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1 | Reference | ID | Tags | Quote | Occurrence | Question | Response |
2 | 1:1 | nqla | Who called Paul and what was he called to be? | Jesus Christ called Paul to be an apostle. | |||
3 | 1:3 | jx7v | What does Paul desire the church at Corinth to receive from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ? | Paul desires that they may have grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. | |||
4 | 1:5 | b752 | How has God made the church at Corinth rich? | God has made them rich in every way, in all speech and with all knowledge. | |||
5 | 1:7 | i6ea | What did the church at Corinth not lack? | They did not lack any spiritual gift. | |||
6 | 1:8 | ytnm | Why will God strengthen the church at Corinth to the end? | He will do this so that they will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. | |||
7 | 1:10 | lj0l | What does Paul urge the Church at Corinth to do? | Paul urges them to all agree and for there to be no divisions among them and that they be joined together with the same mind and by the same purpose. | |||
8 | 1:11 | u5dr | What did Chloe’s people report to Paul? | Chloe’s people reported to Paul that factions had developed among the people of the church at Corinth. | |||
9 | 1:12 | rp73 | What did Paul mean by factions? | Paul meant this: Each one of you says, “I am with Paul,” or “I am with Apollos,” or “I am with Cephas,” or “I am with Christ.” | |||
10 | 1:14-15 | ingp | Why does Paul thank God that he baptized none of them except Crispus and Gaius? | Paul thanks God for this because this would give them no occasion to say that they were baptized into Paul’s name. | |||
11 | 1:17 | cu5v | What did Christ send Paul to do? | Christ sent Paul to preach the gospel. | |||
12 | 1:18 | s2sd | What is the message of the cross to those who are dying? | The message of the cross is foolishness to those who are dying. | |||
13 | 1:18 | eiti | What is the message of the cross among those whom God is saving? | It is the power of God among those whom God is saving. | |||
14 | 1:20 | rq2l | Into what has God turned the wisdom of the world? | God has turned the wisdom of the world into foolishness. | |||
15 | 1:21 | kdhv | Why did it please God to save those who believe through the foolishness of preaching? | It pleased God to do this because the world in its wisdom did not know God. | |||
16 | 1:26 | pics | How many who were wise by human standards or powerful or of noble birth did God call? | God didn’t call many who were like that. | |||
17 | 1:27 | d8pg | Why did God choose the foolish things of the world and what is weak in the world? | He did this to shame the wise and to shame what is strong. | |||
18 | 1:28-29 | clpq | What did God do so that no one would have reason to boast before him? | God chose what is low and despised in the world and even things that are regarded as nothing. | |||
19 | 1:30 | w8jn | Why were the believers in Christ Jesus? | They were in Christ Jesus because of what God did. | |||
20 | 1:30 | j8ev | What did Christ Jesus become for us? | He became for us wisdom from God—our righteousness, holiness, and redemption. | |||
21 | 1:31 | inpx | If we are going to boast, in whom should we boast? | Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord. | |||
22 | 2:1 | q17d | In what manner did Paul come to the Corinthians when he proclaimed the mystery of God? | Paul did not come with elegant speech or wisdom when he proclaimed the mystery of God. | |||
23 | 2:2 | tema | What did Paul decide to know when he was among the Corinthians? | Paul decided to know nothing except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. | |||
24 | 2:4-5 | ahv0 | Why was Paul’s word and his proclamation done with the demonstration of the Spirit and of power rather than with persuasive words of wisdom? | This was so that their faith might not be in the wisdom of humans, but in the power of God. | |||
25 | 2:7 | w1r1 | What wisdom did Paul and those with him speak? | They spoke God’s wisdom hidden in mystery–the hidden wisdom that God predestined before the ages for our glory. | |||
26 | 2:8 | okzd | If the rulers of Paul’s time had known God’s wisdom, what would they not have done? | If those rulers had known God’s wisdom, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. | |||
27 | 2:10 | xov7 | How did Paul and those with him know God’s wisdom? | God revealed those things to them through the Spirit. | |||
28 | 2:11 | w1kq | Who knows the deep things of God? | Only the Spirit of God knows the deep things of God. | |||
29 | 2:12 | u4z0 | What is one reason that Paul and those with him received the Spirit who is from God? | They received the Spirit who is from God so that they might know the things freely given to them by God. | |||
30 | 2:14 | hqs0 | Why can’t the unspiritual person receive or know the things that belong to the Spirit of God? | The unspiritual person can’t receive them because they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned. | |||
31 | 2:16 | h8or | Whose mind did Paul say the ones who believed in Jesus have? | Paul said they have the mind of Christ. | |||
32 | 3:3 | ib2y | Why did Paul say the Corinthian believers were still fleshly? | Paul said they were still fleshly because jealousy and strife existed among them. | |||
33 | 3:5 | nikb | Who were Paul and Apollos to the Corinthians? | They were servants through whom the Corinthians came to believe in Christ. | |||
34 | 3:7 | vb19 | Who gives the growth? | God gives the growth. | |||
