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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:2 | bqk7 | How was Ahaziah injured? | Ahaziah fell down through the lattice in his upper chamber in Samaria, and was injured. | |||
3 | 1:4 | hr4a | Why was Ahaziah going to certainly die? | Ahaziah was going to consult with Baal Zebub, the god of Ekron; therefore, he would certainly die. | |||
4 | 1:8 | j52s | What did Elijah wear? | Elijah wore a garment made of hair, and had a leather belt wrapped around his waist. | |||
5 | 1:10 | euap | What consumed the captain and his fifty men? | A fire came down from heaven and consumed the captain and his fifty men. | |||
6 | 1:13 | cetj | How did the third captain approach Elijah? | The third captain went up, fell on his knees before Elijah, and begged him. | |||
7 | 1:17 | dame | Why did Joram begin to reign in the place of Ahaziah? | Joram began to reign in his place because Ahaziah had no son. | |||
8 | 2:1 | cfgb | When did Elijah leave with Elisha from Gilgal? | When Yahweh was going to take up Elijah by a whirlwind into heaven, Elijah left with Elisha from Gilgal. | |||
9 | 2:3 | z3s8 | How did Elisha answer when the sons of the prophets told him that Yahweh would take his master from him? | Elisha answered, “Yes, I know it, but do not talk about it.” | |||
10 | 2:8 | fc67 | Why did the river divide on both sides? | Because Elijah took his cloak, rolled it up, and struck the water with it, the river divided on both sides. | |||
11 | 2:9 | v4jq | For what did Elisha ask? | Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah’s spirit to come on him. | |||
12 | 2:11 | nvuc | How did Elijah go up into heaven? | Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. | |||
13 | 2:14 | vama | What happened when Elisha struck the waters with Elijah’s cloak? | When Elisha had struck the waters, they divided on both sides and Elisha crossed over. | |||
14 | 2:16 | zvjk | What did the sons of the prophets want fifty strong men to do? | They wanted fifty strong men to go and look for Elisha’s master, in case the Spirit of Yahweh had taken him up and thrown him onto some mountain or into some valley. | |||
15 | 2:17 | e9v6 | For how long did the fifty men look for Elijah? | The fifty men looked for three days. | |||
16 | 2:19 | v2o7 | What was the problem at Jericho? | The water was bad and the land was not fruitful. | |||
17 | 2:21-22 | hy5b | How was the water healed? | Elisha went out to the spring of water and threw salt in it. | |||
18 | 2:23-24 | vqp5 | When some boys mocked Elisha, what curse happened to them? | When some boys mocked Elisha, two female bears came out of the woods and injured forty-two of the boys. | |||
19 | 3:2 | w8dh | How was Joram’s evil different from the evil of his father and his mother? | Joram’s evil was not like his father and his mother, for he removed the sacred stone pillar of Baal that his father had made. | |||
20 | 3:6 | egpu | Why did King Joram leave Samaria? | King Joram left Samaria to mobilize all Israel for war. | |||
21 | 3:9 | skgu | What three armies marched in a semicircle for seven days? | Israel, Judah, and Edom marched in a semicircle for seven days. | |||
22 | 3:11 | o3io | What had Elisha done for Elijah? | Elisha had poured water on the hands (a helper) of Elijah. | |||
23 | 3:14 | u3x9 | Why did Elisha pay attention to the king of Israel? | Elisha paid attention to the king of Israel because Elisha honored the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah. | |||
24 | 3:15 | ohjn | When did the hand of Yahweh come upon Elisha? | When the harpist played, the hand of Yahweh came upon Elisha. | |||
25 | 3:20 | tfpy | When was the country filled with water? | In the morning about the time of offering the sacrifice, there came water from the direction of Edom, and the country was filled with water. | |||
26 | 3:21 | uzcl | Who from the Moabites gathered themselves together to fight? | All who were able to put on armor gathered themselves together. | |||
27 | 3:22-23 | indx | What did the Moabites think when they saw the water? | When the Moabites saw the water, they thought the three kings had been destroyed, and they had killed each other. | |||
28 | 3:27 | mny2 | What did the king of Moab do to his oldest son? | He took his oldest son and offered him as a burnt offering upon the wall. | |||
29 | 4:1 | iabi | What was going to happen to the children of the wife of one of the sons of the prophets? | The creditor was going to take her two children to be his slaves. | |||
30 | 4:3 | x5du | From where should the woman borrow jars? | The woman should borrow jars from her neighbors. | |||
31 | 4:6 | yx1k | When did the oil stop flowing? | After her son said there were no more jars, the oil stopped flowing. | |||
32 | 4:10 | bsld | What did the important woman from Shunem and her husband make for Elisha? | They made a little room on the roof for Elisha, with a bed, a table, a seat, and a lamp. | |||
33 | 4:16 | b3an | What was the woman to be holding in one year’s time? | In one year’s time, she would be holding a son. | |||
34 | 4:18-19 | bwn0 | When did the child hurt his head? | When the child went out one day to his father, who was with harvesters, he hurt his head. | |||
35 | 4:20 | x6an | Where did the child sit until he died? | The child sat on his mother’s knees until he died. | |||
36 | 4:25 | o3u9 | Where was the man of God? | The man of God was at Mount Carmel. | |||
37 | 4:26 | rnex | When Gehazi asked the woman if everything was alright, what did she answer? | When Gehazi asked the woman if everything was alright, she answered, “It is alright.” | |||
