7:6 | wrxc | What image does Job use to describe the speed of his days? | His days pass more swiftly than a weaver’s shuttle. | |||
69 | 7:9 | gil6 | To what does Job compare the man who goes down to Sheol? | He is like a cloud that is consumed and vanishes away. | |||
70 | 7:11 | xxlm | In what way will Job speak and complain? | He will speak in the anguish of his spirit and complain in the bitterness of his soul. | |||
71 | 7:14 | dutm | What does God do to Job when Job goes to bed? | God scares him with dreams and terrifies him through visions. | |||
72 | 7:16 | vccp | Why did Job want God to leave him alone? | Job said his days are useless. | |||
73 | 7:19 | xbyw | What does Job ask God to let him alone long enough to do? | He asks to be left alone long enough to swallow his own saliva. | |||
74 | 7:21 | c7lj | What does Job think God will not do? | Job thinks God will not pardon his transgression and take away his iniquity. | |||
75 | 8:2 | nx2m | To what did Bildad compare the words of Job’s mouth? | He compared them to a mighty wind. | |||
76 | 8:4 | qz1u | How did Bildad say he knew that Job’s children sinned? | He said he knew this because God had punished them for their sins. | |||
77 | 8:6 | cuc2 | How does Bildad say that God would bless Job if Job were pure and upright? | God would reward Job by restoring his former home and wealth. | |||
78 | 8:9 | vi3z | To what does Bildad compare our days on earth? | He says they are a shadow. | |||
79 | 8:11 | wzys | What do papyrus and reeds require in order to grow? | Papyrus requires a marsh, and reeds need water to grow. | |||
80 | 8:14 | xosc | To what does Bildad compare the trust of godless men? | Their trust is as fragile as a spider’s web. | |||
81 | 8:17 | v8iu | What do the roots do that represent a person that forgets God? | The roots are wrapped around heaps of stone and look for good places among the rocks. | |||
82 | 8:20 | admm | How does God treat the innocent man and the evildoers differently? | He will not cast away an innocent man, but will not take the hand of evildoers. | |||
83 | 8:21 | svgq | With what will God fill the mouth and lips of the innocent man? | He will fill his mouth with laughter and his lips with shouting. | |||
84 | 9:3 | yb6y | What would happen is a man tried to argue with God? | The man could not answer God once in a thousand times. | |||
85 | 9:5 | wh72 | What does God do to the mountains when he is angry? | He removes the mountains without warning and overturns them. | |||
86 | 9:8 | g8es | What does God trample down? | He tramples down and subdues the waves of the sea. | |||
87 | 9:11 | j9c8 | Does Job see God when he passes by? | God goes by him and Job does not see or perceive him. | |||
88 | 9:15 | r12n | Even if Job were righteous, how would he need to address God? | Job could not answer him, but could only plead for mercy. | |||
89 | 9:17 | i9md | Why does Job believe God has multiple his wounds? | Job believed God multiplied his wounds without cause. | |||
90 | 9:20 | scdb | Is it possible for Job to be righteous and perfect? | No, even then, his mouth would condemn him and prove him guilty. | |||
91 | 9:22 | v4d4 | Does Job think God treats righteous and wicked people differently? | He says God destroys both perfect people and wicked people together. | |||
92 | 9:25-26 | o9ou | To what three things does Job compare the speed of his days? | They are swifter than a running messenger, they are as fast as reed boats, and as fast as the swooping eagle. | |||
93 | 9:27-29 | i5y3 | Why did Job say it would be in vain to forget about his complaints? | God would not consider him innocent, but Job would be condemned. | |||
94 | 9:33 | k0gn | What does Job say that no judge would be able to do? | No judge would lay his hand on both Job and God. | |||
95 | 9:34 | qyx1 | What does Job say no other judge could do? | There is no other judge who can take God’s rod from Job, or keep God’s terror from frightening Job. | |||
96 | 10:2 | ofkr | Why does Job want God to show him instead of merely condemning him? | He wants God to show Job why he accuses him. | |||
97 | 10:4 | v9lm | What kind of eyes does Job ask God if he has? | Job asks him if he has eyes of flesh and sees like a man sees. | |||
98 | 10:6 | y8p9 | For what does Job say that God seeks and searches? | God inquires after Job’s iniquity and searches after his sin. | |||
99 | 10:8 | y0uy | What had God’s hands done for Job? | They had framed and fashioned Job, yet they are destroying him. | |||
100 | 10:11 | yabf | With what did God clothe Job? | He clothed him with skin and flesh. | |||
101 | 10:12 | ekfy | What has God granted to Job? | God granted him life and covenant faithfulness. | |||
102 | 10:14 | env2 | What would God do if Job sinned? | God will notice his sin, and not acquit him of his iniquity. | |||
103 | 10:16 | c10r | What would God do to Job if Job’s head were lifted up? | God would hunt him down like a lion. | |||
104 | 10:17 | e8gk | Who would God bring against Job? | God would bring new witnesses against him. | |||
105 | 10:18 | jl22 | What does Job wish had happened to him? | He wishes he had died and that no eye had ever seen him. | |||
106 | 10:21 | gwep | Where is Job going, from which he will not return? | He is going to the land of darkness. | |||
107 | 11:3 | nujl | What did Zophar think Job had done to their teaching? | He thought Job had mocked his friends' teaching. | |||
108 | 11:6 | m4mm | What does Zophar say that God has demanded from Job? | He said God has demanded less from Job than his iniquity deserved. | |||
109 | 11:7-9 | s0pz | Does Zophar think that Job could possibly understand God? | Zophar thinks that it is impossible because God is as high as the heavens, deeper than Sheol, longer than the earth, and wider than the sea. | |||
110 | 11:10-11 | ogc9 | Does Zophar think that it is possible for anyone to stop God? | It is impossible to stop God because he knows false people and punishes iniquity. | |||
111 | 11:12 | xomz | When does Zophar say foolish people will have understanding? | They will have understanding when the colt of a wild donkey will be born to a man, meaning never! | |||
112 | 11:16 | zlrd | What does Zophar say would happen to Job’s misery if he truly puts away his iniquity? | Job would forget his misery and remember it only like waters that have flowed away. | |||
113 | 11:18 | l180 | Why would Job be secure if he put away his iniquity? | He would be secure because there would be hope. | |||
114 | 11:20 | oh1t | What does Zophar say will be the hope of wicked people? | He says that their hope will be an expiration of breath, meaning that they can only hope to die. | |||
115 | 12:3 | px1r | How does Job compare himself to his friends? | He says he also has understanding and is not inferior to them. | |||
116 | 12:4 | ic9n | What do Job’s neighbors think of him now? | They laugh at him. | |||
117 | 12:7-8 | wotw | Who does Job think could teach his friends? | The beasts, the birds, the earth, and the fish of the sea could teach his friends. | |||
118 | 12:9 | geax | What do all of the animals know? | They know that the hand of Yayweh has given them life. | |||
119 | 12:12 | p9v4 | What does Job say about aged men and understanding? | Wisdom and understanding come as people grow old. | |||
120 | 12:15 | vrj8 | What does God do with the waters? | He with holds them and they dry up, and he sends them out and they overwhelm the land. | |||
121 | 12:18 | q9mx | What does God take from kings? | He takes off the chain of authority from them. | |||