35 | 3:11 | kmq6 | What is the foundation? | Jesus Christ is the foundation. | |||
36 | 3:11-13 | egd8 | What will happen to the work of someone who builds on the foundation of Jesus Christ? | His work will be revealed in daylight and in fire. | |||
37 | 3:13 | rtwq | What will the fire do to a person’s work? | The fire will test the work, revealing the quality of what each one has done. | |||
38 | 3:14 | ptec | What will a person receive if their work survives the fire? | That person will receive a reward. | |||
39 | 3:15 | gk8g | What will happen to the person whose work is burned up? | That person will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, as though escaping through fire. | |||
40 | 3:16 | eg2x | Who are we and what lives in us as believers in Jesus Christ? | We are God’s temple, and the Spirit of God lives in us. | |||
41 | 3:17 | djhf | What will happen if anyone destroys God’s temple? | God will destroy the person who destroys God’s temple. | |||
42 | 3:18 | i4yj | What does Paul say to him who thinks he is wise in this age? | Paul says, “…let him become a “fool,” that he may become wise.” | |||
43 | 3:20 | cwq7 | What does the Lord know about the reasonings of the wise? | The Lord knows the reasonings of the wise are futile. | |||
44 | 3:21-23 | bqzi | Why does Paul tell the Corinthian believers to stop boasting about people? | He told them to stop boasting, “For all things are yours,” and because, “… you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s”.. | |||
45 | 4:1 | k2o5 | How did Paul say the Corinthians should regard Paul and his companions? | The Corinthians should regard them as servants of Christ and stewards of the hidden truths of God. | |||
46 | 4:2 | q6dm | What is one of the requirements for a steward? | Stewards must be found faithful. | |||
47 | 4:4 | i87u | Who does Paul say is his judge? | Paul says the Lord judges him. | |||
48 | 4:5 | tuac | What will the Lord do when he comes? | He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the purposes of the hearts. | |||
49 | 4:6 | kgrk | Why did Paul apply these principles to himself and to Apollos? | Paul did it for the sake of the Corinthian believers so they might learn the meaning of the saying, “Not beyond what is written,” so that none of them would think in favor of one against the other. | |||
50 | 4:8 | f81o | Why does Paul wish the Corinthian believers did reign? | Paul wishes they did reign so that Paul and his companions could be reigning with them. | |||
51 | 4:10 | n6uv | What are three ways Paul contrasts himself and his companions with the Corinthian believers? | Paul says, “We are fools for Christ’s sake, but you are wise in Christ. We are weak, but you are strong. You are held in honor, but we are held in dishonor.” | |||
52 | 4:11 | iu76 | How did Paul describe the physical condition of the apostles? | Paul said they were hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, brutally beaten and homeless. | |||
53 | 4:12-13 | pvtc | How did Paul and his companions respond when they were mistreated? | When they were attacked, they blessed. When they were persecuted, they endured it. When they were slandered, they spoke with kindness. | |||
54 | 4:14 | axu2 | Why did Paul write these things to the Corinthian believers? | He wrote them to correct them as his beloved children. | |||
55 | 4:16 | a7gk | Who does Paul tell the Corinthian believers to imitate? | Paul tells them to imitate himself. | |||
56 | 4:17 | vhai | Of what was it that Paul sent Timothy to the Corinthian believers to remind them? | Paul sent Timothy to Corinth to remind the believers there of Paul’s ways in Christ. | |||
57 | 4:18 | wgi7 | How were some of the Corinthian believers acting? | Some of them were arrogant, acting as though Paul was not coming to them. | |||
58 | 4:20 | hirg | In what does the kingdom of God consist? | The kingdom of God consists in power. | |||
59 | 5:1 | hb3v | What report did Paul hear about the church at Corinth? | Paul heard that there was sexual immorality there. One of them was sleeping with his father’s wife. | |||
60 | 5:2 | niaf | What did Paul say must be done to that person who sinned with his father’s wife? | The one who sinned with his father’s wife must be removed from among them. | |||
61 | 5:4-5 | bbnd | How and why was that person who sinned with his father’s wife to be removed? | When the church at Corinth gathered together in the name of the Lord Jesus, they were to hand the sinning man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit might be saved on the day of the Lord. | |||
62 | 5:8 | crqw | To what does Paul compare bad behavior and wickedness? | Paul compares them to yeast. | |||
63 | 5:8 | ebav | What does Paul use as a metaphor for sincerity and truth? | Paul uses unleavened bread as a metaphor for sincerity and truth. | |||
64 | 5:9 | ykxc | With whom did Paul tell the Corinthian believers not to associate? | Paul wrote to them not to associate with sexually immoral people. | |||
65 | 5:10 | vg24 | Did Paul mean for them not to associate with any sexually immoral people? | Paul did not mean the immoral people of this world. You would have to go out of the world to stay away from them | |||
66 | 5:11 | q5sz | With whom did Paul mean for the Corinthian believers not to associate? | He meant for them not to associate with anyone who is called a brother or sister in Christ and who is sexually immoral, greedy, verbally abusive, a drunkard, a swindler, or an idolater. | |||