38 | 4:27 | yllz | What did the woman do when she came to the man of God at the mountain? | When she came to the man of God at the mountain, she caught hold of his feet. | |||
39 | 4:29 | w9jv | What should Gehazi do if he met any man or if anyone greeted him? | If Gehazi met any man or if anyone greeted him, he should not answer him. | |||
40 | 4:31 | xrgv | What did Gehazi lay on the child’s face? | He laid the staff on the child’s face. | |||
41 | 4:34 | rfzb | How did the boy’s body grow warm? | Elisha stretched himself out on the boy, and the boy’s body grew warm. | |||
42 | 4:35 | gpbu | What did the child do before he opened his eyes? | The child sneezed seven times and then opened his eyes. | |||
43 | 4:38-39 | odhk | Who gathered wild gourds? | One of the sons of the prophets gathered wild gourds. | |||
44 | 4:40-41 | gsi3 | How did Elisha remove the death from the pot? | Elisha threw some flour into the pot. | |||
45 | 4:42-43 | d4w4 | How many people ate the twenty loaves of barley bread? | One hundred people ate the twenty loaves of barley bread. | |||
46 | 5:1 | z5kw | What had Yahweh given to Aram by Naaman? | Yahweh had given victory to Aram. | |||
47 | 5:3 | lsch | Whom did the little girl say would heal her master? | The girl said the prophet who was in Samaria would heal her master. | |||
48 | 5:6 | kw69 | To whom did Naaman take the letter which was from the king of Aram? | Naaman took the letter to the king of Israel. | |||
49 | 5:7 | mxhd | What did the king of Israel think was the reason Naaman came to him for a cure? | The king of Israel thought Naaman was seeking to start an argument with him. | |||
50 | 5:10 | o5cn | What was Naaman told to do to be clean? | Naaman was told to go and dip himself into the Jordan seven times to be clean. | |||
51 | 5:11 | bz76 | How did Naaman think Elisha would heal him? | Naaman thought Elisha would come out to him and stand and call on the name of Yahweh his God, and wave his hand over the place and heal the leprosy. | |||
52 | 5:14 | ezct | Like what was Naaman’s flesh restored? | Naaman’s flesh was restored again like the flesh of a little child. | |||
53 | 5:15 | tziw | After Naaman was healed, what did he know? | After Naaman was healed, he knew that there was no God in all the earth except in Israel. | |||
54 | 5:18 | a4hy | For what did Naaman ask Yahweh to pardon him? | Naaman asked Yahweh to pardon him when he bowed himself in the house of Rimmon. | |||
55 | 5:22 | ecin | According to Gehazi, who came from the hill country of Ephraim? | According to Gehazi, two young men of the sons of the prophets came from the hill country of Ephraim. | |||
56 | 5:24 | bdjp | What did Gehazi hide in the house? | He hid the bags of silver in the house. | |||
57 | 5:26-27 | aqsp | What happened because Gehazi lied? | Because Gehazi lied, he became a leper. | |||
58 | 6:1-2 | wbcj | Why did the sons of the prophets want to build a place to live? | The place where they lived with Elisha was too small, so they wanted to build a place to live. | |||
59 | 6:5 | d12t | Why was the man who lost the axe head worried? | He was worried because the axe was borrowed. | |||
60 | 6:6 | iedw | How did Elisha make iron float? | He cut off a stick, threw it in the water, and made the iron float. | |||
61 | 6:12 | kxcd | Who told the king of Israel the words of the king of Aram? | Elisha told the king of Israel the words of the king of Aram. | |||
62 | 6:15 | qhzk | Why was Elisha’s servant worried? | He was worried because he saw a large army with horses and chariots surrounding the city. | |||
63 | 6:18-19 | n3pm | How did Elisha lead the Arameans to Samaria? | Elisha asked Yahweh to blind them, and then Elisha told them to follow him. | |||
64 | 6:20 | lod6 | Where were the Arameans when Yahweh opened their eyes? | The Arameans were in the middle of the city of Samaria when Yahweh opened their eyes. | |||
65 | 6:22-23 | krin | What did the king of Israel do to the Arameans? | He put bread and water before them, and he sent them away. | |||
66 | 6:25 | dbzo | Why was a donkey’s head sold for eighty pieces of silver? | There was a great famine in Samaria, so a donkey’s head was sold for eighty pieces of silver. | |||
67 | 6:28-29 | sz5j | What did the woman tell the king was troubling her? | She answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give your son so that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.’” So we boiled my son and ate him, and I said to her on the next day, “Give your son that we may eat him, but she has hidden her son.” | |||
68 | 6:31 | xw14 | Who did the king blame for the famine? | He blamed Elisha. | |||
69 | 6:32 | kenl | When the messenger came to Elisha, what did he tell the elders to do? | When the messenger came to Elisha, he told the elders to shut the door, and hold the door shut against him. | |||
70 | 7:2 | rvt6 | What did Elisa say would happen to the captain who did not believe him? | Elisha said the captain would not eat any of the flour or barley. | |||
71 | 7:3 | u21g | Why did the four men with leprosy go to the army of the Arameans? | They went to the army of the Arameans because they said they might die if they go into the city, stand where they were, or go to army the Arameans. | |||
72 | 7:6 | lxi8 | Why did the Aramean army think the king of Israel hired the kings of the Hittites and Egyptians to come against the Arameans? | The Aramean army thought the king of Israel hired the kings of the Hittites and Egyptians to come against the Arameans because they heard a noise of chariots, and a noise of horses—the noise of another large army. | |||