122 | 12:20 | tjrz | What does Job say about what God does to the trustworthy and the elders? | He can remove the speech of the trustworthy and take away the understanding of elders. | |||
123 | 12:23 | ln5a | What does Job say about God does to nations? | He makes them strong or destroys them, and enlarges them or leads them along as prisoners. | |||
124 | 12:24 | q7xf | What happens to the leaders of the people of the earth when God takes away their understanding? | He causes them them to wander in a wilderness where there is no path. | |||
125 | 13:2 | eub2 | How does Job say his knowledge compares to that of his friends? | Job says that he knows the same as they know, and he is not inferior to them. | |||
126 | 13:3 | la0e | Who would Job like to talk to instead of his friends and why? | He would rather speak to the Almighty because Job wants to reason with God. | |||
127 | 13:5 | e0u5 | What does Job say about wanting his friends to be silent? | He says that the silence of his friends would be wisdom. | |||
128 | 13:6 | irsu | What does Job want his friends to hear? | He wants them to listen to his reasoning and the pleading of his lips. | |||
129 | 13:10 | y84h | Would God approve if Job’s friends were showing favoritism? | No, he would strongly reprove them if they showed favoritism. | |||
130 | 13:12 | ut7x | What does Job think about his friends’ sayings and defenses? | He says their sayings are proverbs made of ashes, and their defenses are made of clay. | |||
131 | 13:13 | dwj3 | What does Job ask his friends to do so that he may speak? | Job asks them to hold their peace and let him speak. | |||
132 | 13:16 | e8l8 | Why does Job think that he would be acquitted? | He does not come before God like a godless man. | |||
133 | 13:18 | of2t | What has Job set in order? | He has set his defense in order. | |||
134 | 13:21 | etxu | What does Job want God to withdraw from him? | Job wants God to withdraw his oppressive hand from Job and stop terrifying him. | |||
135 | 13:24 | ls3c | Who does God treat Job like? | He treats Job like his enemy. | |||
136 | 13:28 | espv | What useless things does Job say he is like? | He is like a rotten thing that wastes away, like a garment that moths have eaten. | |||
137 | 14:2 | m7cf | How does Job say man is like a flower? | Man sprouts from the ground like a flower, and then withers. | |||
138 | 14:5 | tdsu | Who decides the lifespan of man? | God has determined his days and the number of his months. | |||
139 | 14:7 | jo3e | What does Job say about a tree that has been cut down? | There can be hope for a tree that has been cut down, for it can sprout again. | |||
140 | 14:12 | ulul | Does Job say a man can live again? | He says that that people do not rise up again, and will not be roused out of their sleep. | |||
141 | 14:13 | f19f | Where does Job wish would God would hide him? | Job wants God to hide him away in Sheol, away from troubles. | |||
142 | 14:17 | rsc2 | How would God treat Job’s transgression and iniquity if God’s wrath were finished? | God would seal up Job’s transgression in a bag, and cover up Job’s iniquity. | |||
143 | 14:19 | lmxg | What amazing thing can water do over time? | Water can wear down stones. | |||
144 | 14:21 | fd9j | What kinds of things does a dead man not know about his sons (his children)? | If they achieve honor or become insignificant, he does not know it. | |||
145 | 15:2 | wgu4 | With what should a wise man not fill himself? | He should not fill himself with the east wind. | |||
146 | 15:4 | o13o | How does Eliphaz think that Job’s statements dishonored God? | He thinks Job destroys fear and diminishes devotion to God. | |||
147 | 15:9 | q7bj | Does Eliphaz think that Job knows something that the other friends do not know? | He does not think that Job knows what they do not know, or that he understands they do not understand. | |||
148 | 15:10 | qayn | Which people does Eliphaz say agree with Job’s friends? | The gray-headed and very aged men who are older than Job’s father are with Eliphaz and his friends. | |||
149 | 15:13 | x0d5 | What does Eliphaz think Job has done? | He thinks Job has turned his spirit against God. | |||
150 | 15:15 | g8mc | How does God view his holy ones and the heavens? | He puts no trust even in his holy ones, and the heavens are not clean in his sight. | |||
151 | 15:17-18 | l347 | From whom did Eliphaz get the things he will announce to Job? | The things he has seen are things that wise men passed down from their fathers, and things that ancestors did not hide. | |||
152 | 15:21 | arox | When will the destroyer come upon the wicked man? | The destroyer will come upon him while he is in his prosperity. | |||
153 | 15:22 | pxw9 | What waits for the wicked man? | The sword waits for the wicked man. | |||
154 | 15:26 | dbhi | With what does the wicked man run against God? | He runs at God with a stiff neck and a thick shield. | |||
155 | 15:28 | pc4z | What will happen to the cities and houses of the wicked man? | They are ready to become heaps. | |||
156 | 15:30 | mmw4 | What will cause the wicked to go away? | He will go away at the breath of God’s mouth. | |||
157 | 15:31 | zyxw | What reward will the wicked man have for trusting in worthless things? | Emptiness will be his reward. | |||
158 | 15:34 | col8 | What will happen to the company of godless people? | It will be barren, and fire will consume their tents of bribery. | |||
159 | 16:2-3 | m93h | What did Job say about the comfort offered by his friends? | Job said they were making him more miserable with their endless, useless words. | |||
160 | 16:6 | izww | How does Job’s speaking affect his grief? | If he speaks, his grief is not lessened, and if he keeps from speaking, he is not helped. | |||
161 | 16:10 | nq73 | How are other people treating Job as God attacks him? | They gape at Job with open mouth, hit him reproachfully on the cheek, and gathered together against him. | |||
162 | 16:11 | mtxj | To whom has God given Job? | God handed him over to the ungodly and threw him into the hands of wicked people. | |||
163 | 16:13 | bxbr | How has God injured Job? | He has pierced Job’s kidneys and poured out his bile on the ground. | |||
164 | 16:15 | ctyx | What has Job done to his skin to show his grief? | He has sewn sackcloth on his skin. | |||
165 | 16:19 | af2l | Who is Job’s witness and able to vouch for Job? | Job’s witness is in heaven, and the one who is for him is on high. | |||
166 | 16:20 | cxe4 | Who does Job turn to as his friends scoff at him? | Job pours out his tears to God. | |||
167 | 17:2 | lhq7 | What must Job always see? | He must always see the provocation of the mockers who are with him. | |||
168 | 17:3 | r25k | What pledge does Job want God to make to Job? | He wants God to pledge himself to be a guarantee for Job. | |||
169 | 17:5 | kyfy | Whose evil deed will cause the eyes of his children to fail? | The one who denounces his friends for a reward will cause the eyes of his children to fail. | |||
170 | 17:7 | x3dz | What has happened to Job’s eye and his body because of sorrow? | His eye is dim and all his body parts are as thin a shadow. | |||
171 | 17:10 | lztz | Does Job think that he can find a wise man among his friends? | Job knows that he will not find a wise man among them. | |||
172 | 17:11 | cqy9 | Does Job have plans for the future? | Job’s plans are over, as are the wishes of his heart. | |||
173 | 17:14 | qstm | What has become Job’s father, mother, and sister? | The pit has become his father, and the worm is his mother and sister. | |||
174 | 18:3 | wcro | How did Bildad think Job viewed his friends? | Bildad thought Job regarded them as beasts and thought they were stupid. | |||