67 | 5:12 | lnax | Who are the believers supposed to judge? | They are supposed to judge those inside the church. | |||
68 | 5:13 | m99n | Who judges those outside the church? | God judges those who are on the outside. | |||
69 | 6:1-3 | h1dd | What does Paul say the saints at Corinth should be able to judge? | Paul says they should be able to judge disputes between saints concerning the matters of this life. | |||
70 | 6:2-3 | o0lm | Who will the saints judge? | The saints will judge the world and the angels. | |||
71 | 6:6 | bwu2 | How are the Corinthian Christians handling their disputes with one another? | One believer goes to court against another believer, and that case is placed before a judge who is an unbeliever. | |||
72 | 6:7 | j267 | What does the fact that there are disputes among the Corinthian Christians indicate? | It indicates that this is a defeat for them. | |||
73 | 6:9-10 | s5i0 | Who will not inherit the kingdom of God? | The unrighteous: the sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, those who practice homosexuality, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, slanderers, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. | |||
74 | 6:11 | ohwt | What happened to the Corinthian believers who previously practiced unrighteousness? | They were cleansed and made holy, made right with God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. | |||
75 | 6:12 | rg4o | What does Paul say that he will not allow to master him? | Paul says he will not be mastered by anything. | |||
76 | 6:15 | ds3o | The bodies of believers are members of what? | Their bodies are members of Christ. | |||
77 | 6:15 | hr8e | Should believers join themselves to prostitutes? | No. May it never be! | |||
78 | 6:16 | mz9c | What happens when someone joins himself to a prostitute? | The two will become as one flesh. | |||
79 | 6:17 | meeg | What happens when someone joins himself to the Lord? | He becomes one spirit with him. | |||
80 | 6:18 | iyrg | Who do people sin against when they are sexually immoral? | They sin against their own bodies when they are sexually immoral. | |||
81 | 6:19-20 | mn50 | Why should believers glorify God with their bodies? | They should glorify God with their bodies because their bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit and because they were bought with a price. | |||
82 | 7:2 | q2yj | Why should each man have his own wife and each woman have her own husband? | Because of temptations for many immoral acts, each man should have his own wife and each wife should have her own husband. | |||
83 | 7:4 | gmkk | Does a wife or husband have authority over their own body? | No. A husband has authority over his wife’s body, and likewise, the wife has authority over her husband’s body. | |||
84 | 7:5 | kp04 | When is it appropriate for a husband and a wife to deprive one another sexually? | It is appropriate if both husband and wife mutually agree and set a specific period of time, so that they may devote themselves to prayer. | |||
85 | 7:8 | jgm6 | What does Paul say is good for the widows and people who are unmarried to do? | Paul says it is good for them to remain unmarried, as he is. | |||
86 | 7:9 | xeex | In what situation should the unmarried and widows get married? | They should get married if they burn with passion and cannot exercise self-control. | |||
87 | 7:10-11 | hljh | What command does the Lord give to those who are married? | The wife should not separate from her husband. If she does separate from her husband, she should remain unmarried or be reconciled to him. Also, the husband should not divorce his wife. | |||
88 | 7:12-13 | p0zd | Should a believing husband or wife divorce his or her unbelieving spouse? | If the unbelieving husband or wife is content to live with their spouse, the believing spouse should not divorce the unbeliever. | |||
89 | 7:15 | jf44 | What should a believer do if their unbelieving partner departs? | The believer is to let the unbelieving partner go.. | |||
90 | 7:17 | r33w | What rule did Paul set in all the churches? | The rule was: Let each one live the life the Lord has assigned them, and to which God called them. | |||
91 | 7:18 | npl0 | What counsel did Paul give to the uncircumcised and to the circumcised? | Paul said the uncircumcised should not become circumcised and the circumcised should not try to remove the marks of their circumcision. | |||
92 | 7:21-23 | yva1 | What did Paul say about slaves? | If they were a slave when God called them, don’t be concerned about it, but if they can become free, they should do so. Even if they were slaves, they are the Lord’s freeman. They should not become the slaves of men. | |||
93 | 7:26 | jftz | Why did Paul think it was good for a man who had never married to remain unmarried, as Paul was? | Paul thought that, because of the impending crisis, it was good for a man to remain unmarried. | |||
94 | 7:27 | tluj | What should believers do if they are bound to a woman by a vow of marriage? | They should not seek freedom from their vow to marry the woman. | |||
95 | 7:28 | lygn | Why does Paul say to those who are free from a wife and those who are unmarried, “Do not seek a wife.” | He said this because he wanted to spare them from the many kinds of trouble that those who marry will have while living. | |||
96 | 7:31 | lqal | Why should those who deal with the world act as though they had no dealings with it? | They should act that way because the system of this world is coming to an end. | |||