73 | 7:11 | n556 | What did the gatekeepers do after they were told that the Arameans had deserted their camp? | The gatekeepers shouted out the news that the Arameans had deserted their camp. | |||
74 | 7:12 | cc0k | What did the king think was the reason the Arameans left their camp? | The king thought they had gone out of the camp to hide themselves in the fields. Then when the Israelites came out of the city, the Arameans would take them alive, and get into the city. | |||
75 | 7:15 | dmm3 | Of what was the road full? | The road was full of clothes and equipment the Arameans had cast away in their hurry. | |||
76 | 7:18-19 | pb1x | What did the captain say when Elisha told him, “About this time in the gate of Samaria, two measures of barley will be available for a shekel, and a measure of fine flour for a shekel.”? | The captain said to Elisha, “See, even if Yahweh should make windows in heaven, can this thing happen?”. | |||
77 | 8:1-2 | r29d | Why did the woman whose son Elisha restored to life live in the land of the Philistines seven years? | The woman whose son Elisha restored to life lived in the land of the Philistines seven years because Elisha said Yahweh had called for a famine. | |||
78 | 8:3 | ba0w | Why did the woman go to the king? | The woman went to the king to beg him for her house and for her land. | |||
79 | 8:5 | v7gk | What was Gehazi telling the king when the woman whose son Elisha restored to life arrived? | Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had restored to life the child who was dead. | |||
80 | 8:9 | xqm3 | What did Hazael take with him to give to Elisha? | Hazael took a gift with him of every kind of good thing of Damascus, carried by forty camels. | |||
81 | 8:11-12 | q5d1 | Why did the man of God weep? | The man of God wept because he knew the evil that Hazael would do to the people of Israel. | |||
82 | 8:14-15 | prdr | After Hazael told the king of Aram that he would recover, what did he do to King Ben Hadad? | After Hazael told King Ben Hadad that he would recover, he took the blanket and dipped it in water, and spread it on Ben Hadad’s face so that he died. | |||
83 | 8:18 | d5ji | Who was Jehoram’s wife? | Jehoram’s wife was Ahab’s daughter. | |||
84 | 8:19 | et66 | Why did Yahweh not want to destroy Judah? | Yahweh did not want to destroy Judah since he had told his servant David that he would always give him descendants. | |||
85 | 8:20 | c74j | When did Edom revolt from under the hand of Judah? | In Jehoram’s days, Edom revolted from under the hand of Judah. | |||
86 | 8:27 | v6rr | Why did Ahaziah do what was evil in Yahweh’s sight? | Ahaziah did what was evil in Yahweh’s sight, for Ahaziah was a son-in-law to the house of Ahab. | |||
87 | 8:29 | pakt | Where did King Joram return to be healed of the wounds that the Arameans had given him at Ramah? | King Joram returned to be healed in Jezreel. | |||
88 | 9:1-3 | hg7v | Why did one of the sons of the prophets take a little bottle of oil in his hand and go to Ramoth Gilead? | He took the bottle of oil and went to Ramoth Gilead to anoint Jehu. | |||
89 | 9:6 | i6ai | Who poured the oil on Jehu’s head? | The prophet poured the oil on Jehu’s head. | |||
90 | 9:7 | lk8p | How could Yahweh avenge the blood of his servants? | If Jehu killed the family of Ahab, Yahweh could avenge the blood of his servants. | |||
91 | 9:10 | mu6n | What was going to happen to Jezebel? | The dogs would eat Jezebel in Jezreel, and there would be no one to bury her. | |||
92 | 9:12-13 | xa0y | What did the servants of Jehu’s master do after Jehu said he was anointed as king? | After Jehu said he was anointed as king, each of the servants quickly took off his outer garment and put it under Jehu at the top of the steps. They blew the trumpet and said, “Jehu is king.” | |||
93 | 9:15 | d570 | Why had King Joram gone back to Jezreel? | King Joram had gone back to Jezreel to be healed of the wounds that the Arameans had given him. | |||
94 | 9:17-18 | u0aj | What did the watchman see the messenger do? | The watchman saw the messenger ride with Jehu. | |||
95 | 9:20 | ix4d | How did the watchman know Jehu was driving the chariot? | The watchman knew Jehu was driving the chariot, for he was driving wildly. | |||
96 | 9:21 | nr2h | How did Joram king of Israel ride out to meet Jehu? | Joram king of Israel rode out with Ahaziah king of Judah, each in his chariot, to meet Jehu. | |||
97 | 9:24 | nece | What happened after Jehu shot Joram between his shoulders? | After Jehu shot Joram between his shoulders, the arrow went through Joram’s heart, and he sank down in his chariot. | |||
98 | 9:26 | sxwk | What would bring to pass the things that were told would happen by the word of Yahweh? | Taking Joram and throwing him into that field would bring to pass the things that were told would happen by the word of Yahweh. | |||
99 | 9:28 | gsk4 | Who was buried in his sepulchre with his fathers in the city of David? | Ahaziah was buried in his sepulchre with his fathers in the city of David. | |||
100 | 9:30 | pla7 | What happened when Jehu came to Jezreel? | When Jehu came to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it, and she painted her eyes, arranged her hair, and looked out the window. | |||
101 | 9:33 | yzw4 | Who threw Jezebel down? | Some eunuchs threw Jezebel down. | |||
102 | 9:35 | em4t | Why could no one bury Jezebel? | When they went to bury her, they found no more of her than the skull, the feet, and the palms of her hands. | |||