175 | 18:5 | nlwz | What will happen to the light of the wicked person? | His light goes out; the flame of his fire will not shine. | |||
176 | 18:8 | pdbm | What will throw the wicked man into a net? | He will be thrown into a net by his own feet, and he will walk into a pitfall. | |||
177 | 18:9-10 | xswr | What will catch the wicked man? | He will be caught by a trap, a snare, and a noose. | |||
178 | 18:12 | i8f2 | What will happen to the strength of the wicked man? | His strength will turn into hunger. | |||
179 | 18:14 | teug | Where will the wicked man no longer live? | He will no longer live in his tent but will be unable to save himself. | |||
180 | 18:16 | tyc5 | What image does Bildad use to describe what will happen to the wicked man? | He describes the wicked man as a tree whose roots will dry up beneath the ground, and whose branch will wither above. | |||
181 | 18:19 | xy7k | Will the wicked man have any descendants? | He will have no son or son’s son among his people, nor any remaining kinfolk where he had stayed. | |||
182 | 18:20 | j9bw | How do the people respond to what happens to the wicked man? | People will be shocked and horrified at what happens to the wicked man. | |||
183 | 19:2 | ejtc | What does Job ask his friends to stop doing to him? | Job asks his friends to stop hurting him and discouraging him. | |||
184 | 19:3 | hoz6 | How many times have Job’s friends reproached him? | They have reproached him ten times. | |||
185 | 19:4 | skg2 | Whose concern should it be if Job had erred? | Job says the error should be his own concern. | |||
186 | 19:6 | t2pl | How does Job say God has treated him? | Job says God has done wrong to Job and caught him in God’s net. | |||
187 | 19:7 | v63q | What happens when Job calls out for help because he has been wronged? | He is not answered and there is no justice. | |||
188 | 19:11 | kwml | According to Job, how has God regarded Job? | Job says God has regarded him as one of his enemies. | |||
189 | 19:13-14 | ib0j | What has happened to all of Job’s family and friends? | God has put his brothers far from him, his acquaintances are alienated, his kinsfolk fail him, and his close friends have forgotten him. | |||
190 | 19:16 | ih4a | How does Job’s servant respond to Job when he calls him? | His servant does not respond when Job gives an order. | |||
191 | 19:19 | n676 | How have Job's former friends treated him? | His former friends have turned against him. | |||
192 | 19:20 | unhr | How does Job survive? | He survives only with the skin of his teeth. | |||
193 | 19:23-24 | h5q7 | What does Job want to happen to his words? | He wants them to be written down and inscribed in a book, or engraved with pen and lead in the rock forever. | |||
194 | 19:25 | wero | What does Job say he knows? | He knows that his Redeemer lives, and that at last his Redeemer will stand on the earth. | |||
195 | 19:26 | bqkh | What does Job say will happen when his body is destroyed? | Job in his flesh will see God. | |||
196 | 19:29 | bf1g | What does wrath bring? | Wrath brings the punishment of the sword. | |||
197 | 20:1-3 | w6hj | Why did Zophar answer Job quickly? | He answered Job quickly he was troubled by what Job said. He hears Job’s rebuke and says it puts him to shame. | |||
198 | 20:5 | b86b | How long does the joy of a godless man last? | The joy of the godless only lasts for a moment. | |||
199 | 20:7 | rj9r | How will the wicked man perish? | He will perish permanently, like garbage disappears. | |||
200 | 20:8 | fjuf | How will the wicked man go away? | He will fly away like a dream, and be chased away like a vision of the night. | |||
201 | 20:10 | mwiq | What will the wicked man’s children do? | His children will apologize to poor people. | |||
202 | 20:14 | fxlb | What happens to wickedness inside the wicked man? | It will cause the food in his intestines to turn bitter, and will becomes like the poison of asps inside him. | |||
203 | 20:15 | gz9d | What will happen to the riches that the wicked man swallows down? | He will vomit them up again. | |||
204 | 20:17 | n051 | What will the wicked man not live to enjoy? | He will not live to enjoy the blessings that flow from God. | |||
205 | 20:19 | gjgf | Why will the wicked man not rejoice? | He has oppressed and neglected the poor people, and has violently taken away houses that he did not build. | |||
206 | 20:21 | um7h | Why will the prosperity of the wicked man not be permanent? | It will not be permanent because there is nothing left that he did not devour. | |||
207 | 20:23 | p319 | What will God do to the wicked man who is about to fill his belly? | God will rain down the fierceness of his wrath on him while he is eating. | |||
208 | 20:24 | jhhn | What will happen when the wicked man flees from the iron weapon? | A bow of bronze will shoot him. | |||
209 | 20:27 | vshr | What will the heavens and the earth do against the wicked man? | The heavens will reveal his iniquity and the earth will be a witness against him. | |||
210 | 20:28 | inyk | What will happen to the wicked man on the day of God’s wrath? | The wealth of his house will vanish and his goods will flow away. | |||
211 | 21:3 | nt18 | What does Job think his friends will do after he has spoken? | He thinks they will continue to mock him. | |||
212 | 21:5 | eedo | How will people respond when they look at Job? | They will be astonished and lay their hands upon their mouths. | |||
213 | 21:6 | bhbg | What happens to Job when he thinks about his sufferings? | He is terrified; his flesh trembles. | |||
214 | 21:7 | eb64 | What does Job ask about wicked people? | Job asks why do they continue to live, become old, and grow mighty in power? | |||
215 | 21:10 | j8b3 | What happens to the bull and the cow of the wicked? | The bull doesn’t fail to breed and the cow doesn’t lose her calf prematurely. | |||
216 | 21:14 | d67g | What do the wicked say to God? | They tell God to depart from them, for they do not wish any knowledge of his ways. | |||
217 | 21:16 | qw9k | How does Job respond to the advice of wicked people? | He wants nothing to do with their advice. | |||
218 | 21:19 | pcy7 | Who does Job want to pay for the guilt of the wicked person? | Job wants the wicked person to pay for his guilt, and not his children, so that he would know his guilt. | |||
219 | 21:22 | hd5u | Can anyone teach God knowledge? | No, for he judges even those who are high. | |||
220 | 21:26 | gu9d | What happens to both the man who dies in full strength and the one who dies in bitterness of soul? | They both lie down alike in the dust and the worms cover them both. | |||
221 | 21:27 | pl07 | What does Job know about his friends’ thoughts and ways? | He knows their thoughts and the ways in which they wrong him. | |||
222 | 21:30 | tilw | What have traveling people seen happen to the wicked man? | They have seen that the wicked man is kept from the day of calamity, and that he is led away from the day of wrath. | |||
223 | 21:32 | d7ny | What will men do for the tomb of the wicked man? | Men will keep watch over his tomb. | |||
224 | 21:34 | tedb | With what does Job say Zophar was trying to comfort him? | Job says Zophar was trying to comfort him with things that are not true. | |||
225 | 22:3 | sm10 | What does Eliphaz ask Job if his righteousness can do for the Almighty? | He asks if it brings any pleasure to the Almighty if Job is righteous. | |||
226 | 22:4 | fyee | How does Eliphaz mock Job’s reverence for God? | He mockingly says that God would not punish Job if Job had truly been righteous. | |||
227 | 22:6 | byaf | What does Eliphaz accuse Job of doing to the naked? | He says that Job has stripped the naked of their clothing. | |||