97 | 7:33-34 | dd2h | Why is it hard for those Christians who are married to be undivided in their devotion to the Lord? | It is hard because a believing husband or wife is concerned about the things of the world, how to please his wife or her husband. | |||
98 | 7:38 | bjxv | Who does better than the one who marries his fiancee? | The one who chooses not to marry will do even better. | |||
99 | 7:39 | gojg | For how long is a woman bound to her husband? | She is bound to her husband for as long as he lives. | |||
100 | 7:39 | ls4k | If a believing woman’s husband dies, whom may she marry? | She may marry whomever she wishes, but only one who is in the Lord. | |||
101 | 8:1 | shxy | What subject does Paul begin to address in this chapter? | Paul addresses the subject of food sacrificed to idols. | |||
102 | 8:1 | foup | What results do knowledge and love cause? | Knowledge makes one proud, but love builds up. | |||
103 | 8:4 | t0rk | Is an idol equal to God? | No. An idol in this world is nothing, and there is no God but one. | |||
104 | 8:6 | t510 | Who is the one God? | There is only one God the Father. From him are all things, and we live for him. | |||
105 | 8:6 | hdyu | Who is the one Lord? | There is one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all things exist, and through whom we exist. | |||
106 | 8:7 | ulos | What happens when some who practiced idol worship eat food as if it had been sacrificed to an idol? | Their conscience is corrupted because it is weak. | |||
107 | 8:8 | zii4 | Does the food we eat make us better or worse to God? | Food will not recommend us to God. We are not worse if we do not eat, nor better if we do eat it. | |||
108 | 8:9 | xft6 | Of what should we be careful that our freedom does not become? | We should be careful that our freedom does not become a reason for someone who is weak in faith to stumble. | |||
109 | 8:11 | worq | What can happen to a brother or sister with a weak conscience if those with an understanding of the true nature of idols are not careful in using their freedom? | A brother or sister with a weak conscience can be destroyed. | |||
110 | 8:11-12 | j14x | Who do we sin against when we knowingly cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble because of their weak conscience? | We sin against the brother or sister that we caused to stumble, and we sin against Christ. | |||
111 | 8:13 | eu02 | What does Paul say he will do if food causes his brother or sister to stumble? | Pauls says if his food causes his brother or sister to stumble, he will never eat meat again. | |||
112 | 9:1-2 | cvek | What proof did Paul offer that he was an apostle? | Paul says that because the Corinthian believers were his workmanship in the Lord, they themselves were proof of Paul’s apostleship in the Lord. | |||
113 | 9:4-5 | trtj | What did Paul list as some of the rights of the apostles, the brothers of the Lord, and Cephas? | Paul said they had the right to eat and drink and the right to take along with them a wife who is a believer. | |||
114 | 9:7 | mz5u | What examples did Paul give of those who receive benefits or pay from their work? | Paul mentions soldiers, one who plants a vineyard, and one who tends a flock as examples of those who receive benefits or pay from their work. | |||
115 | 9:9 | pe3c | What example from the law of Moses did Paul give to support the idea of receiving benefits or pay from one’s work? | To support his argument, Paul quoted the command, “Do not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.” | |||
116 | 9:12 | a8jv | Why did Paul and his companions not claim their right to material benefits from the Corinthians? | Paul and his companions did not claim this right so they would not cause any hindrance to the gospel of Christ. | |||
117 | 9:14 | hba5 | What did the Lord command concerning those who proclaim the gospel? | The Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living from the gospel. | |||
118 | 9:16 | rztd | What did Paul say he could not boast about, and why couldn’t he boast about it? | Paul said he couldn’t boast about preaching the gospel, because he had to preach the gospel. | |||
119 | 9:19 | o0pj | Why did Paul enslave himself to all people? | Paul enslaved himself to all people in order to gain more people to God. | |||
120 | 9:20 | uh18 | Who did Paul become like in order to win Jews? | Paul became like a Jew in order to win Jews. | |||
121 | 9:21 | zqbb | Who did Paul become like in order to win those outside the law? | Paul became like those outside the law in order to win those outside the law. | |||
122 | 9:23 | fpvx | Why did Paul do all things for the gospel’s sake? | He did this so that he might participate in the blessings of the gospel. | |||
123 | 9:24 | dm5o | How did Paul say to run? | Paul said to run to win the prize. | |||
124 | 9:25 | mdrr | What kind of wreath was Paul running to receive? | Paul was running so that he might receive a wreath which does not perish. | |||
125 | 9:27 | ft21 | Why did Paul subdue his body and make it a slave? | Paul did this so that after he had preached to others, he himself might not be disqualified. | |||
126 | 10:1-4 | eaaw | What common experiences did their fathers have in the time of Moses? | All were under the cloud and passed through the sea. All were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, and all ate the same spiritual food and drank the same spiritual drink. | |||
127 | 10:4 | ywzb | Who was the spiritual rock that followed their fathers? | Christ was the rock that followed them. | |||