103 | 10:3 | dpnk | What did Jehu’s letter tell the elders and guardians of Ahab’s descendants to do? | It told the elders and guardians of Ahab’s descendants to select the best and most deserving of their master’s descendants and set him on his father’s throne. | |||
104 | 10:4-5 | j2w8 | Why did the elders and guardians of Ahab’s descendants not make any man king? | They did not make any man king because they realized that not even the two kings could stand before Jehu. | |||
105 | 10:7 | mb10 | What did the elders and guardians of Ahab’s descendants do to the king’s sons? | They took the king’s sons and killed them, seventy persons, put their heads in baskets, and sent them to Jehu in Jezreel. | |||
106 | 10:10 | b74w | Why did Jehu say that no part of Yahweh’s word, the word that he spoke concerning the family of Ahab, would fall to the ground? | Jehu said that no part of Yahweh’s word, the word that he spoke concerning the family of Ahab, would fall to the ground, for Yahweh had done what he spoke about through his servant Elijah. | |||
107 | 10:13-14 | lqq7 | How many brothers of Ahaziah did Jehu meet and kill? | He met and killed forty-two. | |||
108 | 10:15 | mghy | Why did Jehu take Jonadab into the chariot? | Jehu took Jonadab into the chariot because Jonadab said his heart was with Jehu and he gave Jehu his hand. | |||
109 | 10:19 | i2xo | Why did Jehu gather all the prophets of Baal, all his worshipers, and all his priests? | He gathered them deceitfully, with the intent to kill the worshipers of Baal. | |||
110 | 10:21 | c7pc | To where did the worshipers of Baal come? | They came into the temple of Baal. | |||
111 | 10:24 | nzpn | What would happen if any of the worshipers of Baal escaped? | If any of the worshipers of Baal escaped, whoever let that man escape, his life would be taken for the life of he who escaped. | |||
112 | 10:27 | e7db | Into what did the guards and captains make the house of Baal? | They made the house of Baal into a latrine. | |||
113 | 10:29 | wero | How did Jehu not leave the sins of Jeroboam? | Jehu did not leave the sins of Jeroboam because he worshiped the golden calves in Bethel and Dan. | |||
114 | 10:30 | ns9j | Why would Jehu’s descendants sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation? | Because Jehu did well in executing what was right in Yahweh’s eyes, and did to the house of Ahab and did all that was in Yahweh’s heart, his descendants would sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation. | |||
115 | 10:34 | szq3 | Where were the other matters concerning Jehu written? | The other matters concerning Jehu, and all that he did, and all his power, were written in The Book of the Events of the Kings of Israel. | |||
116 | 11:1-2 | fn7d | Who did Athaliah not kill? | Athaliah did not kill Joash. | |||
117 | 11:4 | chty | What did the commanders of hundreds of the Carites and of the guard have to do before they saw the king’s son? | The commanders of hundreds of the Carites and of the guard had to make a covenant with Jehoiada and swear an oath in the house of Yahweh. Then he showed them the king’s son. | |||
118 | 11:7 | otua | What did the two groups who were not serving on the Sabbath have to do? | The two groups who were not serving on the Sabbath had to keep the watch over the house of Yahweh for the king. | |||
119 | 11:10 | w4ys | What did Jehoiada hand over to the commanders? | Jehoiada handed over to the commanders the spears and shields that had been King David’s, which were in the house of Yahweh. | |||
120 | 11:14 | dpu2 | Why did Athaliah tear her clothes and shout? | Athaliah tore her clothes and shouted because she saw King Joash standing by the pillar. | |||
121 | 11:15-16 | uo39 | Why was Athaliah killed at the king’s house? | Athaliah was killed at the king’s house, for the priest had said, “Do not let her be killed in the house of Yahweh.” | |||
122 | 11:17-18 | rvb6 | After Jehoiada made a covenant, what did the people do? | After Jehoiada made a covenant, the people tore down the house of Baal, smashed Baal’s altars and his idol figures to pieces, and killed Mattan, the priest of Baal. | |||
123 | 11:19-20 | t7qw | When Joash sat on the throne of the kings, how did the people respond? | When Joash sat on the throne of the kings, all the people of the land rejoiced. | |||
124 | 12:2 | xnrj | Why did Joash do what was right in the eyes of Yahweh all the time? | Joash did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh all the time, because Jehoiada the priest was instructing him. | |||
125 | 12:4 | ywj9 | By what were the people motivated to give money for the temple? | The people were motivated by Yahweh in their hearts to give. | |||
126 | 12:6-7 | rdmd | Why did Joash tell the priests to take no more money from the taxpayers? | Joash told the priests this because they had not repaired anything in the temple. | |||
127 | 12:9 | v0nd | Who put money into the chest? | The priests who were guarding the temple entrance put into the chest all the money that was brought to the house of Yahweh. | |||
128 | 12:12 | nvlq | For what did the workers use the money? | The workers used the money for buying timber and cutting stone to repair the temple of Yahweh, and for all that was needed to be paid to repair it. | |||
129 | 12:16 | bmpw | Why was the money for the guilt offerings and the money for the sin offerings not brought into the temple of Yahweh? | The money for the guilt offerings and the money for the sin offerings was not brought into the temple of Yahweh, because it belonged to the priests. | |||
