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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:3 | jsvo | What does Paul always remember before God concerning the Thessalonians? | Paul remembers their work of faith, their labor of love, and their patience of hope. | |||
3 | 1:5 | vb48 | In what four ways did the gospel come to the Thessalonians? | The gospel came to the Thessalonians in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance. | |||
4 | 1:6 | bs88 | What was happening to the Thessalonians as they received the word of the gospel? | The Thessalonians received the word in much hardship. | |||
5 | 1:6 | ry9n | What was the Thessalonians’ attitude as they received the word of the gospel? | The Thessalonians received the word with joy in the Holy Spirit. | |||
6 | 1:8 | kr5u | What happened to the word of the Lord after the Thessalonians received it? | The word of the Lord rang out in every place their faith went out. | |||
7 | 1:9 | rpj1 | What were the Thessalonians worshiping before they became believers in the true God? | The Thessalonians were worshiping idols before they became believers in the true God. | |||
8 | 1:10 | pbgo | For what were Paul and the Thessalonians waiting? | Paul and the Thessalonians were waiting for Jesus to come from heaven. | |||
9 | 1:10 | cbw4 | From what does Jesus deliver us? | Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come. | |||
10 | 2:2 | kue3 | How had Paul and his companions been treated before coming to the Thessalonians? | Paul and his companions had suffered and had been treated shamefully. | |||
11 | 2:4 | xmfg | Who is Paul desiring to please with his preaching of the gospel? | Paul is desiring to please God with his preaching of the gospel. | |||
12 | 2:5-6 | lzjy | What did Paul not do in his preaching of the gospel? | Paul did not use flattery, nor seek glory from people. | |||
13 | 2:7-8 | a4vk | How did Paul treat the Thessalonians when he was among them? | Paul was gentle with the Thessalonians, like a mother or father with their own children. | |||
14 | 2:9 | pmdp | What did Paul and his companions do so that they were not a burden to the Thessalonians? | Paul and his companions worked night and day so that they were not a burden to the Thessalonians. | |||
15 | 2:11 | cqdq | How did Paul treat the Thessalonians when he was among them? | Paul was gentle with the Thessalonians like a mother or father with their own children. | |||
16 | 2:12 | zklm | How did Paul tell the Thessalonians they should walk? | Paul told the Thessalonians that they should walk in a manner worthy of God who calls them to his own kingdom and glory. | |||
17 | 2:13 | r3kn | As what kind of word did the Thessalonians receive the message Paul preached to them? | The Thessalonians received the message as the word of God, not as the word of man. | |||
18 | 2:14-16 | s0f1 | What had the unbelieving Jews done which did not please God? | The unbelieving Jews persecuted the churches in Judea, killed Jesus and the prophets, drove out Paul, and forbade Paul to speak to the Gentiles. | |||
19 | 2:17-18 | nj2y | Why was Paul not able to come to the Thessalonians even though that was his wish? | Paul was not able to come because Satan hindered him. | |||
20 | 2:19-20 | rv3r | What will the Thessalonians be for Paul at the Lord’s coming? | The Thessalonians will be Paul’s hope, joy, and crown of glorying at the Lord’s coming. | |||
21 | 3:1-2 | dx8i | What did Paul do, even though he would be left behind in Athens? | Paul sent Timothy to strengthen and comfort the believers in Thessalonica. | |||
22 | 3:3 | j0y4 | To what did Paul say he was appointed? | Paul said that he was appointed to afflictions. | |||
23 | 3:5 | ksba | About what was Paul concerned regarding the Thessalonians? | Paul was concerned that somehow the tempter had tempted them and that his labor had been in vain. | |||
24 | 3:6-7 | txwz | What comforted Paul when Timothy returned from Thessalonica? | Paul was comforted to hear the good news of the Thessalonians’ faith and love, and that they longed to see him. | |||
25 | 3:8 | eu19 | Paul says that he lives if the Thessalonians do what? | Paul says that he lives if the Thessalonians stand firm in the Lord. | |||
26 | 3:10 | t3l7 | For what does Paul pray night and day? | Paul prays night and day that he might see the Thessalonians and provide what is lacking in their faith. | |||
27 | 3:12 | ifsm | In what does Paul wish the Thessalonians to increase and abound? | Paul wishes the Thessalonians to increase and abound in love toward one another and toward all people. | |||