128 | 10:6 | uqfr | Why was God not pleased with their fathers in the time of Moses? | He was not pleased because their fathers longed for evil things. | |||
129 | 10:9-10 | bjcw | By what means did God destroy the disobedient and grumbling people? | God destroyed them by snakes and the destroyer, the angel of death. | |||
130 | 10:11 | nxg7 | Why did the things happen and why were they written down? | They happened as examples for us and they were written down for our instruction. | |||
131 | 10:13 | md71 | Has any unique temptation happened to us? | No temptation has overtaken us that is not common to all humanity. | |||
132 | 10:13 | pcrh | What has God done to enable us to endure temptation? | He has provided the way of escape so that we may be able to endure temptation. | |||
133 | 10:14 | nt41 | From what does Paul warn the Corinthian believers to run away? | He warns them to run away from idolatry. | |||
134 | 10:16 | t64w | What is the cup of blessing the believers bless, and what is the bread they break? | The cup is a sharing in the blood of Christ. The bread is a sharing in the body of Christ. | |||
135 | 10:20 | m2tj | To whom do the Gentile pagans offer their sacrifices? | They offer these things to demons and not to God. | |||
136 | 10:20-21 | mayf | Since Paul did not want the Corinthian believers to be participants with demons, what does he tell them they cannot do? | Paul tells them they cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons, and they cannot have fellowship at the table of the Lord and the table of demons. | |||
137 | 10:22 | nqyj | What do we risk if we as believers of the Lord also participate with demons? | We risk provoking the Lord to jealousy. | |||
138 | 10:24 | uzgi | Should we seek our own good? | No. Instead, each one should seek the good of his neighbor. | |||
139 | 10:27 | g0lx | If an unbeliever invites you to eat a meal, and you wish to go, what should you do? | You should eat whatever is set before you without asking questions of conscience. | |||
140 | 10:28-29 | jgng | If your unbelieving host tells you the food you are about to eat came from a pagan sacrifice, why should you not eat it? | You shouldn’t eat it, for the sake of the person who informed you and for the sake of the other person’s conscience. | |||
141 | 10:31 | eyhg | What should we do to the glory of God? | We should do all things, including eating and drinking, to the glory of God. | |||
142 | 10:32-33 | anma | Why should we give no offence to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God? | We should give no offence to them so that they may be saved. | |||
143 | 11:1 | zv18 | Who did Paul tell the Corinthian believers to imitate? | Paul told them to imitate himself. | |||
144 | 11:1 | hxu8 | Who did Paul imitate? | Paul was an imitator of Christ. | |||
145 | 11:2 | noh3 | For what did Paul praise the Corinthian believers? | Paul praised them for remembering him in everything and for holding fast to the traditions just as he delivered them to the Corinthians. | |||
146 | 11:3 | fbzu | Who is the head of Christ? | God is the head of Christ. | |||
147 | 11:3 | p9ff | Who is the head of man? | Christ is the head of every man. | |||
148 | 11:3 | mn02 | Who is the head of a woman? | A man is the head of a woman. | |||
149 | 11:4 | aetp | What happens when a man prays with his head covered? | He dishonors his head if he prays with his head covered. | |||
150 | 11:5 | mrpi | What happens when a woman prays with her head uncovered? | Any woman who prays with her head uncovered dishonors her head. | |||
151 | 11:7 | bgmr | Why should a man not have his head covered? | He should not have his head covered because his is the image and glory of God. | |||
152 | 11:9 | ratf | For whom was the woman created? | The woman was created for the man. | |||
153 | 11:11-12 | i00n | Why are the woman and the man both dependent on each other? | The woman comes from the man, and the man comes from the woman. | |||
154 | 11:14-15 | i31f | What does Paul say that nature teaches us about long hair for men and women? | Paul says that nature shows it is a disgrace for men to have long hair and a glory for a woman to have long hair. | |||
155 | 11:19 | ifwp | Why must there be factions among the Corinthian Christians? | There must be factions among them so that those who are approved may be recognized among them. | |||
156 | 11:21 | excy | What was happening when the Corinthian church came together to eat. | When they ate, each one ate his own food before the others had their meal. One was hungry, and another became drunk. | |||
157 | 11:23-24 | q76g | On the night he was betrayed, what did the Lord say after he broke the bread? | He said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” | |||
158 | 11:25 | vtpv | What did the Lord say when he took the cup after the supper? | He said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” | |||
159 | 11:26 | iy64 | What are you doing every time you eat this bread and drink this cup? | You are proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes. | |||
160 | 11:27 | fw4u | Why should a person not eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner? | Doing so makes you guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord. | |||
161 | 11:29 | alql | What happens to the person who eats the bread or drinks the cup without discerning? | Doing so, that person eats and drinks judgment to himself. | |||
162 | 11:30 | puxg | What happened to many among the Corinthian church who ate the bread and drank the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner? | Many among them became sick and ill, and some of them died. | |||