130 | 12:18 | xsli | How did King Joash prevent King Hazael from attacking Jerusalem? | Joash took all the holy objects that Jehoshaphat and Jehoram and Ahaziah had consecrated to Yahweh, his own holy things, and all the gold that was found in the storerooms of the houses of Yahweh and of the king, and he sent them to Hazael, king of Aram. Then Hazael went away from Jerusalem. | |||
131 | 12:21 | af4d | Who attacked Joash? | Jozacar, the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad, the son of Shomer, his servants, attacked Joash. | |||
132 | 13:4-5 | qzy0 | Why did Yahweh give Israel a rescuer? | Jehoahaz implored Yahweh, so Yahweh gave Israel a rescuer. | |||
133 | 13:7 | p2k6 | The king of Aram destroyed the army of Israel and made them like what? | The king of Aram had destroyed the army of Israel and made them like the chaff at threshing time. | |||
134 | 13:15 | ago8 | When Elisha was sick, what did he tell Joash to pick up? | He told Joash to pick up a bow and some arrows. | |||
135 | 13:18-19 | t77c | What happened because Joash hit the ground only three times? | Because he hit the ground only three times, he would attack Aram only three times. | |||
136 | 13:21 | fwq4 | What happened to the man who was buried in Elisha’s cave? | The man who was buried in Elisha’s cave revived and stood up on his feet as soon as the man touched Elisha’s bones. | |||
137 | 13:23 | jvq9 | Why did Yahweh not drive Israel away from his presence? | Yahweh was gracious to Israel, and had compassion on them and concern for them, because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. So Yahweh did not destroy them, and he did not drive them away from his presence. | |||
138 | 14:5 | umpm | What did Amaziah do as soon as his rule was well established? | As soon as his rule was well established, Amaziah killed the servants who had murdered his father, the king. | |||
139 | 14:6 | mwy8 | Why did Amaziah not put the sons of the assassins to death? | Amaziah did not put the sons of the assassins to death because Yahweh had commanded him, saying, “The fathers must not be put to death for their children, neither must the children be put to death for their parents. Instead, every person must be put to death for his own sin.” | |||
140 | 14:9 | oqjb | What trampled down the thistle? | A wild beast in Lebanon trampled down the thistle. | |||
141 | 14:14 | dd50 | What did Jehoash take from Jerusalem? | He took all the gold and silver, all the objects that were found in the house of Yahweh, and the valuable things in the king’s palace, with hostages also. | |||
142 | 14:19 | qlcc | How did Amaziah die? | A conspiracy was made against Amaziah in Jerusalem, and he fled to Lachish. But men were sent after him to Lachish and they killed him there. | |||
143 | 14:22 | vs14 | What did Uzziah do to Eloth? | Uzziah rebuilt Eloth and restored it to Judah. | |||
144 | 14:25 | uzrm | Through whom did Jeroboam hear that he should restore the border of Israel from Lebo Hamath to the sea of the Arabah? | Jeroboam heard through Jonah the son of Amittai, the prophet, that he should restore the border of Israel from Lebo Hamath to the sea of the Arabah. | |||
145 | 14:26-27 | ddub | Because Yahweh saw there was no rescuer for Israel, how did he save them? | Because Yahweh saw there was no rescuer for Israel, Yahweh saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Jehoash. | |||
146 | 15:5 | qwzv | How did Yahweh afflict King Uzziah? | Yahweh afflicted the king so that he was a leper to the day of his death and lived in a separate house. | |||
147 | 15:7 | ves9 | Who became king in Uzziah’s place? | Jotham, his son, became king in his place. | |||
148 | 15:10 | rgcx | Where did Shallum kill Zechariah? | Shallum killed Zechariah in front of the people. | |||
149 | 15:12 | l7wh | For how long would Jehu’s descendants sit on the throne of Israel? | Jehu’s descendants would sit on the throne of Israel to the fourth generation. | |||
150 | 15:13-14 | jw8y | Why did Shallum reign only one month in Samaria? | Shallum reigned only one month in Samaria because Menahem the son of Gadi killed him. | |||
151 | 15:16 | afpi | Why did Menahem attack Tiphsah and all who were there? | Menahem attacked Tiphsah and all who were there because they did not open the city up to him. | |||
152 | 15:19-20 | sxz0 | How did Menahem collect the one thousand talents of silver to give Pul? | Menahem collected one thousand talents of silver by requiring each of the wealthy men to pay fifty shekels of silver to him. | |||
153 | 15:25 | z7ko | Who killed Pekahiah? | Pekah killed Pekahiah. | |||
154 | 15:29-30 | x8oz | Why did Hoshea form a conspiracy against Pekah? | Hoshea formed a conspiracy against Pekah because Tiglath Pileser king of Assyria came and took many cities. | |||
155 | 15:34 | aaz8 | Whose example did Jotham follow? | Jotham followed the example of his father, Uzziah. | |||
156 | 16:3 | ksu0 | What did Ahaz do to his son? | Ahaz put his son in the fire as a burned offering, following the detestable practices of the nations. | |||
157 | 16:5 | xzx3 | What could Rezin not do when he attacked Jerusalem? | When Rezin attacked Jerusalem, he could not conquer Ahaz. | |||
158 | 16:8 | bppc | What gift did Ahaz give the king of Assyria? | Ahaz took the silver and gold that was found in the house of Yahweh and among the treasures of the king’s palace, and he sent it as a gift to the king of Assyria. | |||
159 | 16:10-11 | qvnw | What altar did Ahaz want Uriah to replicate? | Ahaz wanted to replicate the altar at Damascus. | |||