228 | 22:9 | n55v | What does Eliphaz accuse Job of doing to widows? | He claims Job has sent widows away empty. | |||
229 | 22:11 | phk4 | What does Eliphaz say the darkness has done to Job? | He says Job is in darkness so that he does not know what to do. | |||
230 | 22:14 | k3nu | What does Eliphaz claim Job says about God not seeing people? | Job says, “Thick clouds are a covering to God, so that he does not see people.” | |||
231 | 22:16 | mv6d | What happens to the foundations of wicked men? | The wicked men’s foundations have washed away, as if by a flooding river. | |||
232 | 22:19 | qkps | How do the righteous act when they see the fate of the wicked? | The righteous see their fate and are glad. | |||
233 | 22:21 | stfw | What will happen if Job is at peace with God? | If Job is at peace with God, good will come to him. | |||
234 | 22:23 | bwm0 | What does Eliphaz say will happen if Job returns to the Almighty? | If Job returns to the Almighty, he will be built up. | |||
235 | 22:26 | ly5i | What will happen when Job takes pleasure in the Almighty? | When Job takes pleasure in the Almighty, he will lift up his face to God. | |||
236 | 22:29 | h9s1 | What does God do for the humble? | God saves those who are humble. | |||
237 | 23:2 | f8ah | Is Job finished protesting? | No. Job said that there is much more he could protest about. | |||
238 | 23:4 | om1e | What would Job do before God if he could find him? | He would lay his case in order before God and fill his mouth with arguments. | |||
239 | 23:6 | yt73 | Does Job think God would argue against him in the greatness of God’s power if he could stand before him? | No, he thinks God would listen to him fairly. | |||
240 | 23:9 | vxyo | What does Job say God is doing in the south? | Job says in the south, God hides himself so that no one can see what he does there. | |||
241 | 23:10 | dteg | What result does Job expect from God’s testing him? | When God has tested Job, he will come out like gold. | |||
242 | 23:12 | xlbf | What has Job done with the words of God’s mouth? | Job has treasured up in his heart the words of God’s mouth. | |||
243 | 23:14 | vac7 | What will God carry out for Job? | God will carry out his decrees for Job. | |||
244 | 23:15 | efal | How does Job feel when he thinks about God? | When Job thinks about him, he is afraid of him. | |||
245 | 23:17 | fmgf | What covers Job’s face? | The thick darkness covers Job’s face. | |||
246 | 24:1 | io9x | What times does Job think are not set by the Almighty? | Job asks why times for judging the wicked are not set by the Almighty. | |||
247 | 24:3 | d9xw | What do the wicked do to the donkey of the fatherless? | They drive away the donkey of the fatherless. | |||
248 | 24:5 | g320 | What do the poor hope the Arabah will provide? | They hope the Arabah will provide them food for their children. | |||
249 | 24:7 | agap | What do the poor lack in the cold? | They have no covering in the cold. | |||
250 | 24:8 | q42v | What do the poor embrace for lack of shelter? | They embrace a rock for lack of shelter. | |||
251 | 24:10 | nr0j | What do the poor do for others even though they go hungry? | Even though they go hungry, they carry others’ sheaves of grain. | |||
252 | 24:11 | hidc | What do the poor do for others even though they suffer thirst? | They tread the wicked men’s winepresses, but they suffer thirst. | |||
253 | 24:14 | np48 | What is the murderer like in the night? | In the night, the muderer is like a thief. | |||
254 | 24:16 | x8xn | Why do the wicked shut themselves up in daytime? | The wicked do not care for the light. | |||
255 | 24:17 | y487 | With what terrors are the wicked comfortable? | They are comfortable with the terrors of the thick darkness. | |||
256 | 24:19 | adbm | Who does Sheol consume? | Sheol consumes those who have sinned. | |||
257 | 24:21 | dvtw | Who does the wicked one devour? | The wicked one devours the barren women who have not born children. | |||
258 | 24:22 | bs9m | Who does God drag away? | God drags away the mighty by his power. | |||
259 | 24:24 | tzrn | What will happen to the mighty in a little while? | In only a little while, the mighty will be gone. | |||
260 | 25:2 | elym | Where does God make order? | God makes order in his high places of heaven. | |||
261 | 25:4 | ho3b | Of whom does Bildad ask can they be clean and acceptable to God? | He asks if one who is born of a woman can be clean and acceptable to God. | |||
262 | 25:6 | p412 | To what does Bildad compare a son of man? | He says that a son of man is a grub. | |||
263 | 26:4 | i67h | Whose words does Job say Bildad is speaking? | Job says Bildad is not speaking God's words, but his own. | |||
264 | 26:6 | lebh | What has no covering before God? | Sheol itself has no covering against God. | |||
265 | 26:8 | woe6 | Where does God bind up the waters? | He binds up the waters in his thick clouds. | |||
266 | 26:9 | litl | What does God spread on the face of the moon? | He encloses the face of the moon and spreads his cloud on it. | |||
267 | 26:12 | f3rk | What did God calm with his power? | He calmed the sea with his power. | |||
268 | 26:13 | lfco | By what did God clear the heavens of storms? | By his breath, he cleared the heavens of storms. | |||
269 | 26:14 | qaqu | How much of God's ways are people able to see? | People can see only the edges of God's ways. | |||
270 | 27:2 | vued | What does Job say God has taken away from him? | God has taken away his justice. | |||
271 | 27:4 | phks | What does Job vow his lips will not speak? | Job vows that surely his lips will not speak wickedness or deceit. | |||
272 | 27:6 | exto | How long will Job’s thoughts not reproach him? | His thoughts will not reproach him so long as he lives. | |||
273 | 27:8 | oehr | What does Job say God does when he cuts off a godless man’s life? | When God cuts off his life, God will punish him for the wrong things that he has done. | |||
274 | 27:11 | mjnm | What does Job say he will not conceal of the Almighty? | Job said that he would not conceal the hand of the Almighty. | |||
275 | 27:14 | wszu | Of what will the wicked man’s offspring not have enough? | His offspring will never have enough food. | |||
276 | 27:15 | e9kv | What will the wicked man’s widow not do for him? | His widow will make no lament for him. | |||
277 | 27:17 | v2qn | What will happen to the silver of the wicked man? | The innocent will divide up his silver among themselves. | |||
278 | 27:19 | c148 | What does the wicked man see when he opens his eyes after he lies down rich? | He opens his eyes, and everything is gone. | |||
279 | 27:21 | v7bw | What does the east wind do as it carries the wicked man away? | The east wind carries him away, and it sweeps him out of his place. | |||
280 | 27:22 | r83p | What does the wicked man try to do when the east wind does not stop? | He tries to flee out of its power. | |||
281 | 28:2 | znmn | From where is copper smelted? | Copper is smelted out of stone. | |||
282 | 28:3 | s6iq | What does man search out to the farthest limit? | Man searches out, to the farthest limit, the stones of gloom and thick darkness. | |||
283 | 28:4 | rwwg | Where does man break open a shaft? | He breaks open a shaft away from where people live. | |||
284 | 28:6 | gri2 | What is contained in the dust of the earth? | The earth’s dust contains gold. | |||
285 | 28:8 | m5lt | What has not walked through the path of man’s shaft? | The proud animals have not walked such a path, nor has the fierce lion passed there. | |||
286 | 28:10 | byeq | What does man see in the channels he cuts among the rocks? | His eye sees every valuable thing there. | |||
