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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | zmb4 | By what means did John know about the Word of life? | John had heard, seen, contemplated, and handled the Word of life. | |||
3 | 1:2 | n05u | Where was eternal life before it was manifested to John? | Eternal life was with the Father before it was manifested to John. | |||
4 | 1:3 | dkvx | Why is John declaring what he has seen and heard? | John is declaring what he has seen and heard so that others may also have fellowship with him. | |||
5 | 1:3 | wbwe | With whom does John already have fellowship? | John already has fellowship with the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. | |||
6 | 1:5 | e5d4 | What is the message from God that John is announcing to his readers? | John is announcing the message that God is light, and in him there is no darkness at all. | |||
7 | 1:6 | wnfh | What does John say about a person who says he has fellowship with God, but walks in darkness? | John says that such a person is a liar and does not practice the truth. | |||
8 | 1:7 | q6um | What cleanses all the sin of those walking in the light? | The blood of Jesus cleanses them from all sin. | |||
9 | 1:8 | s0mr | What do we do to ourselves if we say we have no sin? | If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. | |||
10 | 1:9 | ldre | What will God do for those who confess their sins? | For those who confess their sins, God will forgive their sins and cleanse them from all unrighteousness. | |||
11 | 2:2 | cwjq | For whom is Jesus Christ the propitiation for their sins? | Jesus Christ is the propitiation for the sins for the whole world. | |||
12 | 2:3 | o2gw | How do we know that we have known Jesus Christ? | We know that we have known him if we keep his commandments. | |||
13 | 2:4 | oq37 | What kind of person says he knows God, but does not keep God’s commandments? | A liar says he knows God, but does not keep God’s commandments. | |||
14 | 2:6 | djan | How should a person walk if he says he remains in Christ? | He should walk even as Jesus Christ walked. | |||
15 | 2:9 | d7er | What is the spiritual condition of someone who says he is in the light, but hates his brother? | Someone who says he is in the light, but hates his brother, is in the darkness. | |||
16 | 2:11 | t52d | What is the spiritual condition of someone who hates his brother? | Someone who hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness. | |||
17 | 2:12 | w6ak | Why does God forgive the sins of believers? | God forgives the sins of believers because of his name. | |||
18 | 2:15 | afbd | What should the attitude of a believer be toward the things of the world? | A believer must not love the world nor the things of the world. | |||
19 | 2:16 | pfzu | What are three things that come from the world rather than from the Father? | The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the vain glory of life are from the world, and not from the Father. | |||
20 | 2:18 | cd02 | What do we know about the Antichrist? | We know that he is coming. | |||
21 | 2:18 | dz04 | How do we know that it is the last hour? | We know it is the last hour because many antichrists have come. | |||
22 | 2:22 | u6q4 | How will we recognize the Antichrist? | The Antichrist will deny the Father and the Son. | |||
23 | 2:23 | g5cr | Can someone deny the Son and yet have the Father? | No, someone who denies the Son cannot have the Father. | |||
24 | 2:24 | x90k | What must believers to do in order to remain in the Son and in the Father? | They must remain in what they have heard from the beginning. | |||
25 | 2:25 | n42d | What promise has been given the believers by God? | God has promised everlasting life to the believers. | |||
26 | 2:28 | yjr1 | What attitudes will we have when Christ appears if we remain in him? | If we remain in him, we will have boldness and will not be ashamed when Christ appears. | |||
27 | 3:1 | uc2n | How has the Father expressed his love to believers? | He has made it possible for them to be called children of God. | |||
28 | 3:2 | voao | What will happen to believers when Christ is revealed? | When Christ is revealed, believers will be like Christ because they will see him as he is. | |||
29 | 3:3 | vruc | What action concerning himself should be taken by every believer who hopes in Christ? | Every believer who hopes in Christ should purify himself. | |||
30 | 3:5 | knzf | What does Christ not have in himself? | Christ has no sin in himself. | |||
31 | 3:6 | mw43 | If a person continues to sin, what does that tell us about their relationship to God? | It tells us they have neither seen Christ, nor known him. | |||
32 | 3:8 | rioa | For what reason was the Son of God revealed? | The Son of God was revealed in order to destroy the works of the devil. | |||
33 | 3:9 | xjny | Why is the one who is begotten from God not able to continue to sin? | He is not able to continue to sin because God's seed remains in him. | |||
34 | 3:10 | sgt9 | How are the children of the devil apparent? | The children of the devil are apparent because they do not do righteousness and they do not love their brother. | |||