160 | 16:13 | mo6e | Who made his burned offering and his grain offering? | The king made his burned offering and his grain offering. | |||
161 | 16:15 | y92v | What was the purpose of the bronze altar? | The bronze altar was for Ahaz to ask for God’s help. | |||
162 | 16:18 | c4ji | Why did Ahaz remove the covered walkway for the Sabbath that they had built at the temple, along with the king’s entry outside the temple of Yahweh? | Ahaz removed the covered walkway for the Sabbath they had built at the temple, along with the king’s entry outside the temple of Yahweh, because of the king of Assyria. | |||
163 | 17:3 | yd6x | What did Hoshea do when he became Shalmaneser’s servant? | Hoshea became his servant and brought him tribute. | |||
164 | 17:4 | dcdt | How had Hoshea been plotting against Shalmaneser? | Hoshea had been plotting against Shalmaneser, for Hoshea had sent messengers to So, king of Egypt. | |||
165 | 17:7 | v69d | Why did the captivity happen? | The captivity happened because the people of Israel had sinned against Yahweh their God. | |||
166 | 17:12 | h759 | What had Yahweh said the Israelites must not do? | Yahweh had said they must not worship idols. | |||
167 | 17:13 | dx7g | By whom had Yahweh testified to Israel and to Judah? | Yahweh had testified to Israel and to Judah by every prophet and every seer. | |||
168 | 17:14 | xzjw | The Israelites were very stubborn like whom? | The Israelites were very stubborn like their fathers who did not trust in Yahweh their God. | |||
169 | 17:17 | cusg | How did the Israelites sell themselves? | The Israelites sold themselves to do that which was evil in the sight of Yahweh. | |||
170 | 17:22-23 | e65a | Why did Yahweh remove Israel from his sight? | The people of Israel followed all the sins of Jeroboam and they did not depart from them, so Yahweh removed Israel from his sight. | |||
171 | 17:25 | ap4n | Why did Yahweh send lions among the new nations in Samaria? | The nations in Samaria did not honor Yahweh, so he sent lions among them. | |||
172 | 17:28 | jjrm | What did the priest teach the new people in Bethel? | The priest taught them how they should honor Yahweh. | |||
173 | 17:29 | i9gc | Where did every ethnic group put the gods they made? | Every ethnic group made gods of their own, and put them in the shrines that the Samaritans had made. | |||
174 | 17:32 | ckll | Besides their own gods, who did the new nations in Israel honor? | The new nations also honored Yahweh. | |||
175 | 17:34-35 | teea | How did the new people in Israel not honor Yahweh? | The new people did not honor Yahweh, because he commanded that they must not fear other gods. | |||
176 | 17:40 | wx6q | How did the nations in Israel not listen? | They did not listen because they continued to do what they had done in the past. | |||
177 | 18:4 | ndxy | What were the people of Israel doing to the bronze serpent Moses had made? | The people of Israel were burning incense to the bronze serpent Moses had made. | |||
178 | 18:9-10 | gx7w | For how long did Shalmaneser king of Assyria attack Samaria? | Shalmaneser king of Assyria attacked Samaria for three years. | |||
179 | 18:11-12 | dm3a | Why did the king of Assyria carry Israel captive away to Assyria? | The king of Assyria carried Israel captive away to Assyria because they did not obey the voice of Yahweh their God. | |||
180 | 18:15 | bvqc | From where did Hezekiah get silver to give the king of Assyria? | Hezekiah got silver that was found in the house of Yahweh and in the treasuries of the king’s palace. | |||
181 | 18:17-18 | a8p8 | From where did Tartan and Rabsaris and the chief commander call to King Hezekiah? | They called to King Hezekiah from the conduit of the upper pool, on the highway of the launderers’ field. | |||
182 | 18:21 | adfr | What would happen if a man leaned on Egypt? | If a man leaned on Egypt, it would stick into his hand and pierce it. | |||
183 | 18:23 | w53j | What offer did the king of Assyria make? | The king of Assyria offered to give two thousand horses, if Hezekiah was able to find riders for them. | |||
184 | 18:25 | rku8 | What did Yahweh tell the king of Assyria to do? | Yahweh told the king of Assyria to attack Judah and destroy it. | |||
185 | 18:26 | yro8 | In what language did Eliakim, Shebnah, and Joah ask the chief commander to speak? | Eliakim, Shebnah, and Joah asked the chief commander to speak in Aramaic. | |||
186 | 18:28 | t31f | In what language did the chief commander shout? | The chief commander shouted in the Jews’ language. | |||
187 | 18:31 | f393 | What would the king of Assyria let those who make peace with him do? | He would let them eat from their own vine and from their own fig tree, and drink from the water in their own cistern. | |||
188 | 18:36 | rhbk | What did King Hezekiah command? | The king commanded the people to not answer the chief commander. | |||
189 | 19:1 | epsl | What did King Hezekiah do when he heard the report? | When King Hezekiah heard the report, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of Yahweh. | |||
190 | 19:4 | qszv | What did Hezekiah say Yahweh should do? | Hezekiah said Yahweh should hear all the words of Rabshakeh and may rebuke the words which Yahweh heard. | |||
191 | 19:7 | clyv | What would Yahweh do to stop the king of Assyria? | Yahweh would put a spirit in him, and the king would hear a certain report and go back to his own land. | |||
192 | 19:10 | d89b | According to Sennacherib, in what way did God deceive Hezekiah? | According to Sennacherib, God deceived Hezekiah by saying Jerusalem would not be given over into the hand of the king of Assyria. | |||