28 | 3:13 | jsfc | For what event does Paul want the Thessalonians to be prepared by having their hearts blameless in holiness? | Paul wants the Thessalonians to be prepared for the coming of the Lord Jesus with all his holy ones. | |||
29 | 4:1-2 | mqqb | What did Paul want the Thessalonians to do with the instructions he had given them about how they must walk and please God? | Paul wanted the Thessalonians to continue to walk and please God, and to do even more. | |||
30 | 4:3 | j6zy | What did Paul say was God’s will for the Thessalonians? | Paul said God’s will for the Thessalonians was their sanctification. | |||
31 | 4:4 | nwbv | How were the husbands to treat their wives? | The husbands were to treat their wives in holiness and honor. | |||
32 | 4:6 | sshf | What would happen to a brother who sinned in the matter of sexual immorality? | The Lord would be an avenger toward a brother who sinned in the matter of sexual immorality. | |||
33 | 4:8 | p71q | Who does a person reject who rejects the call to holiness? | A person who rejects the call to holiness rejects God. | |||
34 | 4:9-10 | wni9 | What were the Thessalonians doing that Paul wanted them to do even more? | Paul wanted the Thessalonians to love one another even more. | |||
35 | 4:11-12 | gj89 | What were the Thessalonians to do so that they walked properly before unbelievers and had need of nothing? | The Thessalonians were to be quiet, mind their own business, and work with their hands. | |||
36 | 4:13 | n5xh | About what subject did the Thessalonians possibly have a misunderstanding? | The Thessalonians possibly had a misunderstanding about what happened to those who slept. | |||
37 | 4:14 | cc78 | What will God do for those who have fallen asleep in Jesus? | God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in Christ. | |||
38 | 4:16 | y01z | How will the Lord descend from heaven? | The Lord will descend from heaven with a shout and with the trumpet of God. | |||
39 | 4:16-17 | w4lj | Who will rise first, and then who will rise together with them? | The dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are still alive will be caught up with them. | |||
40 | 4:17 | h18n | Who will the risen meet, and for how long? | The risen will meet the Lord in the air, and will always then be with the Lord. | |||
41 | 4:18 | ddhx | What did Paul tell the Thessalonians to do with his teaching about those who had fallen asleep? | Paul told the Thessalonians to comfort one another with his words. | |||
42 | 5:2 | fshz | How does Paul say the day of the Lord will come? | Paul says the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. | |||
43 | 5:3 | za4n | What will some people be saying when sudden destruction comes upon them? | Some people will be saying, “Peace and safety”. | |||
44 | 5:4-5 | id8z | Why does Paul say the day of the Lord should not overtake the believers like a thief? | Because the believers are not in darkness, but are sons of the light, the day of the Lord should not overtake them like a thief. | |||
45 | 5:6 | bu2n | What does Paul tell the believers to do regarding the coming day of the Lord? | Paul tells the believers to watch and be sober. | |||
46 | 5:9 | w9s4 | For what are the believers destined by God? | The believers are destined by God for salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. | |||
47 | 5:12-13 | fwhv | What attitude does Paul say the believers should have toward those who are over them in the Lord? | Paul says that they should acknowledge and highly regard them in love. | |||
48 | 5:15 | e8l5 | What does Paul say no one should do when evil is done to them? | Paul says that no one should pay back evil when evil is done to them. | |||
49 | 5:18 | j9n0 | What does Paul say that the believers should do in everything, and why? | Paul says that the believers should give thanks in everything, because this is the will of God for them. | |||
50 | 5:20-21 | gwld | What instructions does Paul give the believers about prophecies? | Paul instructs the believers to not despise prophecies, and to test all things, holding on to that which is good. | |||
51 | 5:23 | uvxs | What does Paul pray that God will do for the believers? | Paul prays that God will sanctify the believers completely in spirit, soul, and body. | |||
52 | 5:28 | pn17 | What does Paul pray would be with the believers? | Paul prays that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ would be with the believers. |