287 | 28:13 | ils4 | Where are wisdom and understanding not found? | Both of these are not found in the land of the living. | |||
288 | 28:17 | c862 | What cannot equal the worth of wisdom and understanding? | Gold and crystal cannot equal both of these in worth. | |||
289 | 28:18 | ps1f | The price of wisdom is more than what jewel? | The price of wisdom is more than rubies. | |||
290 | 28:21 | kv2g | From whose eyes is wisdom hidden? | Wisdom is hidden from the eyes of all living things. | |||
291 | 28:23 | yg4h | Who knows wisdom’s place? | God understands the way to wisdom and he knows its place. | |||
292 | 28:25 | qh62 | What did God parcel out by measure? | He parceled out the waters by measure. | |||
293 | 28:26 | a7wm | For what did God make a decree? | He made a decree for the rain. | |||
294 | 28:28 | ur9o | What did God tell people is wisdom? | To people, God said, “See, the fear of the Lord—that is wisdom.” | |||
295 | 29:2 | a92x | Does Job recall a time when God cared for him? | Job remembers that in the past months God had cared for him. | |||
296 | 29:4 | fro6 | What was on Job’s tent in the ripeness of his days? | Job remembers the ripeness of his days, when the friendship of God was on his tent. | |||
297 | 29:6 | p2nj | What had the rock poured out for Job in the past? | When the almighty was with Job, the rock poured out for him streams of oil. | |||
298 | 29:8 | ohfn | How did the young men show respect for Job in the city square? | They saw Job and kept their distance from him in respect. | |||
299 | 29:9 | bjos | What did the princes do in the past when Job came? | They used to refrain from talking when he came. | |||
300 | 29:10 | qwxu | What happened to the tongue of the noblemen when Job came? | Their tongue clung to the roof of their mouths. | |||
301 | 29:11 | ojr3 | What would the noblemen do after their eyes saw Job? | They would then give witness to Job and approve of him. | |||
302 | 29:13 | fvip | What did Job cause the widow’s heart to do? | He caused her heart to be glad. | |||
303 | 29:16 | x6l7 | What had Job done even for the person he did not know? | He would examine the case even of one whom he did not know. | |||
304 | 29:17 | y7td | Who would Job pluck from the teeth of the unrighteous? | He plucked the victim out from between the teeth of the unrighteous. | |||
305 | 29:20 | j9so | What does Job say is always new in his hand? | The bow of his strength is always new in his hand. | |||
306 | 29:23 | hoax | What did men wait to drink in like rain from Job? | They opened their mouth wide to drink in his words as they would for the latter rain. | |||
307 | 29:25 | vb6z | To what does Job compare himself at a funeral? | He say that he is like one who comforts mourners at a funeral. | |||
308 | 30:1 | bwsy | Who has nothing but mockery for Job? | Those who are younger than Job have nothing but mockery for him. | |||
309 | 30:3 | ldlb | What made the young men’s fathers thin? | They were thin from poverty and hunger. | |||
310 | 30:5 | a43i | From where were the young men’s fathers driven out? | Their fathers were driven out from among people. | |||
311 | 30:8 | gnm6 | Of whom does Job say the young men’s fathers are descendants. | Job says that they were descendants of fools, indeed, of worthless men. | |||
312 | 30:9 | fu2q | What had Job become for the sons of the worthless men? | Job had become their subject for a song of mockery. | |||
313 | 30:11 | w7pd | What do the people now cast away in front of Job? | These people cast away self-restraint in front of him. | |||
314 | 30:13 | gp7c | Why are the men able to advance his calamity for Job? | They advance his calamity because there is no one to hold them back. | |||
315 | 30:15 | c7ox | What does Job say is driven away by the wind? | His dignity is driven away as if by the wind. | |||
316 | 30:16 | wxv3 | What has laid hold of Job as his life is pouring out within him? | Many days of suffering have laid hold on him. | |||
317 | 30:18 | yep8 | What does Job say has changed his clothing? | Skin disease has changed his skin, referred to as clothing. | |||
318 | 30:21 | peor | How does Job say God has changed? | God has changed and become cruel to him; with the power of his hand God persecutes him. | |||
319 | 30:23 | s4bb | What does Job know is destined for all living things? | He knows that God will bring him to death, to the house destined for all living things. | |||
320 | 30:26 | b6rz | What came when Job waited for light? | When he waited for light, darkness came instead. | |||
321 | 30:28 | xdbd | Where did Job stand to call for help? | He stood up in the assembly and cried for help. | |||
322 | 30:31 | rovs | For what kind of music does Job say his harp is tuned? | Job says that his harp is tuned for songs of mourning. | |||
323 | 31:1 | w3xs | What desire does Job say is subdued by a covenant with his eyes? | Job has made a covenant with his eyes to not look with desire on a virgin. | |||
324 | 31:3 | pzcb | For whom did Job use to think calamity was reserved? | Job used to think that calamity was for the unrighteous. | |||
325 | 31:6 | vpv1 | What does Job ask to be done so that God would know his integrity? | He asks to be weighed in an even balance, so that God would know his integrity. | |||
326 | 31:8 | c60p | What does Job ask to happen to the harvest if he has turned out of the right way? | He says to let the harvest be uprooted out of his field. | |||
327 | 31:10 | d1pt | What does Job say should be the judgement if he was attracted to another woman? | Job says to let his wife grind grain for another man. | |||
328 | 31:12 | clka | What kind of fire does Job say this crime is like? | Job says that it is like a fire that consumes everything. | |||
329 | 31:15 | ns1y | What did God do for both the servants and for Job? | God made and molded them all in the womb. | |||
330 | 31:18 | jxdr | How does Job say he has treated the orphan from his youth? | He says the orphan grew up with him as with a father. | |||
331 | 31:20 | ywdt | What should be offered to warm the needy with no clothing? | They should have been warmed with the wool of his sheep. | |||
332 | 31:22 | pjia | What part of his body does Job say should come off if he has failed to have compassion? | Job says to let his upper arm fall from the shoulder blade. | |||
333 | 31:24 | rqol | What could people say to fine gold? | They could say to fine gold, “You are my confidence.” | |||
334 | 31:28 | mow1 | Who would Job be denying if he worshiped the sun or moon? | If he worshiped them, he would have denied the God who is above. | |||
335 | 31:30 | fr0d | How has Job not suffered his mouth to sin? | Job has not suffered his mouth to sin by asking for the life of those who hate him with a curse. | |||
336 | 31:32 | syrz | What had Job always done for the traveler? | He had always opened his doors to the traveler. | |||
337 | 31:33 | c7e1 | How does Job say mankind has hidden his sins? | Job says mankind hides sins by hiding his guilt in his chest. | |||
338 | 31:35 | v6m3 | What does Job want to have that his opponent has written? | Job desired to have the indictment that his opponent had written. | |||
339 | 31:37 | u7ns | How would Job go up to his opponent if he had their indictment? | He would go up to him as a confident prince. | |||
340 | 31:40 | d29s | If Job has caused landowners to lose their lives, what does he call to grow instead of crops? | Job said to let thorns grow instead of wheat and weeds instead of barley. | |||
341 | 32:1 | pbe9 | What did Job’s three friends do when they could not convince Job that he had done anything wrong? | They stopped answering Job. | |||