193 | 19:14 | h2o3 | Where did Hezekiah spread the letter from the messengers? | Hezekiah spread the letter from the messengers in the house of Yahweh. | |||
194 | 19:19 | iuhm | Why should Yahweh save the people of Judah? | Yahweh should save the people of Judah so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that Yahweh is God alone. | |||
195 | 19:22 | dwax | Against whom did the king of Assyria exalt his voice? | The king of Assyria exalted his voice against the Holy One of Israel! | |||
196 | 19:24 | tmrj | Who said he had dried up all the rivers of Egypt under the soles of his feet? | Sennacherib said he had dried up all the rivers of Egypt under the soles of his feet. | |||
197 | 19:25 | k3yu | Who determined long ago that impregnable cities would be reduced into heaps of ruins? | Yahweh determined long ago that impregnable cities would be reduced into heaps of ruins. | |||
198 | 19:28 | a28r | What would Yahweh put in Sennacherib’s nose? | Yahweh would put his hook in Sennacherib’s nose | |||
199 | 19:29 | ia5f | What would be the sign for Hezekiah? | The sign would be that the people of Judah would eat what grows wild, and in the second year what grows from that. | |||
200 | 19:34 | o0qy | Why would Yahweh defend Jerusalem? | Yahweh would defend Jerusalem for his own sake and for his servant David’s sake. | |||
201 | 19:35 | a9kj | How did Yahweh defend Jerusalem? | Yahweh went out and attacked the camp of the Assyrians, putting to death 185,000 soldiers. | |||
202 | 20:1 | cm68 | What did Yahweh tell Hezekiah to do because he would die? | Yahweh told Hezekiah to set his house in order for he would die. | |||
203 | 20:5 | vg5d | Why was Yahweh about to heal Hezekiah? | Because Yahweh heard Hezekiah’s prayer and saw his tears, he was about to heal him. | |||
204 | 20:7 | s6ex | How did Hezekiah recover? | A lump of figs was put on his boil, and he recovered. | |||
205 | 20:10-11 | xrbj | How did Yahweh change the shadow? | Yahweh brought the shadow ten steps backward, from where it had moved to on the stairway of Ahaz. | |||
206 | 20:13 | gir7 | What did Hezekiah show the messengers from the king of Babylon? | Hezekiah showed them everything in his house and kingdom. | |||
207 | 20:18 | t9jv | What would happen to the sons born from Hezekiah? | The people of Babylon would take away the sons born from him, and they would become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon. | |||
208 | 20:19 | fx4m | Why did Hezekiah think that the word of Yahweh was good? | Hezekiah thought that the word of Yahweh was good because there would be peace and stability in his days. | |||
209 | 21:3 | rxjs | What did Manasseh rebuild? | Manasseh rebuilt the shrines that Hezekiah, his father, had destroyed. | |||
210 | 21:6 | epyy | With whom did Manasseh consult? | Manasseh consulted with those who talked with the dead and with those who talked with spirits. | |||
211 | 21:7 | zn75 | What did Manasseh place in the house of Yahweh? | Manasseh placed the carved figure of Asherah that he had made in the house of Yahweh. | |||
212 | 21:11 | njsl | Whom did Manasseh act more wickedly than? | Manasseh acted more wickedly than the Amorites who were before him. | |||
213 | 21:14-15 | dtun | Why would the remnant become victims and plunder for all their enemies? | The remnant would become victims and plunder for all their enemies because they did what was evil in Yahweh’s sight, and provoked him to anger. | |||
214 | 21:16 | vwzf | How much innocent blood did Manasseh shed? | Manasseh shed so much innocent blood that he filled Jerusalem from one end to another with death. | |||
215 | 21:23 | c86k | How did Amon die? | The servants of Amon conspired against him and put the king to death in his own house. | |||
216 | 21:26 | ulkj | Where was Amon buried? | The people buried Amon in his tomb in the garden of Uzza. | |||
217 | 22:2 | pwqg | How did Josiah walk? | Josiah walked in all the ways of David his ancestor, and he did not turn away either to the right or to the left. | |||
218 | 22:3-5 | vta1 | What did Josiah want Hilkiah to give to the workmen who were in the house of Yahweh? | Josiah wanted Hilkiah to give the money that was brought into the house of Yahweh to the workmen who were in the house of Yahweh. | |||
219 | 22:7 | igeb | Why was no accounting required for the money that was given to the workmen? | No accounting was required for the money that was given to the workmen, because they handled it faithfully. | |||
220 | 22:8 | kd0h | What did Hilkiah find in the house of Yahweh? | Hilkiah found the book of the law in the house of Yahweh. | |||
221 | 22:11 | ggnz | When the king heard the words of the law, what did he do? | When the king heard the words of the law, he tore his clothes. | |||
222 | 22:14 | mvc1 | Where did Huldah live? | Huldah lived in Jerusalem in the second quarter. | |||
223 | 22:19 | s98b | Why did Yahweh listen to the king of Judah? | Yahweh listened to the king of Judah because his heart was tender, and because he humbled himself before Yahweh, and because he tore his clothes and wept before Yahweh. | |||
224 | 22:20 | akq7 | What would the eyes of the king of Judah not see? | His eyes would not see any of the disaster that Yahweh would bring on the place and its inhabitants. | |||
225 | 23:2 | bcem | In whose hearing did the king read all the words of the book of the covenant? | The king read all the words of the book of the covenant in the hearing of all the men of Judah and all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the priests, prophets, and all the people, from small to great. | |||