163 | 11:33 | z77y | What does Paul tell the Corinthian believers to do when they come together to eat? | He tells them to wait for one another. | |||
164 | 12:1 | u620 | About what does Paul want the Corinthian Christians to be informed? | Paul wants them to be informed about spiritual gifts. | |||
165 | 12:3 | q4ki | What is one who speaks by the Spirit of God not capable of saying? | He cannot say, “Jesus is accursed.” | |||
166 | 12:3 | d393 | How can one say, “Jesus is Lord”? | One can only say “Jesus is Lord” by the Holy Spirit. | |||
167 | 12:4-6 | fi5g | What does God make possible in every believer? | He makes possible in every believer different gifts, different ministries, and different kinds of work. | |||
168 | 12:7 | zgje | Why is the outward display of the Spirit given? | It is given for the benefit of all. | |||
169 | 12:9-10 | y5e4 | What are some of the gifts given by the Spirit? | Some of the gifts are faith, gifts of healing, deeds of power, prophecy, ability to distinguish between spirits, various kinds of tongues and interpretation of tongues. | |||
170 | 12:11 | eycz | Who chooses which gifts each one receives? | The Spirit gives the gifts to each one individually, as he chooses. | |||
171 | 12:13 | b5s6 | Into what were all Christians baptized? | We were all baptized into one body and all were made to drink of one Spirit. | |||
172 | 12:18 | z3pe | Who arranged and designed each part of the body? | God arranged each part of the body as he designed it. | |||
173 | 12:22 | bs9c | Can we do without the members of the body that appear to be less honorable? | No. The members of the body that appear to be less honorable are essential. | |||
174 | 12:24 | gplm | What has God done for the members of the body, including those that are less honorable? | God has joined all the members together, and he gave more honor to those that lacked it. | |||
175 | 12:25 | wadc | Why did God give more honor to the members of the body that lacked it? | He did this so there may be no division within the body, but that the members should care for one another with the same affection. | |||
176 | 12:28 | s9wt | Who has God appointed in the church? | In the church God has appointed first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, those who do powerful deeds, gifts of healing, those who provide helps, administrators, and those who speak various kinds of tongues. | |||
177 | 12:31 | ii2i | What does Paul tell the Corinthian Christians to seek? | He tells them to seek the greater gifts. | |||
178 | 12:31 | cs7e | What does Paul say he will show the Corinthian Christians? | He says he will show them a more excellent way. | |||
179 | 13:1 | az4d | What would Paul become if he spoke with tongues of men and of angels but didn’t have love? | He would become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. | |||
180 | 13:2 | tp14 | What would Paul be if he had the gift of prophecy, understood all hidden truths and knowledge and had great faith, but didn’t have love? | Without love, he would be nothing. | |||
181 | 13:3 | swse | How could Paul give all he owned to feed the poor and give his body to be burned and still gain nothing? | If he didn’t have love, he would gain nothing even though he did all these other things. | |||
182 | 13:5-7 | mowc | What are some of the characteristics of love? | Love is patient and kind; it does not envy or boast; it isn’t arrogant or rude. It is not self serving, not easily angered, nor does it keep a count of wrongs. It doesn’t rejoice in unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, has confidence concerning all things, and endures all things. | |||
183 | 13:8 | necq | What will never fail? | Love never fails. | |||
184 | 13:8-10 | z4gn | What are some things that will pass away or cease? | Prophecies, knowledge and that which is incomplete will pass away and tongues will cease. | |||
185 | 13:11 | zyxy | What did Paul say he did when he became an adult? | Paul said when he became an adult he put away childish things. | |||
186 | 13:13 | vpuk | What three things will remain, and which of the three is the greatest? | Faith, hope, and love will remain. The greatest of these is love. | |||
187 | 14:1 | n48f | For which spiritual gift did Paul say we should be especially zealous? | Paul said we should be especially zealous to prophesy. | |||
188 | 14:2 | yjaj | To whom is one speaking when he speaks in a tongue? | He is speaking not to people but to God. | |||
189 | 14:3-4 | xy14 | Who does the one prophesying build up, and who does the one speaking in tongues build up? | The one who prophesies builds up the people, but the one who speaks in tongues builds up himself | |||
190 | 14:7-9 | o69v | To what does Paul compare speech which one can not understand? | He compares it to instruments like the flute or harp if they do not make distinctive sounds, and also to a trumpet played with an uncertain sound. | |||
191 | 14:12 | ocz0 | What does Paul say the Corinthian believers should be zealous to do? | He says they should be zealous to abound in gifts for building up the church. | |||
192 | 14:13 | a2ud | For what should the one who speaks in a tongue pray? | He should pray that he may interpret. | |||
193 | 14:14 | dcf5 | What did Paul say his spirit and mind did when he prayed in a tongue? | Paul said if he prayed in a tongue, his spirit prayed, but his mind was unfruitful. | |||