342 | 32:2 | jtb6 | What emotion was kindled in Elihu when Job continued to justify himself rather than God? | Elihu’s anger was kindled against Job. | |||
343 | 32:3-5 | w817 | Why was Elihu angry with Job’s three friends? | Elihu was angry with Job’s friends because they had not been able to answer Job but they had still declared that he was wrong. | |||
344 | 32:6-7 | j24i | Why was Elihu timid and afraid to tell Job and his friends what he was thinking? | Elihu was young and the others were all very old and should be able to teach wisdom. | |||
345 | 32:8 | plor | Who does Elihu say gives understanding to man? | The breath of the Almighty gives man understanding. | |||
346 | 32:9-10 | bt75 | Why does Elihu say the others should listen to him and allow him to declare what he knows? | It is not only the great who are wise, and it not the aged alone who understand justice. | |||
347 | 32:11-12 | x1ps | What were Job’s friends not able to do even though Elihu waited for them to speak, and paid attention carefully? | Job’s friends were not able to prove Job wrong or respond to his words. | |||
348 | 32:13 | el4j | Who does Elihu say must refute Job when the three friends, who thought they were wise, were not able to do that? | It is God who must refute Job. | |||
349 | 32:15-16 | ybm1 | What does Elihu decide to do because the three friends were dumbfounded and could not answer Job? | Elihu decided that because the friends had not a word more to say, he will not wait any longer. | |||
350 | 32:18 | pt8b | What is it that compels Elihu to share his knowledge with Job? | The spirit compels Elihu to share his knowledge. | |||
351 | 32:19 | mzf2 | What does Elihu say he is feeling like within his breast? | He says his breast feels like wine in new wineskins that are ready to burst. | |||
352 | 32:21-22 | o0zr | What does Elihu say his Maker would do to him if he were to speak and give honorific titles to any man? | Elihu says that his Maker would soon take him away. | |||
353 | 33:1-3 | k8qb | Why does Elihu beg Job to listen to the words he will speak? | Elihu begs Job to listen because he will speak from the uprightness of his heart. | |||
354 | 33:4 | lvqh | Who has made Elihu and what has given him life? | The Spirit of God made Elihu and the Almighty gave him life. | |||
355 | 33:5 | acx7 | What does Elihu ask Job to do if Job could answer Elihu? | He asks Job to set his words in order and stand up before Elihu. | |||
356 | 33:6-7 | i4wh | What reason does Elihu give that Job should not be afraid of him or feel pressure from Elihu? | Elihu tells Job that they are the same in God’s sight and were both formed out of the clay. | |||
357 | 33:8-9 | ipay | What had Elihu heard Job saying? | Elihu heard Job saying that he was clean, without transgression, innocent and there was no sin in him. | |||
358 | 33:10 | v9z1 | Who does Job blame for finding opportunities to attack him, and for regarding him as an enemy? | Job blames God for doing these things. | |||
359 | 33:12 | iqbe | How does Elihu say God compares to man? | Elihu says God is greater than man. | |||
360 | 33:13 | ltnr | Why does Elihu say it is useless to struggle against God? | God does not have to account for any of his doings. | |||
361 | 33:14-15 | n8ia | How does Elihu say that God speaks to man? | God speaks in a dream and in a vision during the night while men are sleeping. | |||
362 | 33:16-17 | ixu1 | Why does God open the ears of men and frighten them with threats? | God does this in order to pull man back from sinful purposes and keep pride from him. | |||
363 | 33:19-20 | nbae | What does Elihu say is the reason that man has pain on his bed, agony in his bones, and no desire for food or delicacies? | Elihu says that this is because man is being punished. | |||
364 | 33:21-22 | cz5d | What does Elihu say happens to a man who is being punished by God? | A man’s flesh is consumed, his bones stick out and his soul draws close to the pit. | |||
365 | 33:24 | vc30 | What could an angel mediator say to God to save a person from going down to the pit? | The angel could say to God, “I have found a ransom for him.” | |||
366 | 33:25 | rlyx | What will happen to the flesh of the person who is saved from going down to the pit? | His flesh will become fresher than a child’s. | |||
367 | 33:28 | wfcl | What will happen to the life of a person who admits his sin and is rescued from the pit by God? | That person’s life will continue to see light. | |||
368 | 33:29-30 | q709 | Why does Elihu say that God rescues a person from the pit? | God does this so that a person may be enlightened with the light of life. | |||
369 | 33:33 | h1jc | What does Elihu want to teach Job if Job will pay attention and listen to him and remain silent? | Elihu wants to teach Job wisdom. | |||
370 | 34:1-3 | v0i1 | Who does Elihu want to listen to his words and hear him? | Elhu wants the wise men and those who have knowledge to listen to him. | |||
371 | 34:4 | gorq | What does Elihu want others to choose and discover for themselves? | Elihu wants them to choose what is just and discover what is good. | |||
372 | 34:5 | qlkz | What does Job say that God has taken away from him even though he is righteous? | Job says that God has taken away his justice. | |||
373 | 34:8 | ykyu | In whose company does Elihu say Job goes around? | He says Job goes around in the company of those who do evil. | |||
374 | 34:10-12 | g1h2 | What does Elihu tell the men of understanding that God does not do? | God does not do wickedness, commit sin, or pervert justice. | |||
375 | 34:13-15 | zq9w | What does Elihu say would happen if God ever gathered back to himself his spirit and his breath? | All flesh would perish and mankind would return to dust. | |||
376 | 34:17 | xc6g | Who does Elihu’s question imply that Job is condemning? | He implies Job is condemning God, who is righteous and mighty. | |||
377 | 34:19 | h123 | Who does Elihu say are the works of God’s hands? | All people, rich and poor, are the work of God’s hands. | |||
378 | 34:21 | gof1 | What does Elihu say that God sees. | Elihu says that God sees a person’s ways and all his steps. | |||
379 | 34:25 | lsav | What does God do in the night to mighty men whose ways and deeds he knows? | God overthrows them in the night and they are destroyed. | |||
380 | 34:26 | e5u6 | What will God do to those who do wicked deeds like criminals and make the cry of the poor come to him? | God will kill them in the open sight of others. | |||
381 | 34:29 | xdkk | Over whom does God rule? | God rules over the nation and the individual alike. | |||
382 | 34:31-32 | n716 | What is Elihu suggesting that Job should admit to God? | Elihu suggests that Job should admit that he is guilty and has committed sin, but will do it no longer. | |||
383 | 34:34-35 | l0pw | What will men of understanding say about Job? | They will say that Job speaks without knowledge and understanding. | |||
384 | 34:37 | nd9k | What does Elihu say Job is adding to his sin because of his talking like wicked men? | He says that Job is adding transgression to his sin. | |||
385 | 35:1-2 | uant | How does Elihu imply Job compares himself to God? | Elihu implies that Job thinks he is innocent, and that he is more righteous than God. | |||
386 | 35:5 | ny42 | What does Elihu tell Job and his friends to look up and see? | Elihu tells them to look up and see the sky. | |||
387 | 35:8 | slwj | What effect could Job’s wickedness or his rightousness have on another man? | Job’s wickedness could hurt a man and his righteousness could benefit another human. | |||