226 | 23:3 | bq36 | What did all the people agree to do? | All the people agreed to stand by the covenant. | |||
227 | 23:4 | cjyu | What did the king burn outside Jerusalem in the fields in the Kidron Valley? | The king burned all the vessels that were made for Baal and Asherah, and for all the stars of heaven outside Jerusalem in the fields in the Kidron Valley. | |||
228 | 23:7 | rdps | What rooms did the king clear out? | The king cleared out the rooms of the male prostitutes who were in the temple of Yahweh. | |||
229 | 23:9 | gl4u | Where were the priests of those shrines where incense was burned allowed to eat unleavened bread? | The priests of those shrines where incense was burned were allowed to eat unleavened bread in Jerusalem. | |||
230 | 23:11 | ofuv | Where were the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun? | The horses that the kings of Judah had given to the sun were in an area at the entrance to the temple of Yahweh, near the room of Nathan Melech. | |||
231 | 23:13 | c9dh | Who built the Mount of Corruption? | Solomon king of Israel built the Mount of Corruption. | |||
232 | 23:16 | pkkw | Why did Josiah burn bones on the altar at Bethel? | He burned bones on the altar to defile it. | |||
233 | 23:17-18 | h3jj | Whose bones did Josiah not move? | Josiah did not move the bones of the man of God who came from Judah and the prophet who had come from Samaria. | |||
234 | 23:22 | k0v6 | For how long had such a Passover celebration not been held? | Such a Passover celebration had not been held from the days of the judges who ruled Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel or Judah. | |||
235 | 23:25 | e1by | How did Josiah turn to Yahweh? | Josiah turned to Yahweh with all his heart, all his soul, and all his might. | |||
236 | 23:26 | z36i | From what did Yahweh not turn? | Yahweh did not turn from the fierceness of his great wrath. | |||
237 | 23:29 | stjd | Who went to fight against the king of Assyria at the Euphrates River? | Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt, went to fight against the king of Assyria at the Euphrates River. | |||
238 | 23:33 | nhys | Why did Pharaoh Neco put Jehoahaz in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath? | Pharaoh Neco put him in chains at Riblah in the land of Hamath, so he might not reign in Jerusalem. | |||
239 | 23:35 | e16a | How did Jehoiakim get the money to pay Pharaoh? | Jehoiakim taxed the land to pay the money, in order to pay Pharaoh. | |||
240 | 24:2 | id3n | What had Yahweh spoken through his servants the prophets? | Yahweh had spoken through his servants the prophets that bands of Chaldeans, Arameans, Moabites, and Ammonites would destroy Judah. | |||
241 | 24:4 | jvae | What was Yahweh not willing to pardon? | Yahweh was not willing to pardon that Manasseh filled Jerusalem with innocent blood. | |||
242 | 24:7 | t7bx | Why did the king of Egypt not attack any more out of his land? | The king of Egypt did not attack any more out of his land, because the king of Babylon had conquered all the lands that had been controlled by the king of Egypt. | |||
243 | 24:12 | a8yh | When did Nebuchadnezzar capture Jehoiachin? | Nebuchadnezzar captured Jehoiachin in the eighth year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. | |||
244 | 24:14 | mrgq | Who was left in the land? | Only the poorest people were left in the land. | |||
245 | 24:17 | im98 | To what name did the king of Babylon change Mattaniah’s name? | The king of Babylon changed Mattaniah’s name to Zedekiah. | |||
246 | 25:3 | weik | Why was there no food for the people of the land? | The famine was so severe in the city that there was no food for the people of the land. | |||
247 | 25:4 | abai | Where did all the fighting men flee? | All the fighting men fled at night by the way of the gate between the two walls, by the king’s garden. | |||
248 | 25:7 | w0ie | What happened to Zedekiah after his sons were slaughtered? | After Zedekiah’s sons were slaughtered, the Chaldeans put out his eyes, bound him in bronze chains, and brought him to Babylon. | |||
249 | 25:10 | yzed | Who destroyed all the walls around Jerusalem? | All the army of the Babylonians who were under the commander of the bodyguard destroyed all the walls around Jerusalem. | |||
250 | 25:12 | pkjb | Why did the bodyguard leave some of the poorest of the land? | The bodyguard left some of the poorest of the land to work the vineyards and fields. | |||
251 | 25:16 | l6jx | How much bronze did the two pillars contain? | The two pillars contained more bronze than could be weighed. | |||
252 | 25:21 | a7pm | What did the king of Babylon do to the people taken prisoner by the commander of the bodyguard? | The king of Babylon put them to death. | |||
253 | 25:22 | oxdy | Whom did Nebuchadnezzar put in charge of the people who remained in the land of Judah? | Nebuchadnezzar put Gedaliah in charge of them. | |||
254 | 25:26 | twko | Why did all the people and the commanders of the soldiers go to Egypt? | All the people and the commanders of the soldiers went to Egypt, because they were afraid of the Babylonians. | |||
255 | 25:27 | sjri | When was Jehoiachin released from prison? | Jehoiachin was released from prison in the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin, in the year that Evil Merodach began to reign. | |||
256 | 25:29-30 | xa4v | What food did Jehoiachin eat? | Jehoiachin ate regularly at the king’s table for the rest of his life. And a regular food allowance was given to him every day for the rest of his life. |