194 | 14:15 | yjl4 | How did Paul say he was going to pray and sing? | Paul said he was going to pray and sing not only with his spirit but also with his mind. | |||
195 | 14:19 | rcna | What did Paul say he had rather do than speak 10,000 words in a tongue? | Paul said he had rather speak five words with his understanding so that he might instruct others. | |||
196 | 14:22 | x6ax | To whom are tongues and prophesying a sign? | Tongues are a sign to unbelievers, and prophesying is a sign for believers. | |||
197 | 14:23 | lzt8 | What would outsiders and unbelievers likely say if they came into the church, and all were speaking in tongues? | They would likely say the believers were insane. | |||
198 | 14:24 | tua2 | What does Paul say would happen if all in the church were prophesying, and an unbeliever or an outsider came in? | Paul says the unbeliever or outsider would be convicted and examined by all he heard. | |||
199 | 14:25 | z85j | What would the unbeliever or outsider do if those prophesying revealed the secrets of his heart? | He would fall on his face, worship God, and declare that God was really among them. | |||
200 | 14:27-28 | y7pr | What is Paul’s instruction for those who speak in tongues when believers come together? | He says only two or three at the most should speak, each one in turn. If there is no one to interpret the tongue, let each one of them keep silent in the church. | |||
201 | 14:29-30 | yqkw | What is Paul’s instruction to the prophets when the church comes together? | Paul says to let two or three prophets speak while the other people listen with discernment to what is said. If another prophet has an insight, the one who is speaking should be silent. | |||
202 | 14:34 | p570 | Where does Paul say the women are not permitted to speak? | Paul says the women are not permitted to speak in the churches. | |||
203 | 14:35 | lyhw | What did Paul say the women should do if they desired to learn anything? | Paul told them to ask their husbands at home. | |||
204 | 14:35 | r5ke | How did people look on a woman speaking in the church? | It was looked on as a disgrace. | |||
205 | 14:37 | smw2 | What did Paul say should be acknowledged by those who think themselves to be prophets or spiritual? | Paul said they should acknowledge that the things he wrote to the Corinthian believers were a command of the Lord. | |||
206 | 14:40 | m5ko | How should everything in the Church be done? | All things should be done properly and in order. | |||
207 | 15:1 | nwpg | About what did Paul remind the brothers and sisters? | He reminded them about the gospel he proclaimed to them. | |||
208 | 15:2 | nos9 | What condition had to be fulfilled if the Corinthians were to be saved by the gospel Paul preached to them? | Paul told them they would be saved if they held firmly to the word he preached to them. | |||
209 | 15:3-5 | rvez | What were the parts of the gospel that were of first importance? | The parts that were of first importance were that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. | |||
210 | 15:6-8 | wxl4 | Who did Christ appear to after he was raised from the dead? | After he was raised from the dead, Christ appeared to Cephas, to the Twelve, to more that 500 brothers and sisters at once, to James, to all the apostles, and to Paul. | |||
211 | 15:9 | i6jj | Why did Paul say he was the least of the apostles? | He said this because he persecuted the church of God. | |||
212 | 15:12 | g8sc | What did Paul imply that some of the Corinthians believers were saying about resurrection? | He implied that some of them were saying there was no resurrection from the dead. | |||
213 | 15:13-14 | twex | If there is no resurrection from the dead, what does Paul say must also be true? | Paul says that if there is no resurrection, then even Christ has not been raised from the dead, and the preaching of Paul and others like him is in vain, and the faith of the Corinthians is also in vain. | |||
214 | 15:18 | ke16 | If Christ has not been raised, what happened to those who have died in Christ? | They have perished. | |||
215 | 15:19 | qq81 | What does Paul say is true if only in this life we have confidence for the future in Christ? | If this is so, Pauls says that of all people, we are most to be pitied. | |||
216 | 15:20 | jptb | What does Paul call Christ? | He calls Christ “the first fruits of those who have died.” | |||
217 | 15:22 | z63e | Who was the man by whom death came into the world, and who was the man by whom all will be made alive? | Adam brought death into the world, and by Christ all will be made alive. | |||
218 | 15:22-23 | y1ns | When will those who belong to Christ be made alive? | This will happen when Christ comes. | |||
219 | 15:24 | e4zx | What will happen at the end? | Christ will hand over the kingdom to God the Father, when he has abolished all rule and authority and power. | |||
220 | 15:25 | keqk | How long must Christ reign? | He must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. | |||
221 | 15:26 | mxlv | What is the last enemy to be destroyed? | Death is the last enemy to be destroyed. | |||
222 | 15:27 | n3jj | Who is not included when it says, “he has put everything under his feet.” | God, the one who put everything in subjection to the Son (himself) is not included as being in subjection (to the Son). | |||
223 | 15:28 | h5ep | What will the Son do so that God the Father may be all in all? | The Son himself will be subjected to the one who subjected everything to him. | |||
224 | 15:32 | z3r6 | What did Paul declare they might as well do if the dead are not raised? | Paul declared, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” | |||