388 | 35:9 | iqe5 | Why do people cry out for help from the arms of mighty men? | They cry out for help because of the many acts of oppression done to them by others who are more powerful than they are.. | |||
389 | 35:10-11 | jx50 | What things does Elihu say that God can do for people even though no one acknowledges it? | God teaches us and makes us wise. | |||
390 | 35:12 | v5tt | Why does Elihu say that God does not give an answer when people cry out to him? | Elihu says that God does not give an answer when people cry out but proudly continue in sin. | |||
391 | 35:13 | nvor | What will God certainly not hear? | He will certainly not hear prayers that lack sincerity. | |||
392 | 35:16 | pec7 | What does Elihu accuse Job of doing when Job opens his mouth? | He says Job opens his mouth to speak foolishness and to pile up words without knowledge. | |||
393 | 36:3 | aq6b | To whom does Elihu acknowledge that righteousness belongs? | Elihu acknowledges that righteousness belongs to his Maker. | |||
394 | 36:6 | hj6z | What does God do for those who those who suffer? | He does what is right for those who suffer. | |||
395 | 36:7 | gyz8 | What does God do for the righteous? | He sets them on thrones like kings forever, and they are lifted up. | |||
396 | 36:9 | kf9n | What does God reveal to those who are bound in chains and trapped in cords of suffering? | He reveals to them what they have done, their transgressions, and how they behaved arrogantly. | |||
397 | 36:11 | n7r7 | What will happen to those who listen to God and worship him? | They will spend their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. | |||
398 | 36:12 | ysvn | What will happen to the people who do not listen to God? | They will perish by the sword and die because they have no knowledge. | |||
399 | 36:13-14 | gm33 | What happens to godless people who keep their anger and do not cry out to God for help? | They die in their youth and their lives end in disgrace. | |||
400 | 36:15-16 | vkly | How does Elihu say God uses affliction and oppression? | God uses suffering to keep people from perishing because of their sins. | |||
401 | 36:16 | o8j4 | What does Elihu say that God would like to do for Job? | God would like to draw Job out of his distress and into a place of happiness and prosperity. | |||
402 | 36:17 | ulbk | What has filled Job? | He is full of the judgment on the wicked. | |||
403 | 36:18 | ym2a | What things could lead Job to deception and turn him aside from justice? | Anger with God could lead Job to deception, and a great bribe would not buy his pardon. | |||
404 | 36:19 | p8jc | What things will not be able to help Job out of his distress? | Job’s wealth and the force of his strength will not help him out of his distress. | |||
405 | 36:21 | mj63 | Why does Elihu tell Job to be careful? | He says Job would rather defy God than learn what God wants to teach him through suffering. | |||
406 | 36:23 | zf5r | What can no one say about God? | No one can say that God has committed unrighteousness. | |||
407 | 36:26 | m0if | What is it about God that we cannot calculate? | We cannot calculate the number of his years. | |||
408 | 36:27-28 | q0ap | How does God cause rain to fall? | He draws up the drops of water and puts it in clouds which pour rain down and drop it in abundance on mankind. | |||
409 | 36:30-31 | z82a | Why does Elihu say that God spreads lightning and covers the sea with darkness? | He spreads lightning around himself and covers the sea with darkness in order to judge people and give food in abundance. | |||
410 | 36:32-33 | cy47 | What tells people and cattle of the coming storm? | The thunder tells people and cattle of the coming storm. | |||
411 | 37:1-2 | qea5 | What makes Elihu’s heart tremble? | The noise of God’s voice and the sound of his roar causes Elihu’s heart to tremble. | |||
412 | 37:6 | s35j | What does God tell the snow and the rain to do? | He tells the snow to fall to the earth, and the rain to become a great shower of rain. | |||
413 | 37:7 | t4zn | Why does God stop the hand of every man from working? | God stops them so that all people may see his deeds. | |||
414 | 37:8-9 | iivt | For what reason do the beasts go into hiding and stay in their dens? | They hide and stay in their dens because of the storms that come. | |||
415 | 37:10 | hjlf | What is given by the breath of God? | By the breath of God ice is given. | |||
416 | 37:13 | eutt | For what reasons does God give guidance to the clouds and cause them to do whatever he commands? | He makes this happen sometimes for correction, sometimes to water his land, and sometimes to provide rain for crops to feed people. | |||
417 | 37:14 | e5o6 | About what does Elihu want Job to stop and think? | He wants Job to stop and think about God’s marvelous deeds. | |||
418 | 37:15 | jig1 | What happens when God forces his will on the clouds? | God makes lightning bolts flash in the clouds. | |||
419 | 37:18 | mrz7 | What image does Elihu use to describe the sky? | He says the sky is as strong as a mirror of cast metal. | |||
420 | 37:19 | rk1o | Why does Elihu say that he and others cannot lay out their arguments before God? | They cannot lay out their arguments before God because of the darkness of their minds. | |||
421 | 37:21 | tad5 | What is it that people cannot look at when the sky is clear? | People cannot look at the sun when it is bright in the sky. | |||
422 | 37:23 | xuaz | What does Elihu say that the Almighty does not do to people? | The Almighty does not mistreat people, acting unjustly. | |||
423 | 37:24 | t9wv | To whom does Elihu say that the Almighty does not pay attention? | The Almighty does not pay attention to those who are wise in their own minds. | |||
424 | 38:1 | s062 | Out of what did Yahweh speak to Job? | Yahweh spoke to Job out of a fierce storm. | |||
425 | 38:2 | y407 | By what means did someone darken counsel? | By speaking without knowledge, Job made it harder for people to understand God's actions. | |||
426 | 38:3 | t3lq | What does Yahweh tell Job he must do when Yahweh questions him? | Job must gird up his loins like a man and answer Yahweh’s questions. | |||
427 | 38:6-7 | zxx2 | What sang together and who shouted for joy when Yahweh laid the cornerstone of the earth? | The morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy when the cornerstone of the earth was laid. | |||
428 | 38:8 | slr0 | To what does Yahweh compare the sea bursting out after it was shut up with doors? | God compares the sea bursting out of doors to coming out of the womb. | |||
429 | 38:10-11 | y3yy | What did Yahweh put in place to mark out the boundary of the sea so that it could come only so far and no farther? | Yahweh put in place bars and doors to mark a boundary for the sea. | |||
430 | 38:14 | x3r0 | How is the earth changed in appearance like clay changes under a seal? | The light of dawn changes the earth so that all things on it stand out clearly, like the folds of a piece of clothing seen in the light. | |||
431 | 38:19-21 | l104 | What does Yahweh say to mock Job about his lack of knowledge about the way to the resting place of light and darkness? | Yahweh mocks Job by saying that undoubtedly Job should know about this because he was born then and the number of his days is so large. | |||
432 | 38:22-23 | nubi | For what reason does Yahweh say he has kept storehouses for the snow and the hail? | Yahweh has kept these storehouses for times of trouble and for a day of battle and war. | |||
433 | 38:25-27 | qs1v | Why does Yahweh cause it to rain on the wilderness in which there is no person? | He causes it to rain in order to meet the needs of the barren and lonely regions and to make the tender grass sprout up. | |||