35 | 3:11 | wswk | What is the message that we have heard from the beginning? | The message is that we should love one another. | |||
36 | 3:12 | bo8y | How did Cain demonstrate that he was from the evil one? | Cain demonstrated that he was from the evil one by murdering his brother. | |||
37 | 3:13 | tyil | What does John say should not amaze believers? | John says believers should not be amazed that the world hates them. | |||
38 | 3:14 | hiyp | What attitude demonstrates that we have relocated from death to life? | We know we have relocated from death to life because we love the brothers. | |||
39 | 3:16 | n128 | How have we known love? | We have known love because Christ laid down his life for us. | |||
40 | 3:17 | uefx | What indicates that a person does not have the love of God in him? | When someone who is rich sees a brother in need, but does not help him, the love of God does not remain in that person. | |||
41 | 3:18 | ecze | What are two ways in which it is insufficient for us to love? | If is not enough for us to love only in word or tongue. | |||
42 | 3:18 | sh2i | What are two ways in which we should love? | We should love in deed and in truth. | |||
43 | 3:21 | yz2h | What do we have if our heart does not condemn us? | If our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. | |||
44 | 3:23 | wvkw | What is the commandment that God has given to us? | God’s commandment is that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another. | |||
45 | 3:24 | c6pa | How do believers know that God remains in them? | God has given believers the Spirit so that they know God remains in them. | |||
46 | 4:1 | rxps | Why should believers not believe every spirit? | They should not believe every spirit because there are many false prophets that have gone out into the world. | |||
47 | 4:2 | w9sr | How can you know the Spirit of God? | Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God. | |||
48 | 4:3 | raus | What spirit does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh? | The spirit of an antichrist does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. | |||
49 | 4:4 | o8nn | How are believers able to overcome spirits that are not from God? | We can overcome them because the spirit in us is greater than the one in the world. | |||
50 | 4:7 | y7ja | Why should believers love one another? | Believers should love one another because love is from God, and the one who is begotten from God loves. | |||
51 | 4:8 | x7ex | How does the one who does not love demonstrate that he does not know God? | People who know God love because God is love. | |||
52 | 4:9 | ax54 | How did God reveal his love for us? | God revealed his love for us by sending his only begotten Son into the world. | |||
53 | 4:9 | z4i9 | For what purpose did the Father send his Son? | The Father sent his Son so that we might live through him. | |||
54 | 4:15 | glq3 | If God remains in a person and he remains in God, what does that person confess about Jesus? | The person who remains in God confesss that Jesus is the Son of God. | |||
55 | 4:17 | bdox | What attitude will the love of God cause us to have on the day of judgment? | The love of God will cause us to have confidence on the day of judgment. | |||
56 | 4:19 | xolq | How are we able to love? | We love because God first loved us. | |||
57 | 4:20 | vyhw | If someone hates his brother, what relationship does he have with God? | Someone who hates his brother is not able to love God. | |||
58 | 4:21 | sjha | How should the one who loves God treat his brother? | The one who loves God should also love his brother. | |||
59 | 5:3 | edbx | How do we demonstrate that we love God? | We demonstrate that we love God when we keep his commandments. | |||
60 | 5:4 | pw9a | What is the victory that has overcome the world? | Faith is the victory that has overcome the world. | |||
61 | 5:6 | qola | By what two things did Jesus Christ come? | Jesus Christ came by water and by blood. | |||
62 | 5:8 | je7z | What three things testify about Jesus Christ? | The Spirit, the water, and the blood all testify about Jesus Christ. | |||
63 | 5:10 | s4ar | If someone does not believe the testimony of God concerning his Son, what do they make God to be? | Anyone who does not believe the testimony of God concerning his Son makes God to be a liar. | |||
64 | 5:11 | lgj0 | What has God given us in his Son? | God has given us everlasting life in his Son. | |||
65 | 5:14 | xweh | What confidence do believers have before God? | Believers have confidence that if they ask anything according to God’s will, he hears them. | |||
66 | 5:16 | yo4u | What should a believer do when he sees his brother committing a sin not to death? | A believer who sees his brother committing a sin not to death should pray that God will give his brother life. | |||
67 | 5:17 | dgvx | What is all unrighteousness? | All unrighteousness is sin. | |||
68 | 5:19 | afpx | Where does the whole world lie? | The whole world lies in the evil one. | |||
69 | 5:20 | xwlk | What is the result of the understanding that the Son of God has given to us? | Because of the understanding that the Son of God has given to us, we may know the True One. | |||
70 | 5:21 | e9og | From what must believers keep themselves? | Believers must keep themselves from idols. |