225 | 15:34 | qket | What does Paul command the Corinthians to do? | He commands them be sober, live righteously, and to not keep sinning. | |||
226 | 15:34 | mgv6 | What does Paul say to the shame of the Corinthians? | He said some of them have no knowledge of God. | |||
227 | 15:35-38 | ryd0 | To what does Paul compare the resurrection of the dead? | He compares it to a seed that is sown. | |||
228 | 15:36 | dfvx | What must happen to a seed before it starts to grow? | It must die. | |||
229 | 15:37 | hz38 | Does the bare seed that is sown resemble the body (plant) that comes from the seed? | No, what you sow does not resemble the body that will be. | |||
230 | 15:39 | zdxx | Is all flesh the same? | No. Not all flesh is the same, The flesh of human beings, animals, birds and fish are all different from one another. | |||
231 | 15:40 | wu1v | Are there other types of bodies? | There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. | |||
232 | 15:41 | sf78 | Do the sun, moon, and stars all share the same glory? | There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars, and one star differs from another star in glory. | |||
233 | 15:42-44 | w329 | How are our perishable bodies sown? | They are sown in decay, in dishonor, and weakness. | |||
234 | 15:42-44 | bexl | What is our condition when we are raised from the dead? | What is raised is an imperishable spiritual body; it is raised in glory and power. | |||
235 | 15:45 | hxa1 | What did the first man Adam become? | He became a living soul. | |||
236 | 15:45 | hztq | What did the last Adam become? | He became a life-giving spirit. | |||
237 | 15:47 | mp68 | From where did the first man and the second man come? | The first man is of the earth, made of dust. The second man is from heaven. | |||
238 | 15:49 | w438 | Whose image have we borne and whose image will we bear? | Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven. | |||
239 | 15:50 | k3wt | What cannot inherit the kingdom of God? | Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. | |||
240 | 15:51 | isjg | What will happen to all of us? | We will all be changed. | |||
241 | 15:52 | v1or | When and how fast will we be changed? | When the last trumpet sounds, we will be change in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, | |||
242 | 15:54 | er4n | What will happen when this perishable has put on imperishable and this mortal has put on immortality? | Death will be swallowed up in victory. | |||
243 | 15:56 | w1na | What is the sting of death and what is the power of sin? | The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law. | |||
244 | 15:57 | y2zi | Through whom does God give us the victory? | God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! | |||
245 | 15:58 | qmkz | What reason does Paul give for telling the Corinthian brothers and sisters to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord? | He tells them to do this because they know that their work in the Lord is not in vain. | |||
246 | 16:1 | xq9p | Who did Paul direct in the same way as the church at Corinth concerning the collection for the saints? | Paul directed the churches of Galatia in the same way as the church at Corinth. | |||
247 | 16:2 | bw1f | How did Paul tell the church at Corinth to make their collection? | He told them that on the first day of the week each of them was to put something aside and store it up as each one was able, so that there would be no collections when Paul came. | |||
248 | 16:3 | v3nz | To whom was the offering going? | It was going to the saints at Jerusalem. | |||
249 | 16:5 | mh6t | When was Paul going to come to the church at Corinth? | He said he was going to come to them when he passed through Macedonia. | |||
250 | 16:7 | uje8 | Why didn’t Paul want to see the saints in Corinth immediately for a short time? | Paul wanted to visit with them for more than a short time, if the Lord permitted. | |||
251 | 16:8-9 | jqqc | Why was Paul going to stay in Ephesus until Pentecost? | Paul stayed in Ephesus because a wide door had opened for him, and there were many adversaries. | |||
252 | 16:10 | spyj | What was Timothy doing? | He was doing the work of the Lord, just as Paul was. | |||
253 | 16:10-11 | lt0q | What did Paul command the church at Corinth to do concerning Timothy? | Paul told the church at Corinth to see that Timothy was with them unafraid. Paul told them not to despise Timothy and also to help Timothy on his way in peace. | |||
254 | 16:12 | ac6t | What did Paul strongly encourage Apollos to do? | Paul strongly encouraged Apollos to visit the saints at Corinth. | |||
255 | 16:15 | cj11 | Who among the Corinthians had set themselves to the service of the saints? | The household of Stephanas set themselves to the service of the saints. | |||
256 | 16:16 | umfu | What did Paul tell the Corinthian saints to do concerning the household of Stephanas? | Paul told them to be in submission to such people. | |||
257 | 16:17-18 | enlc | What did Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus do for Paul? | They made up for the absence of the Corinthian saints and refreshed Paul’s spirit. | |||
258 | 16:19-20 | c8so | Who sent their greetings to the church at Corinth? | The churches of Asia, Aquila and Priscilla, and all the brothers and sisters sent their greetings to the church at Corinth. | |||
259 | 16:22 | ptjl | What did Paul say concerning those who do not love the Lord? | Paul said, “If any one does not love the Lord, let a curse be on him.” |