434 | 38:31 | t64d | What does Yahweh ask Job if he can do to Pleiades and Orion? | He asks Job if he can tie the bands on the Pleiades or undo the cords of Orion. | |||
435 | 38:37-38 | ama6 | What happens to the dust and clods of earth when Yahweh pours out water on them? | The dust runs into a hard mass and the clods of earth clump tightly together. | |||
436 | 38:40 | d5wb | Where do the young lion cubs wait for their food? | They crouch in their dens and shelter in hiding to lie in wait. | |||
437 | 38:41 | slca | Why do the young ones of the ravens stagger about? | They stagger about for lack of food. | |||
438 | 39:4 | vo2u | What happens to the young deer after they grow up in the open fields? | They go out and do not come back again. | |||
439 | 39:5-6 | nwas | What has Yahweh made the house of the wild donkey? | Yahweh has made the Arabah the house of the wild donkey. | |||
440 | 39:8 | sk55 | Where does the wild donkey find food? | He roams over the mountains where he looks for every green plant to eat. | |||
441 | 39:10 | eqax | What does Yahweh ask Job to make the wild ox do with a rope? | He asks Job if, with a rope, he can make the wild ox plow the furrows or harrow the valleys for him. | |||
442 | 39:13 | qw9s | What does the ostrich flap proudly? | The ostrich flaps its wings proudly as it runs fast. | |||
443 | 39:14 | dlb8 | What does the ostrich do with her eggs? | She leaves her eggs on the earth, and lets them keep warm in the dust. | |||
444 | 39:16 | z06i | Why does the ostrich not fear that her labor might have been in vain? | Yahweh has deprived her of wisdom and not given her any understanding. | |||
445 | 39:18 | hrx7 | What does Yahweh say the ostrich does when she runs? | She laughs in scorn at the horse and its rider. | |||
446 | 39:19 | ocba | What clothes the neck of the horse? | A flowing mane clothes its neck. | |||
447 | 39:22 | zj74 | How does the horse react to the sword? | He does not turn back from the sword. | |||
448 | 39:24 | f34x | What can the horse not do at the sound of the trumpet? | It cannot stand in one place. | |||
449 | 39:27-28 | svrv | Where does the eagle make his nest and his home? | He makes his nest in high places, and his home on the peaks of the crags. | |||
450 | 40:4 | nwp3 | How did Job do to show that he was too insignificant to answer Yahweh? | Job put his hand over his mouth. | |||
451 | 40:6 | pop7 | From what did Yahweh answer Job? | Yahweh answered Job from out of a fierce storm. | |||
452 | 40:7 | ggmh | What did Yahweh tell Job to do to prepare to answer Yahweh? | He told Job to gird up his loins like a man. | |||
453 | 40:8 | d8ka | Why did Yahweh say that Job was condemning Yahweh? | He said Job condemned Yahweh so that Job could claim he was right. | |||
454 | 40:10 | a17d | With what does Yahweh challenge Job to clothe himself? | He challenges Job to cloth himself with glory, splendor, greatness and majesty. | |||
455 | 40:12 | olvm | What does Yahweh tell Job to do to the wicked people? | Yahweh tells Job to trample them down where they stand. | |||
456 | 40:15 | rrmn | What does the Behemoth eat? | He eats grass like an ox. | |||
457 | 40:17 | v1lh | What is the tail of the Behemoth like? | His tail is like a cedar. | |||
458 | 40:19 | uhxq | What is one of the strongest animals God made? | God says the Behemoth is the first of the ways of God, meaning first in strength. | |||
459 | 40:21 | insr | Where does the Behemoth lie? | He lies under the lotus plants in the shelter of the reeds. | |||
460 | 40:23 | g6jx | What does the Behemoth think when the river floods and the Jordan surges? | He does not tremble and he is confident. | |||
461 | 41:1 | pe8k | With what does Yahweh ask Job if he can draw out Leviathan? | Yahweh asks Job if he can draw out Leviathan with a fishhook. | |||
462 | 41:6 | dh9r | What does God ask Job might happen if the fishermen were to catch Leviathan? | He asks Job if the fishermen would bargain for Leviathan or divide him up to trade among the merchants. | |||
463 | 41:8 | ykfs | What will happen if a person puts his hand on Leviathan? | It someone puts his hand on the Leviathan just once, he will remember the battle and do it no more. | |||
464 | 41:10 | f79v | Since no one is fierce enough to dare stir Leviathan up, can anyone stand before Yahweh? | No one dares to stir Leviathan up, so there is no one who can stand before Yahweh. | |||
465 | 41:14 | w35o | How else does Yahweh describe Leviathan’s mouth? | He says it is the doors of his face, ringed with teeth, which are a terror. | |||
466 | 41:16 | kf2a | How close are the scales on the back of Leviathan? | One is so near to another that no air can come between them. | |||
467 | 41:18 | ejdq | How does Yahweh say Leviathan’s eyes are like? | His eyes are like eyelids of the dawn, bright and glowing. | |||
468 | 41:19 | cy5h | What comes out of Leviathan’s mouth? | Out of Leviathan’s mouth go flames and fiery sparks. | |||
469 | 41:20 | q5d4 | What is the smoke from Leviathan’s nostrils like? | It is like a boiling pot on a fire that has been fanned to be very hot. | |||
470 | 41:24 | tlor | What is Leviathan’s heart like? | His heart is as hard as a lower millstone. | |||
471 | 41:25 | imie | What do the mighty do when Leviathan raises himself up? | They become afraid and draw back. | |||
472 | 41:26 | mce9 | What happens when a sword, spear, arrow or any pointed weapon strikes Leviathan? | They do nothing to him. | |||
473 | 41:27 | ph2x | What does Leviathan think of iron and bronze? | He thinks of iron as if it were straw and bronze as if it were rotten wood. | |||
474 | 41:30 | vviw | What kind of trail does Leviathan leave? | He leaves a spreading trail in the mud as if he were a threshing sledge. | |||
475 | 41:31 | vkrt | What does he make the deep to do? | He makes the deep to foam up like a boiling pot of water. | |||
476 | 41:33 | j49d | Why does Leviathan have no equal on earth? | He s has been made to live without fear. | |||
477 | 42:3 | dbzu | What did Job acknowledge that he had spoken? | He had spoken things that he did not understand, things too difficult for him to understand, which he did not know about. | |||
478 | 42:6 | dakc | How did Job respond to Yahweh after seeing him with his eye? | Job despised himself and repented in dust and ashes. | |||
479 | 42:7 | lbon | What did Yahweh say that Eliphaz and his two friends had done wrong? | They had not said right things about Yahweh, as Job had done. | |||
480 | 42:8 | ajsh | What did Yahweh tell Eliphaz to give as an offering? | He told Eliphaz to take seven bulls and seven rams to offer for themselves as a burnt offering. | |||
481 | 42:8 | p3zg | Whose prayer did Yahweh say he would accept? | Yahweh said he would accept Job’s prayer. | |||
482 | 42:10 | fjqg | What happened after Job prayed for his friends? | Yahweh restored his fortunes and gave him twice what he had possessed before. | |||
483 | 42:11 | o2dc | What did every person give to Job when they came to comfort him? | They each gave him a piece of silver and an earring of gold. | |||
484 | 42:12 | k73s | How did Yahweh bless Job at the end of his life? | Yahweh blessed Job more than the first part of Job’s life. | |||
485 | 42:13 | b7ov | How many more sons and daughters did Yahweh give to Job? | He had seven sons and three daughters. | |||
486 | 42:15 | txax | What was unique about Job’s daughters? | There were no woman in the land as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and he gave them an inheritance with their brothers. |